using Gtk 4.0; ShortcutsWindow help_overlay { modal: true; ShortcutsSection { ShortcutsGroup { title: _("General"); ShortcutsShortcut { title: C_("shortcut window", "Show Shortcuts"); action-name: ""; } ShortcutsShortcut { title: C_("shortcut window", "Show Apply Dialog"); action-name: "app.apply_color_scheme"; } ShortcutsShortcut { title: C_("shortcut window", "Manage Presets"); action-name: "app.manage_presets"; } ShortcutsShortcut { title: C_("shortcut window", "Save Preset"); action-name: "app.save_preset"; } ShortcutsShortcut { title: C_("shortcut window", "Go to the Colors Section"); action-name: "app.switch_to_colors_page"; } ShortcutsShortcut { title: C_("shortcut window", "Go to the Theming Section"); action-name: "app.switch_to_theming_page"; } ShortcutsShortcut { title: C_("shortcut window", "Go to the Advanced Section"); action-name: "app.switch_to_advanced_page"; } ShortcutsShortcut { title: C_("shortcut window", "Preferences"); action-name: "app.preferences"; } ShortcutsShortcut { title: C_("shortcut window", "Quit"); action-name: "app.quit"; } } } }