using Gtk 4.0; using Adw 1; template GradiencePreferencesWindow : Adw.PreferencesWindow { title: _("Preferences"); default-height: 400; default-width: 600; modal: true; Adw.PreferencesPage { Adw.PreferencesGroup flatpak_group { title: _("GTK 4 Flatpak Applications"); Adw.ActionRow { title: _("Allow GTK 4 Flatpak Applications Theming"); subtitle: _("Override Flatpak permissions for current user to allow GTK 4 Flatpak applications to access custom themes."); activatable-widget: allow_gtk4_flatpak_theming_user; Gtk.Switch allow_gtk4_flatpak_theming_user { valign: center; } } Adw.ActionRow { visible: false; title: _("Allow GTK 4 Flatpak Applications Theming (System)"); subtitle: _("Override Flatpak permissions for all users to allow GTK 4 Flatpak applications to access custom themes. (Requires root access)"); activatable-widget: allow_gtk4_flatpak_theming_global; Gtk.Switch allow_gtk4_flatpak_theming_global { valign: center; } } } Adw.PreferencesGroup gtk3_flatpak_group { title: _("GTK 3 Flatpak Applications"); description: _("Remember to install adw-gtk3 theme (as a Flatpak package) in order to get custom presets working in GTK 3 Flatpak applications."); Adw.ActionRow { title: _("Allow GTK 3 Flatpak theming"); subtitle: _("Override Flatpak permissions for current user to allow GTK 3 Flatpak applications to access adw-gtk3 theme."); activatable-widget: allow_gtk3_flatpak_theming_user; Gtk.Switch allow_gtk3_flatpak_theming_user { valign: center; } } Adw.ActionRow { visible: false; title: _("GTK 3 Flatpak Applications (System)"); subtitle: _("Override Flatpak permissions for all users to allow GTK 3 Flatpak applications to access adw-gtk3 theme. (Requires root access)"); activatable-widget: allow_gtk3_flatpak_theming_global; Gtk.Switch allow_gtk3_flatpak_theming_global { valign: center; } } } Adw.PreferencesGroup custom_repository_group { visible: false; title: _("Custom Preset Repositories"); Adw.ActionRow { title: _("Custom repository URL address"); Gtk.Box { styles ["linked"] orientation: horizontal; Gtk.Entry custom_repository_entry { valign: center; } Gtk.Button custom_repository_apply { valign: center; icon-name: "checkmark-large-symbolic"; } } } } } }