## 🙌 Contribute to Gradience ### Code Fork this repository, then create a push request when you're done adding features or fixing bugs. ### Localization You can help Gradience translate into your native language. If you found any typos or think you can improve a translation, you can use the [Weblate](https://hosted.weblate.org/engage/GradienceTeam) platform. [![Translations](https://hosted.weblate.org/widgets/GradienceTeam/-/gradience/287x66-white.png)](https://hosted.weblate.org/engage/GradienceTeam) ## 🏗️ Building from source ### GNOME Builder GNOME Builder is the environment used for developing this application. It can use Flatpak manifests to create a consistent building and running environment cross-distro. Thus, it is highly recommended you use it. 1. Download [GNOME Builder](https://flathub.org/apps/details/org.gnome.Builder). 2. In Builder, click the "Clone Repository" button at the bottom, using `https://github.com/GradienceTeam/Gradience.git` as the URL. 3. Click the build button at the top once the project is loaded. ### Flatpak Builder `flatpak-builder` is a wrapper around the `flatpak build` command that automates the building of applications and their dependencies. It uses Flatpak manifests to download and pack needed dependencies with compiled program into a single Flatpak image that can be later distributed or installed on your system. We recommend this method if you have problems with GNOME Builder. #### Prerequisites - Flatpak Builder `flatpak-builder` - GNOME SDK runtime `org.gnome.Sdk//44` - GNOME Platform runtime `org.gnome.Platform//44` Install required runtimes: ```shell flatpak install org.gnome.Sdk//44 org.gnome.Platform//44 ``` #### Build Instruction ##### User installation ```shell git clone https://github.com/GradienceTeam/Gradience.git cd Gradience git submodule update --init --recursive flatpak-builder --install --user --force-clean repo/ build-aux/flatpak/com.github.GradienceTeam.Gradience.json ``` ##### System installation ```shell git clone https://github.com/GradienceTeam/Gradience.git cd Gradience git submodule update --init --recursive flatpak-builder --install --system --force-clean repo/ build-aux/flatpak/com.github.GradienceTeam.Gradience.json ``` ### Meson #### Prerequisites The following packages are required to build Gradience: - Python 3 `python` - PyGObject `python-gobject` - Blueprint [`blueprint-compiler`](https://jwestman.pages.gitlab.gnome.org/blueprint-compiler/setup.html) - GTK 4 `gtk4` - Libadwaita (>= 1.2.alpha) `libadwaita` - Libsoup 3 (>= 3.2.0) `libsoup` - Meson `meson` - Ninja `ninja-build` Required Python libraries: ```shell pip install -r requirements.txt ``` #### Build Instruction ##### Global installation ```shell git clone https://github.com/GradienceTeam/Gradience.git cd Gradience git submodule update --init --recursive meson setup builddir meson configure builddir -Dprefix=/usr/local sudo ninja -C builddir install ``` ##### Local build (for testing and development purposes) ```shell git clone https://github.com/GradienceTeam/Gradience.git cd Gradience git submodule update --init --recursive meson setup builddir meson configure builddir -Dprefix="$(pwd)/builddir" ninja -C builddir install ninja -C builddir run ``` > **Note** > During testing and development, as a convenience, you can use the `local.sh` script to quickly rebuild local builds. > If you want to use CLI in local builds, you should type: `./local_cli.sh ` instead of `gradience-cli`.