using Gtk 4.0; using Adw 1; template GradienceCustomCSSGroup : Adw.PreferencesGroup { title: _("Custom CSS"); description: _("Changing this may break some programs. Keep in mind that Libadwaita was made so that applications could hardcode values like paddings and margins. Only GTK 4 CSS will be previewed here."); [header-suffix] DropDown app-type-dropdown { valign: start; model: app-type-list; notify => on_dropdown_notify(); } ScrolledWindow { min-content-height: 500; max-content-height: 500; TextView custom-css-text-view { styles ["custom-css-view", "card"] monospace: true; buffer: TextBuffer { changed => on_custom_css_changed(); }; } } } StringList app-type-list { strings [_("GTK 4"), _("GTK 3")] }