using Gtk 4.0; using Adw 1; template GradienceWelcomeWindow: Adw.Window { resizable: false; deletable: true; modal: true; default-width: 500; default-height: 500; Adw.ToastOverlay toast_overlay { Adw.Leaflet leaflet { can-navigate-back: true; can-unfold: false; Gtk.Box main_view { orientation: vertical; Adw.HeaderBar titlebar { styles ["flat"] centering-policy: strict; [title] Adw.CarouselIndicatorDots { styles ["flat"] carousel: carousel; orientation: horizontal; } } Gtk.Overlay { [overlay] Gtk.Button btn_back { styles ["circular"] margin-start: 12; icon-name: "go-previous-symbolic"; halign: start; valign: center; visible: false; tooltip-text: _("Previous"); } child: Adw.Carousel carousel { vexpand: true; hexpand: true; allow-scroll-wheel: true; allow-mouse-drag: true; allow-long-swipes: false; Gtk.Box { orientation: vertical; vexpand: true; hexpand: true; Gtk.Image img_welcome { resource: "/com/github/GradienceTeam/Gradience/images/welcome.svg"; pixel-size: 256; } Adw.StatusPage page_welcome { title: _("Welcome to Gradience"); description: _("Customize Adwaita with ease"); } } Adw.StatusPage page_gradience { vexpand: true; hexpand: true; icon-name: "larger-brush-symbolic"; title: _("Customize Adwaita Theme"); description: _("Change colors of windows, buttons, lists and more with advanced features like adding custom CSS"); } Adw.StatusPage page_configure { vexpand: true; hexpand: true; title: _("Configure Themes"); description: _("Install adw-gtk3 theme for legacy applications."); Adw.PreferencesPage { Adw.PreferencesGroup { Adw.ActionRow configure_adw_gtk3 { title: _("adw-gtk3 theme"); activatable-widget: switch_adw_gtk3; [suffix] Switch switch_adw_gtk3 { valign: center; tooltip-text: _("Allow installation"); } } Adw.ActionRow configure_system { title: _("System Configuration"); activatable-widget: switch_system; [suffix] Switch switch_system { valign: center; tooltip-text: _("Allow installation"); } } } } } Adw.StatusPage page_download { vexpand: true; hexpand: true; title: _("Installing Themes"); description: _("Please wait until themes will be installed."); Gtk.Box { orientation: vertical; Gtk.Button btn_install { styles ["suggested-action", "pill"] label: _("Continue"); use-underline: true; halign: center; } Gtk.ProgressBar progressbar { halign: center; visible: false; margin-top: 24; margin-bottom: 24; } } } Adw.StatusPage page_finish { vexpand: true; hexpand: true; icon-name: "selection-mode-symbolic"; title: _("Done"); description: _("Now you can make your own presets, or download some online."); Gtk.Box { orientation: vertical; Gtk.Button label_skip { label: _("Please Finish the setup first"); margin-bottom: 24; visible: true; } Gtk.Button btn_close { styles ["suggested-action", "pill"] label: _("Start using Gradience"); use-underline: true; halign: center; visible: true; } } } }; [overlay] Gtk.Button btn_next { styles ["circular", "suggested-action"] margin-end: 12; icon-name: "go-next-symbolic"; halign: end; valign: center; visible: false; tooltip-text: _("Next"); } } } } } }