using Gtk 4.0; using Adw 1; template GradienceMonetThemingGroup : Adw.PreferencesGroup { title: _("Monet Engine"); description: _("Monet is an engine that generates a Material Design 3 palette from extracting image's colors."); Adw.ExpanderRow monet-theming-expander { title: _("Monet Engine Options"); subtitle: _("Choose an image, and change the parameters of a generated Monet palette"); expanded: true; [action] Button monet-apply-button { valign: center; label: _("Apply"); tooltip-text: _("Apply a palette"); clicked => on_apply_button_clicked(); styles ["suggested-action"] } Adw.ActionRow file-chooser-row { title: _("Select an Image"); [suffix] Button file-chooser-button { valign: center; clicked => on_file_chooser_button_clicked(); Adw.ButtonContent { icon-name: "folder-pictures-symbolic"; label: _("Choose a File"); use-underline: true; } } } } } Gtk.FileChooserNative monet-file-chooser { title: _("Choose a Image File"); modal: true; //response => on_monet_file_chooser_response(); }