using Gtk 4.0; using Adw 1; template GradienceShellThemingGroup : Adw.PreferencesGroup { title: _("Shell Engine"); description: _("Shell Engine generates a custom GNOME Shell theme based on the colors of a currently selected preset.\nWARNING: Extensions that modify Shell stylesheet can cause issues with themes."); Adw.ExpanderRow shell-theming-expander { title: _("Shell Engine Options"); subtitle: _("Change the parameters of a generated GNOME Shell theme"); expanded: true; [action] Button shell-apply-button { valign: center; label: _("Apply"); tooltip-text: _("Apply a Shell theme"); clicked => on_apply_button_clicked(); styles ["suggested-action"] } Adw.ActionRow custom-colors-row { title: _("Customize Shell Theme"); [suffix] Button custom-colors-button { valign: center; label: _("Open Shell Preferences"); clicked => on_custom_colors_button_clicked(); } } Adw.ComboRow variant-row { title: _("Preset Variant"); subtitle: _("Select which preset variant you have currently applied"); } } } Adw.ActionRow other-options-row { [prefix] Button restore_libadw_button { valign: center; icon-name: "edit-undo-symbolic"; sensitive: false; //tooltip-text: _("Restore Previous Theme"); tooltip-text: _("Currently unavailable"); clicked => on_restore_button_clicked(); styles ["flat"] } [suffix] Button reset_theme_button { valign: center; label: _("Reset Theme"); tooltip-text: _("Reset an applied theme"); clicked => on_reset_theme_clicked(); styles ["destructive-action"] } }