@APP_ID@ Gradience Change the look of Adwaita, with ease. Gradience Team @APP_ID@.desktop CC0-1.0 GPL-3.0-or-later GradienceTe@proton.me

Gradience is a tool for customizing Libadwaita applications and the adw-gtk3 theme.

With Gradience you can:

This app is written in Python and uses GTK 4 and libadwaita.

colors purple https://raw.githubusercontent.com/GradienceTeam/Design/main/Screenshots/colors_purple.png monet purple https://raw.githubusercontent.com/GradienceTeam/Design/main/Screenshots/monet_purple.png advanced purple https://raw.githubusercontent.com/GradienceTeam/Design/main/Screenshots/advanced_purple.png

Gradience 0.3.0 is a major update with many new features and improvements. Here are some of them:

  • Added plugins support, this allows the creation of plugins to customize other apps
  • Added support for custom preset repos, this allows users to host a collection of presets on their own infrastructure
  • Preset Manager performance are significantly enhanced, it downloads presets faster and the app doesn't freeze on preset removal
  • Added search to Preset Manager
  • Preset Manager is attached to the main window
  • Added Quick Preset Switcher back, with it you can switch presets with less clicks
  • Save dialog now shows up when you close app with unsaved preset
  • Currently applied preset now auto-loads on app start-up
  • Toasts are less annoying
  • Added aarch64 builds

A small bug fix release of Gradience.

  • Small improvements to the welcome screen
  • Fixing release notes

New Release of Gradience.

  • Rebrand
  • Refactoring meson architecture
  • New debug check
  • Switching runtime to GNOME 42 and adding adw 1.2
  • Add more info about monet
  • Add preset manager with option to download other users presets

First release of Gradience.

  • Add AdwViewSwitcher in the header bar
  • Move CSS to the "Advanced" tab
  • Move the rest to the "Colours" tab
  • Add Monet tab which generates a theme from a background
  • Add disk saved and disk unsaved icon in the header bar
  • Update about dialog
  • Change license to GNU GPLv3
  • Begin plugin support
  • Move preset selector to a drop-down called palette (icon palette)
  • Add ability to apply the theme onlyfor dark theme or oy for light theme
  • Automaticly use Adwaita-dark preset if the user prefered scheme is dark.
  • Added Flatpak CI build
  • Added issue template for bug and feature request
  • `Main` branch is now protected by GitHub branch protection. The development is done on `next` branch
@PROJECT_URL@ @BUGTRACKER_URL@ @HELP_URL@ @TRANSLATE_URL@ Utility small small small small pointing keyboard tablet touch offline-only AdwCustomizer Adwaita Manager