using Gtk 4.0; using Adw 1; template GradiencePresetWindow : Adw.Window { title: _("Presets"); default-width: 650; default-height: 500; modal: true; ShortcutController { Shortcut { trigger: "Escape"; action: "action(window.close)"; } } Adw.ToastOverlay toast_overlay { Adw.Leaflet leaflet { can-navigate-back: true; can-unfold: false; Gtk.Box main_view { orientation: vertical; Adw.HeaderBar titlebar { centering-policy: strict; Button import_button { styles ["suggested-action"] label: _("Import"); tooltip-text: _("Import a Preset File"); clicked => on_import_button_clicked(); } Button remove_button { styles ["danger"] label: _("Delete"); visible: false; } [title] Adw.ViewSwitcherTitle title { stack: view_stack; } [end] Button file_manager_button { tooltip-text: _("Open in File Manager"); clicked => on_file_manager_button_clicked(); Adw.ButtonContent { icon-name: "folder-symbolic"; } } } Gtk.Box { orientation: vertical; Adw.ViewStack view_stack { vexpand: true; hexpand: true; Adw.ViewStackPage { name: "installed"; title: _("Installed"); icon-name: "larger-brush-symbolic"; child: Adw.PreferencesPage installed { }; } Adw.ViewStackPage { name: "explore"; title: _("Explore"); icon-name: "web-browser-symbolic"; child: Gtk.ScrolledWindow { Adw.StatusPage { title: _("Search for presets"); description: _("Enter a keyword to search on GradienceTeam/Community."); valign: start; Adw.Clamp { styles ["clamp"] Gtk.Box { orientation: vertical; Gtk.Box { styles ["linked"] Gtk.SearchEntry search_entry { hexpand: true; placeholder-text: _("e.g. \"Pretty Purple\""); } Gtk.DropDown search_dropdown { model: StringList search_string_list { strings [_("All")] }; } } Gtk.Stack search_stack { Gtk.StackPage { name: "page_spinner"; child: Gtk.Spinner search_spinner { valign: start; halign: center; spinning: true; }; } Gtk.StackPage { name: "page_results"; child: Gtk.ListBox search_results { styles ["boxed-list"] valign: start; selection-mode: none; }; } Gtk.StackPage { name: "page_empty"; child: Adw.StatusPage { icon-name: "system-search-symbolic"; title: _("No Results Found"); }; } Gtk.StackPage { name: "page_offline"; child: Adw.StatusPage { icon-name: "network-wireless-offline-symbolic"; title: _("Offline"); }; } } } } } }; } // NOTE: This group is disabled as there isn't yet any implementation of custom repositories in Gradience Adw.ViewStackPage { name: "repos"; title: _("Repositories"); icon-name: "folder-symbolic"; visible: false; child: Adw.PreferencesPage repos { }; } } Adw.ViewSwitcherBar { stack: view_stack; reveal: bind title.title-visible; } } } } } } Gtk.FileChooserNative import_file_chooser { title: _("Import a Preset File (*.json)"); modal: true; } Gtk.FileFilter all_filter { name: _("All files"); mime-types ["application/octet-stream"] } Gtk.FileFilter json_filter { name: _("JSON file (*.json)"); mime-types ["application/json"] }