.. highlight:: shell =================== 🔌️ Troubleshooting =================== Here are described most common issues with Gradience and guides how to fix them Gradience doesn't start ----------------------- There are number of reasons for this, they include the following: * There are error in `gtk.css` * There are issue with current build * There are issue with the package To get more info on why this happens launch Gradience from terminal: For Flatpak: .. code-block:: console $ flatpak run com.github.GradienceTeam.Gradience For System package: .. code-block:: console $ GTK_DEBUG=all gradience If there are no logs, try updating Gradience or reinstalling it, if you are using system package try using Flatpak version instead If the logs mention `gtk.css`, you can try removing both `~/.config/gtk-3.0/gtk.css` and `~/.config/gtk-4.0/gtk.css` using this command: .. code-block:: console $ rm -rf .config/gtk-4.0 .config/gtk-3.0 Theme are reset after reboot or on next login --------------------------------------------- This issue is very common, it is caused either by `Custom Accent Colors` or `Material You Color Theming` extensions, this happens because they override the `gtk.css` theming file with their own, to solve that simply disable those extensions and re-apply the preset Gradience looks broken ---------------------- This can be caused by a lot of factors, some of them include: * There are theme applied that are not compatible with Libadwaita * There are set hardcoded theme in environment or in Flatpak override * Your distribution are shipping custom theme out-of-the-box To fix it try the following: Set system theme to default `Adwaita` using: ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ * GNOME Tweaks * This command: .. code-block:: console $ gsettings set org.gnome.desktop.interface gtk-theme 'Adwaita' Check the `settings.ini` files and remove lines that contain `gtk-theme` ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. code-block:: console $ cat ~/.config/gtk-3.0/settings.ini .. code-block:: console $ cat ~/.config/gtk-4.0/settings.ini Check if there are theme override in environment: ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. code-block:: console $ cat ~/.bash_profile .. code-block:: console $ cat ~/.bashrc Remove `GTK_THEME=` if present ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Check if there are theme overrides for Flatpak: User: .. code-block:: console $ cat ~/.local/share/flatpak/overrides/global System: .. code-block:: console $ cat /var/lib/flatpak/overrides/global If the file are something like this: .. code-block:: [Context] filesystems=/home/JohnDoe/.themes;/home/JohnDoe/.icons;/home/JohnDoe/.local/share/themes;/home/JohnDoe/.local/share/icons; [Environment] GTK_THEME= Then remove the `GTK_THEME=`, in some cases adding `unset-environment=GTK_THEME;` to `[Context]` is required My issue are not described here, what I can do? ----------------------------------------------- You can ask for help in our `Matrix `_ or `Discord `_ rooms, we will try our best to help you