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.. highlight:: shell
⚙️ CLI
In version 0.4.0 we introduced an initial command-line interface, with a basic set of features from Gradience UI.
How to launch CLI
There are two different ways to launch CLI, one is for Flatpak version of Gradience, and another is for Gradience installed from other sources.
Flatpak approach:
If using Gradience as a Flatpak package, launch CLI with:
.. code-block:: console
flatpak run --command=gradience-cli com.github.GradienceTeam.Gradience --help
Alternative approach:
Launch CLI with a dedicated command: ``gradience-cli``
CLI global help:
.. code-block:: console
usage: gradience-cli [-h] [-V] {presets,favorites,import,apply,download,monet,access-file,flatpak-overrides} ...
Gradience - Change the look of Adwaita, with ease
positional arguments:
presets list installed presets
favorites list favorite presets
import import a preset
apply apply a preset
download download preset from a preset repository
monet generate Material You preset from an image
access-file allow or disallow Gradience to access a certain file or directory
flatpak-overrides enable or disable Flatpak theming
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-V, --version show program's version number and exit
Available arguments
.. code-block:: console
usage: gradience-cli presets [-h] [-j]
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-j, --json print out a result of this command directly in JSON format
.. code-block:: console
usage: gradience-cli favorites [-h] [-a PRESET_NAME] [-r PRESET_NAME] [-j]
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-a PRESET_NAME, --add-preset PRESET_NAME
add a preset to favorites
-r PRESET_NAME, --remove-preset PRESET_NAME
remove a preset from favorites
-j, --json print out a result of this command directly in JSON format
.. code-block:: console
usage: gradience-cli import [-h] -p PRESET_PATH
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-p PRESET_PATH, --preset-path PRESET_PATH
absolute path to a preset file
.. code-block:: console
usage: gradience-cli apply [-h] (-n PRESET_NAME | -p PRESET_PATH) [--gtk {gtk4,gtk3,both}]
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-n PRESET_NAME, --preset-name PRESET_NAME
display name for a preset
-p PRESET_PATH, --preset-path PRESET_PATH
absolute path to a preset file
--gtk {gtk4,gtk3,both}
types of applications you want to theme (default: gtk4)
.. code-block:: console
usage: gradience-cli download [-h] -n PRESET_NAME
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-n PRESET_NAME, --preset-name PRESET_NAME
name of a preset you want to get
.. code-block:: console
usage: gradience-cli monet [-h] -n PRESET_NAME -p IMAGE_PATH [--tone TONE] [--theme {light,dark}] [-j]
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-n PRESET_NAME, --preset-name PRESET_NAME
name for a generated preset
-p IMAGE_PATH, --image-path IMAGE_PATH
absolute path to image
--tone TONE a tone for colors (default: 20)
--theme {light,dark} choose whatever it should be a light or dark theme (default: light)
-j, --json print out a result of this command directly in JSON format
.. code-block:: console
usage: gradience-cli access-file [-h] [-l] [-a PATH | -d PATH]
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-l, --list list allowed directories and files
-a PATH, --allow PATH
allow Gradience access to this file or directory
-d PATH, --disallow PATH
disallow Gradience access to this file or directory
.. code-block:: console
usage: gradience-cli flatpak-overrides [-h] (-e {gtk4,gtk3,both} | -d {gtk4,gtk3,both})
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-e {gtk4,gtk3,both}, --enable-theming {gtk4,gtk3,both}
enable overrides for Flatpak theming
-d {gtk4,gtk3,both}, --disable-theming {gtk4,gtk3,both}
disable overrides for Flatpak theming
Raw JSON output
Some commands contain local parameter ``--json`` to help developers in implementing interactions with Gradience. Currently it can only be used with a handful of available arguments, but there are plans to extend this feature to all arguments. This parameter when used with supported argument, will output argument result in JSON format.
Example with ``favorites`` command:
.. code-block:: console
$ gradience-cli favorites --json
{"favorites": ["Oblivion", "Peninsula", "Kate", "Yaru Dark", "Cobalt Dark", "Nord Dark"], "amount": 6}