
Chit-chat with an AI

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## Usage Documentation is available [here]( ## Installation ### Flatpak You can either use your GNOME Software and search for "Bavarder" or you can run ``` shell flatpak install io.github.Bavarder.Bavarder ``` ### Latest You can download a flatpak from the latest commit [here]( Download the file and run: ``` flatpak install bavarder.flatpak ``` #### From Source Clone the repo and run `flatpak-builder` ``` shell git clone # or cd Bavarder flatpak-builder --install --user --force-clean repo/ build-aux/flatpak/io.github.Bavarder.Bavarder.json ``` ### Others You can see more install methods on the [website]( ## Contribute The [GNOME Code of Conduct]( is applicable to this project See [``](./ for a list of articles and posts about Bavarder ### Translate Translation status You can translate Bavarder using Codeberg Translate ### Mirrors - [GitHub]( - [Codeberg]( ## About the name Bavarder is a french word, the definiton of Bavarder is "Parler abondamment de choses sans grande portée" (Talking a lot about things that don't matter) (Larousse) which can be translated by Chit-Chat (informal conversation about matters that are not important). For non-french speakers, Bavarder can be hard to speak, it's prounouced as [bavaʀde]. Hear [here]( ## See also ### [Imaginer : Imagine with AI]( A tool for generating pictures with AI (GNOME app) - [GitHub]( - [Codeberg](