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2020-09-18 11:51:21 -05:00

6 lines
481 B

FROM archlinux
RUN pacman -Syu --noconfirm && pacman -S docker --noconfirm && pacman -Scc --noconfirm
RUN echo $'if [ ! -f .docker_setup_complete ] && [ $DEPTH != 1 ]\nthen\n\t>.docker_setup_complete\n\tdockerd &>/dev/null & disown\n\twhile (! docker stats --no-stream )\n\tdo\n\t\techo "Waiting for Docker to launch..."\n\t\tsleep 1\n\tdone\n\tdocker run --privileged -it -e DEPTH=$((DEPTH-1)) --name arch-all-the-way-down ta180m/arch-all-the-way-down\nfi' > ~root/.bashrc