/* ____ _ _ _ ______ _____ | _ \ | | \ | | ____|/ ____| | |_) | __ _ __| | \| | |__ | (___ | _ < / _` |/ _` | . ` | __| \___ \ | |_) | (_| | (_| | |\ | |____ ____) | |____/ \__,_|\__,_|_| \_|______|_____/ EMULATOR */ #include #include #define NTH_BIT(x, n) (((x) >> (n)) & 1) typedef uint8_t u8; typedef int8_t s8; typedef uint16_t u16; typedef int16_t s16; typedef uint32_t u32; typedef int32_t s32; typedef uint64_t u64; typedef int64_t s64; typedef long cpu_time_t; // CPU clock cycle count typedef unsigned cpu_addr_t; // 16-bit memory address // Initial declarations namespace APU { template u8 access(int elapsed, u16 addr, u8 v = 0); } namespace CPU { enum IntType { NMI, RESET, IRQ, BRK }; // Interrupt type typedef u16 (*Mode)(void); // Addressing mode enum Flag { C, Z, I, D, V, N }; // Processor flags class Flags { bool f[6]; public: bool& operator[] (const int i) { return f[i]; } u8 get() { return f[C] | f[Z] << 1 | f[I] << 2 | f[D] << 3 | 1 << 5 | f[V] << 6 | f[N] << 7; } void set(u8 p) { f[C] = NTH_BIT(p, 0), f[Z] = NTH_BIT(p, 1), f[I] = NTH_BIT(p, 2), f[D] = NTH_BIT(p, 3), f[V] = NTH_BIT(p, 6), f[N] = NTH_BIT(p, 7); } }; int dmc_read(void*, cpu_addr_t addr); void set_nmi(bool v = true), set_irq(bool v = true), power(), run_frame(); // Save states struct save_state { u8 A, X, Y, S, ram[0x800]; u16 PC; CPU::Flags P; bool nmi, irq; }; void save(), load(); } namespace PPU { enum Scanline { VISIBLE, POST, NMI, PRE }; enum Mirroring { VERTICAL, HORIZONTAL, ONE_SCREEN_HI, ONE_SCREEN_LO, FOUR_SCREEN }; struct Sprite { // Sprite buffer // Index in OAM, X position, Y position, Tile index, Attributes, Tile data (low), Tile data (high) u8 id, x, y, tile, attr, dataL, dataH; }; union Ctrl { // PPUCTRL ($2000) register struct { // Nametable, Address increment, Sprite pattern table, BG pattern table, Sprite size, PPU master/slave, Enable NMI unsigned nt : 2, incr : 1, sprTbl : 1, bgTbl : 1, sprSz : 1, slave : 1, nmi : 1; }; u8 r; }; union Mask { // PPUMASK ($2001) register struct { // Grayscale; Show background in leftmost 8 pixels, sprite in leftmost 8 pixels, background, sprites; Intensify reds, greens, blues unsigned gray : 1, bgLeft : 1, sprLeft : 1, bg : 1, spr : 1, red : 1, green : 1, blue : 1; }; u8 r; }; union Status { // PPUSTATUS ($2002) register struct { // Not significant, Sprite overflow, Sprite 0 Hit, In VBlank unsigned bus : 5, sprOvf : 1, sprHit : 1, vBlank : 1; }; u8 r; }; union Addr { // Loopy's VRAM address struct { // Coarse X, Coarse Y, Nametable, Fine Y unsigned cX : 5, cY : 5, nt : 2, fY : 3; }; struct { unsigned l : 8, h : 7; }; unsigned addr : 14, r : 15; }; template u8 access(u16 index, u8 v = 0); void set_mirroring(Mirroring mode), step(), reset(); // Save states struct save_state { u8 ciRam[0x800], cgRam[0x20], oamMem[0x100]; Sprite oam[8], secOam[8]; u32 pixels[256 * 240]; Ctrl ctrl; Mask mask; Status status; }; void save(), load(); } namespace Cartridge { template u8 access(u16 addr, u8 v = 0); template u8 chr_access(u16 addr, u8 v = 0); void signal_scanline(), load(const char *fileName); } namespace Joypad { u8 read_state(int n); void write_strobe(bool v); } namespace GUI { const unsigned WIDTH = 256, HEIGHT = 240; // Screen size int query_button(); void init(), run(), save(), load(); void new_frame(u32* pixels); u8 get_joypad_state(int n); SDL_Scancode query_key(); } // Mappers class Mapper { u8* rom; bool chrRam = false; protected: u8 *prg, *chr, *prgRam; u32 prgSize, chrSize, prgRamSize, prgMap[4], chrMap[8]; template void map_prg(int slot, int bank); template void map_chr(int slot, int bank); public: Mapper(u8* rom); ~Mapper(); u8 read(u16 addr), chr_read(u16 addr); virtual u8 write(u16 addr, u8 v) { return v; } virtual u8 chr_write(u16 addr, u8 v) { return v; } virtual void signal_scanline() {} }; Mapper::Mapper(u8* rom) : rom(rom) { // Read infos from header prgSize = rom[4] * 0x4000, chrSize = rom[5] * 0x2000; prgRamSize = rom[8] ? rom[8] * 0x2000 : 0x2000; set_mirroring((rom[6] & 1) ? PPU::VERTICAL : PPU::HORIZONTAL); this->prg = rom + 16, this->prgRam = new u8[prgRamSize]; if (chrSize) this->chr = rom + 16 + prgSize; // CHR ROM else { chrRam = true, chrSize = 0x2000, this->chr = new u8[chrSize]; } // CHR RAM } Mapper::~Mapper() { delete rom; delete prgRam; if (chrRam) delete chr; } // Access to memory u8 Mapper::read(u16 addr) { return addr >= 0x8000 ? prg[prgMap[(addr - 0x8000) / 0x2000] + ((addr - 0x8000) % 0x2000)] : prgRam[addr - 0x6000]; } u8 Mapper::chr_read(u16 addr) { return chr[chrMap[addr / 0x400] + (addr % 0x400)]; } template void Mapper::map_prg(int slot, int bank) { // PRG mapping functions if (bank < 0) bank = (prgSize / (0x400*pageKBs)) + bank; for (int i = 0; i < (pageKBs/8); i++) prgMap[(pageKBs/8) * slot + i] = (pageKBs*0x400*bank + 0x2000*i) % prgSize; } template void Mapper::map_prg<32>(int, int); template void Mapper::map_prg<16>(int, int); template void Mapper::map_prg<8> (int, int); template void Mapper::map_chr(int slot, int bank) { // CHR mapping functions for (int i = 0; i < pageKBs; i++) chrMap[pageKBs*slot + i] = (pageKBs*0x400*bank + 0x400*i) % chrSize; } template void Mapper::map_chr<8>(int, int); template void Mapper::map_chr<4>(int, int); template void Mapper::map_chr<2>(int, int); template void Mapper::map_chr<1>(int, int); class Mapper0 : public Mapper { public: Mapper0(u8* rom) : Mapper(rom) { map_prg<32>(0, 0); map_chr<8> (0, 0); } }; class Mapper1 : public Mapper { int writeN; u8 tmpReg, regs[4]; void apply() { // Apply the registers state if (regs[0] & 0b1000) { // 16KB PRG // 0x8000 swappable, 0xC000 fixed to bank 0x0F if (regs[0] & 0b100) { map_prg<16>(0, regs[3] & 0xF); map_prg<16>(1, 0xF); } // 0x8000 fixed to bank 0x00, 0xC000 swappable else { map_prg<16>(0, 0); map_prg<16>(1, regs[3] & 0xF); } } else map_prg<32>(0, (regs[3] & 0xF) >> 1); // 32KB PRG if (regs[0] & 0b10000) { map_chr<4>(0, regs[1]); map_chr<4>(1, regs[2]); } // 4KB CHR else map_chr<8>(0, regs[1] >> 1); // 8KB CHR switch (regs[0] & 0b11) { // Set mirroring case 0: set_mirroring(PPU::ONE_SCREEN_LO); break; case 1: set_mirroring(PPU::ONE_SCREEN_HI); break; case 2: set_mirroring(PPU::VERTICAL); break; case 3: set_mirroring(PPU::HORIZONTAL); break; } } public: Mapper1(u8* rom) : Mapper(rom) { regs[0] = 0x0C; writeN = tmpReg = regs[1] = regs[2] = regs[3] = 0; apply(); } u8 write(u16 addr, u8 v) { if (addr < 0x8000) prgRam[addr - 0x6000] = v; // PRG RAM write else if (addr & 0x8000) { // Mapper register write if (v & 0x80) { writeN = tmpReg = 0; regs[0] |= 0x0C; apply(); } // Reset else { tmpReg = ((v & 1) << 4) | (tmpReg >> 1); // Write a bit into the temporary register if (++writeN == 5) { regs[(addr >> 13) & 0b11] = tmpReg; writeN = tmpReg = 0; apply(); } // Finished writing all the bits } } return v; } u8 chr_write(u16 addr, u8 v) { return chr[addr] = v; } }; class Mapper2 : public Mapper { u8 regs[1]; bool vertical_mirroring; void apply() { // Apply the registers state // 16 kb PRG ROM Banks: 0x8000 - 0xBFFF swappable, 0xC000 - 0xFFFF fixed map_prg<16>(0, regs[0] & 0xF); map_prg<16>(1, 0xF); map_chr<8>(0, 0); // 8k of CHR set_mirroring(vertical_mirroring?PPU::VERTICAL:PPU::HORIZONTAL); // mirroring is based on the header (soldered) } public: Mapper2(u8* rom) : Mapper(rom) { regs[0] = 0; vertical_mirroring = rom[6] & 0x01; apply(); } u8 write(u16 addr, u8 v) { if (addr & 0x8000) { regs[0] = v; apply(); } // bank switching return v; } u8 chr_write(u16 addr, u8 v) { return chr[addr] = v; } }; class Mapper3 : public Mapper { u8 regs[1]; bool vertical_mirroring, PRG_size_16k; void apply() { // Apply the registers state if (PRG_size_16k) { map_prg<16>(0,0); map_prg<16>(1,0); } // mirror the bottom on the top: 0x8000 - 0xBFFF == 0xC000 - 0xFFFF else { map_prg<16>(0,0); map_prg<16>(1,1); } // no mirroring map_chr<8>(0, regs[0] & 0b11); // 8k bankswitched CHR set_mirroring(vertical_mirroring?PPU::VERTICAL:PPU::HORIZONTAL); // mirroring is based on the header (soldered) } public: Mapper3(u8* rom) : Mapper(rom) { PRG_size_16k = rom[4] == 1; vertical_mirroring = rom[6] & 0x01; regs[0] = 0; apply(); } u8 write(u16 addr, u8 v) { if (addr & 0x8000) { regs[0] = v; apply(); } // chr bank switching return v; } u8 chr_write(u16 addr, u8 v) { return chr[addr] = v; } }; class Mapper4 : public Mapper { u8 reg8000, regs[8], irqPeriod, irqCounter; bool horizMirroring, irqEnabled; void apply() { // Apply the registers state map_prg<8>(1, regs[7]); if (!(reg8000 & (1 << 6))) { map_prg<8>(0, regs[6]); map_prg<8>(2, -2); } // PRG Mode 0 else { map_prg<8>(0, -2); map_prg<8>(2, regs[6]); } // PRG Mode 1 if (!(reg8000 & (1 << 7))) { // CHR Mode 0 map_chr<2>(0, regs[0] >> 1); map_chr<2>(1, regs[1] >> 1); for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) map_chr<1>(4 + i, regs[2 + i]); } else { // CHR Mode 1 for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) map_chr<1>(i, regs[2 + i]); map_chr<2>(2, regs[0] >> 1); map_chr<2>(3, regs[1] >> 1); } set_mirroring(horizMirroring ? PPU::HORIZONTAL : PPU::VERTICAL); } public: Mapper4(u8* rom) : Mapper(rom) { for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++) regs[i] = 0; horizMirroring = true; irqEnabled = false; irqPeriod = irqCounter = 0; map_prg<8>(3, -1); apply(); } u8 write(u16 addr, u8 v) { if (addr < 0x8000) prgRam[addr - 0x6000] = v; else if (addr & 0x8000) { switch (addr & 0xE001) { case 0x8000: reg8000 = v; break; case 0x8001: regs[reg8000 & 0b111] = v; break; case 0xA000: horizMirroring = v & 1; break; case 0xC000: irqPeriod = v; break; case 0xC001: irqCounter = 0; break; case 0xE000: CPU::set_irq(irqEnabled = false); break; case 0xE001: irqEnabled = true; break; } apply(); } return v; } u8 chr_write(u16 addr, u8 v) { return chr[addr] = v; } void signal_scanline() { irqCounter == 0 ? irqCounter = irqPeriod : --irqCounter; if (irqEnabled and irqCounter == 0) CPU::set_irq(); } }; class Mapper7 : public Mapper { u8 regs[1]; void apply() { // Apply the registers state map_prg<32>(0, regs[0] & 0b00001111); // 32 kb PRG ROM Banks, 0x8000 - 0xFFFF swappable map_chr<8>(0, 0); // 8k of CHR (ram) set_mirroring((regs[0] & 0b00010000) ? PPU::ONE_SCREEN_HI : PPU::ONE_SCREEN_LO); // Mirroring based on bit 5 } public: Mapper7(u8* rom) : Mapper(rom) { regs[0] = 0; apply(); } u8 write(u16 addr, u8 v) { if (addr & 0x8000) { regs[0] = v; apply(); } // Bank switching return v; } u8 chr_write(u16 addr, u8 v) { return chr[addr] = v; } }; // Actual code namespace APU { const int OUT_SIZE = 4096; template u8 access(int elapsed, u16 addr, u8 v) { return v; } template u8 access<0>(int, u16, u8); template u8 access<1>(int, u16, u8); } namespace CPU { u8 A, X, Y, S, ram[0x800]; u16 PC; Flags P; bool nmi, irq; // CPU state save_state ss; // Save state // Remaining clocks to end frame const int TOTAL_CYCLES = 29781; int remainingCycles; inline int elapsed() { return TOTAL_CYCLES - remainingCycles; } // Cycle emulation #define T tick() inline void tick() { PPU::step(); PPU::step(); PPU::step(); remainingCycles--; } // Flags updating inline void upd_cv(u8 x, u8 y, s16 r) { P[C] = (r>0xFF); P[V] = ~(x^y) & (x^r) & 0x80; } inline void upd_nz(u8 x) { P[N] = x & 0x80; P[Z] = (x == 0); } inline bool cross(u16 a, u8 i) { return ((a+i) & 0xFF00) != ((a & 0xFF00)); } // Does adding I to A cross a page? // Memory access void dma_oam(u8 bank); template inline u8 access(u16 addr, u8 v = 0) { u8* r; switch (addr) { case 0x0000 ... 0x1FFF: r = &ram[addr % 0x800]; if (wr) *r = v; return *r; // RAM case 0x2000 ... 0x3FFF: return PPU::access(addr % 8, v); // PPU case 0x4000 ... 0x4013: // APU case 0x4015: return APU::access(elapsed(), addr, v); case 0x4017: if (wr) return APU::access(elapsed(), addr, v); else return Joypad::read_state(1); // Joypad 1 case 0x4014: if (wr) dma_oam(v); break; // OAM DMA case 0x4016: if (wr) { Joypad::write_strobe(v & 1); break; } // Joypad strobe else return Joypad::read_state(0); // Joypad 0 case 0x4018 ... 0xFFFF: return Cartridge::access(addr, v); // Cartridge } return 0; } inline u8 wr(u16 a, u8 v) { T; return access<1>(a, v); } inline u8 rd(u16 a) { T; return access<0>(a); } inline u16 rd16_d(u16 a, u16 b) { return rd(a) | (rd(b) << 8); } // Read from A and B and merge inline u16 rd16(u16 a) { return rd16_d(a, a+1); } inline u8 push(u8 v) { return wr(0x100 + (S--), v); } inline u8 pop() { return rd(0x100 + (++S)); } void dma_oam(u8 bank) { for (int i = 0; i < 256; i++) wr(0x2014, rd(bank*0x100 + i)); } // Addressing modes inline u16 imm() { return PC++; } inline u16 imm16() { PC += 2; return PC - 2; } inline u16 abs() { return rd16(imm16()); } inline u16 _abx() { T; return abs() + X; } // Exception inline u16 abx() { u16 a = abs(); if (cross(a, X)) T; return a + X; } inline u16 aby() { u16 a = abs(); if (cross(a, Y)) T; return a + Y; } inline u16 zp() { return rd(imm()); } inline u16 zpx() { T; return (zp() + X) % 0x100; } inline u16 zpy() { T; return (zp() + Y) % 0x100; } inline u16 izx() { u8 i = zpx(); return rd16_d(i, (i+1) % 0x100); } inline u16 _izy() { u8 i = zp(); return rd16_d(i, (i+1) % 0x100) + Y; } // Exception inline u16 izy() { u16 a = _izy(); if (cross(a-Y, Y)) T; return a; } // STx template void st() { wr( m() , r); } template<> void st() { T; wr(_izy() , A); } // Exceptions template<> void st() { T; wr( abs() + X, A); } // ... template<> void st() { T; wr( abs() + Y, A); } // ... #define G u16 a = m(); u8 p = rd(a) // Fetch parameter template void ld() { G; upd_nz(r = p); } // LDx template void cmp() { G; upd_nz(r - p); P[C] = (r >= p); } // CMP, CPx // Arithmetic and bitwise template void ADC() { G ; s16 r = A + p + P[C]; upd_cv(A, p, r); upd_nz(A = r); } template void SBC() { G ^ 0xFF; s16 r = A + p + P[C]; upd_cv(A, p, r); upd_nz(A = r); } template void BIT() { G; P[Z] = !(A & p); P[N] = p & 0x80; P[V] = p & 0x40; } template void AND() { G; upd_nz(A &= p); } template void EOR() { G; upd_nz(A ^= p); } template void ORA() { G; upd_nz(A |= p); } // Read-Modify-Write template void ASL() { G; P[C] = p & 0x80; T; upd_nz(wr(a, p << 1)); } template void LSR() { G; P[C] = p & 0x01; T; upd_nz(wr(a, p >> 1)); } template void ROL() { G; u8 c = P[C] ; P[C] = p & 0x80; T; upd_nz(wr(a, (p << 1) | c) ); } template void ROR() { G; u8 c = P[C] << 7; P[C] = p & 0x01; T; upd_nz(wr(a, c | (p >> 1)) ); } template void DEC() { G; T; upd_nz(wr(a, --p)); } template void INC() { G; T; upd_nz(wr(a, ++p)); } #undef G // DEx, INx template void dec() { upd_nz(--r); T; } template void inc() { upd_nz(++r); T; } // Bit shifting on the accumulator void ASL_A() { P[C] = A & 0x80; upd_nz(A <<= 1); T; } void LSR_A() { P[C] = A & 0x01; upd_nz(A >>= 1); T; } void ROL_A() { u8 c = P[C] ; P[C] = A & 0x80; upd_nz(A = ((A << 1) | c) ); T; } void ROR_A() { u8 c = P[C] << 7; P[C] = A & 0x01; upd_nz(A = (c | (A >> 1)) ); T; } // Txx (move values between registers) template void tr() { upd_nz(d = s); T; } template<> void tr() { S = X; T; } // TSX, exception // Stack operations void PLP() { T; T; P.set(pop()); } void PHP() { T; push(P.get() | (1 << 4)); } // B flag set. void PLA() { T; T; A = pop(); upd_nz(A); } void PHA() { T; push(A); } template void br() { // Flow control (branches, jumps) s8 j = rd(imm()); if (P[f] == v) { if (cross(PC, j)) T; T; PC += j; } } void JMP_IND() { u16 i = rd16(imm16()); PC = rd16_d(i, (i&0xFF00) | ((i+1) % 0x100)); } void JMP() { PC = rd16(imm16()); } void JSR() { u16 t = PC+1; T; push(t >> 8); push(t); PC = rd16(imm16()); } // Return instructions void RTS() { T; T; PC = (pop() | (pop() << 8)) + 1; T; } void RTI() { PLP(); PC = pop() | (pop() << 8); } template void flag() { P[f] = v; T; } // Clear and set flags. template void INT() { T; if (t != BRK) T; // BRK already performed the fetch if (t != RESET) { // Writes on stack are inhibited on RESET push(PC >> 8); push(PC & 0xFF); push(P.get() | ((t == BRK) << 4)); // Set B if BRK } else { S -= 3; T; T; T; } P[I] = true; // NMI Reset IRQ BRK constexpr u16 vect[] = { 0xFFFA, 0xFFFC, 0xFFFE, 0xFFFE }; PC = rd16(vect[t]); if (t == NMI) nmi = false; } void NOP() { T; } void exec() { // Execute a CPU instruction switch (rd(PC++)) { // Fetch the opcode and select the right function to emulate the instruction: case 0x00: return INT() ; case 0x01: return ORA() ; case 0x05: return ORA() ; case 0x06: return ASL() ; case 0x08: return PHP() ; case 0x09: return ORA() ; case 0x0A: return ASL_A() ; case 0x0D: return ORA() ; case 0x0E: return ASL() ; case 0x10: return br() ; case 0x11: return ORA() ; case 0x15: return ORA() ; case 0x16: return ASL() ; case 0x18: return flag() ; case 0x19: return ORA() ; case 0x1D: return ORA() ; case 0x1E: return ASL<_abx>() ; case 0x20: return JSR() ; case 0x21: return AND() ; case 0x24: return BIT() ; case 0x25: return AND() ; case 0x26: return ROL() ; case 0x28: return PLP() ; case 0x29: return AND() ; case 0x2A: return ROL_A() ; case 0x2C: return BIT() ; case 0x2D: return AND() ; case 0x2E: return ROL() ; case 0x30: return br() ; case 0x31: return AND() ; case 0x35: return AND() ; case 0x36: return ROL() ; case 0x38: return flag() ; case 0x39: return AND() ; case 0x3D: return AND() ; case 0x3E: return ROL<_abx>() ; case 0x40: return RTI() ; case 0x41: return EOR() ; case 0x45: return EOR() ; case 0x46: return LSR() ; case 0x48: return PHA() ; case 0x49: return EOR() ; case 0x4A: return LSR_A() ; case 0x4C: return JMP() ; case 0x4D: return EOR() ; case 0x4E: return LSR() ; case 0x50: return br() ; case 0x51: return EOR() ; case 0x55: return EOR() ; case 0x56: return LSR() ; case 0x58: return flag() ; case 0x59: return EOR() ; case 0x5D: return EOR() ; case 0x5E: return LSR<_abx>() ; case 0x60: return RTS() ; case 0x61: return ADC() ; case 0x65: return ADC() ; case 0x66: return ROR() ; case 0x68: return PLA() ; case 0x69: return ADC() ; case 0x6A: return ROR_A() ; case 0x6C: return JMP_IND() ; case 0x6D: return ADC() ; case 0x6E: return ROR() ; case 0x70: return br() ; case 0x71: return ADC() ; case 0x75: return ADC() ; case 0x76: return ROR() ; case 0x78: return flag() ; case 0x79: return ADC() ; case 0x7D: return ADC() ; case 0x7E: return ROR<_abx>() ; case 0x81: return st() ; case 0x84: return st() ; case 0x85: return st() ; case 0x86: return st() ; case 0x88: return dec() ; case 0x8A: return tr() ; case 0x8C: return st() ; case 0x8D: return st() ; case 0x8E: return st() ; case 0x90: return br() ; case 0x91: return st() ; case 0x94: return st() ; case 0x95: return st() ; case 0x96: return st() ; case 0x98: return tr() ; case 0x99: return st() ; case 0x9A: return tr() ; case 0x9D: return st() ; case 0xA0: return ld() ; case 0xA1: return ld() ; case 0xA2: return ld() ; case 0xA4: return ld() ; case 0xA5: return ld() ; case 0xA6: return ld() ; case 0xA8: return tr() ; case 0xA9: return ld() ; case 0xAA: return tr() ; case 0xAC: return ld() ; case 0xAD: return ld() ; case 0xAE: return ld() ; case 0xB0: return br() ; case 0xB1: return ld() ; case 0xB4: return ld() ; case 0xB5: return ld() ; case 0xB6: return ld() ; case 0xB8: return flag() ; case 0xB9: return ld() ; case 0xBA: return tr() ; case 0xBC: return ld() ; case 0xBD: return ld() ; case 0xBE: return ld() ; case 0xC0: return cmp(); case 0xC1: return cmp(); case 0xC4: return cmp() ; case 0xC5: return cmp() ; case 0xC6: return DEC() ; case 0xC8: return inc() ; case 0xC9: return cmp(); case 0xCA: return dec() ; case 0xCC: return cmp(); case 0xCD: return cmp(); case 0xCE: return DEC() ; case 0xD0: return br() ; case 0xD1: return cmp(); case 0xD5: return cmp(); case 0xD6: return DEC() ; case 0xD8: return flag() ; case 0xD9: return cmp(); case 0xDD: return cmp(); case 0xDE: return DEC<_abx>() ; case 0xE0: return cmp(); case 0xE1: return SBC() ; case 0xE4: return cmp() ; case 0xE5: return SBC() ; case 0xE6: return INC() ; case 0xE8: return inc() ; case 0xE9: return SBC() ; case 0xEA: return NOP() ; case 0xEC: return cmp(); case 0xED: return SBC() ; case 0xEE: return INC() ; case 0xF0: return br() ; case 0xF1: return SBC() ; case 0xF5: return SBC() ; case 0xF6: return INC() ; case 0xF8: return flag() ; case 0xF9: return SBC() ; case 0xFD: return SBC() ; case 0xFE: return INC<_abx>() ; default: std::cout << "Invalid Opcode! PC: " << PC << " Opcode: 0x" << std::hex << (int)(rd(PC - 1)) << "\n"; return NOP(); } } void set_nmi(bool v) { nmi = v; } void set_irq(bool v) { irq = v; } int dmc_read(void*, cpu_addr_t addr) { return access<0>(addr); } void power() { // Turn on the CPU remainingCycles = 0; P.set(0x04); A = X = Y = S = 0x00; memset(ram, 0xFF, sizeof(ram)); nmi = irq = false; INT(); } void run_frame() { // Run the CPU for roughly a frame remainingCycles += TOTAL_CYCLES; while (remainingCycles > 0) { if (nmi) INT(); else if (irq and !P[I]) INT(); exec(); } } void save() { // Save state ss.A = A, ss.X = X, ss.Y = Y, ss.S = S, ss.PC = PC, ss.P = P, ss.nmi = nmi, ss.irq = irq; memcpy(ss.ram, ram, sizeof ram); } void load() { // Load state A = ss.A, X = ss.X, Y = ss.Y, S = ss.S, PC = ss.PC, P = ss.P, nmi = ss.nmi, irq = ss.irq; memcpy(ram, ss.ram, sizeof ram); } } namespace PPU { u32 nesRgb[] = { 0x7C7C7C, 0x0000FC, 0x0000BC, 0x4428BC, 0x940084, 0xA80020, 0xA81000, 0x881400, 0x503000, 0x007800, 0x006800, 0x005800, 0x004058, 0x000000, 0x000000, 0x000000, 0xBCBCBC, 0x0078F8, 0x0058F8, 0x6844FC, 0xD800CC, 0xE40058, 0xF83800, 0xE45C10, 0xAC7C00, 0x00B800, 0x00A800, 0x00A844, 0x008888, 0x000000, 0x000000, 0x000000, 0xF8F8F8, 0x3CBCFC, 0x6888FC, 0x9878F8, 0xF878F8, 0xF85898, 0xF87858, 0xFCA044, 0xF8B800, 0xB8F818, 0x58D854, 0x58F898, 0x00E8D8, 0x787878, 0x000000, 0x000000, 0xFCFCFC, 0xA4E4FC, 0xB8B8F8, 0xD8B8F8, 0xF8B8F8, 0xF8A4C0, 0xF0D0B0, 0xFCE0A8, 0xF8D878, 0xD8F878, 0xB8F8B8, 0xB8F8D8, 0x00FCFC, 0xF8D8F8, 0x000000, 0x000000 }; Mirroring mirroring; // Mirroring mode u8 ciRam[0x800], cgRam[0x20], oamMem[0x100]; // VRAM for nametables, palettes, sprite properties Sprite oam[8], secOam[8]; // Sprite buffers u32 pixels[256 * 240]; // Video buffer Addr vAddr, tAddr; // Loopy V, T u8 fX, oamAddr; // Fine X, OAM address Ctrl ctrl; // PPUCTRL ($2000) register Mask mask; // PPUMASK ($2001) register Status status; // PPUSTATUS ($2002) register u8 nt, at, bgL, bgH, atShiftL, atShiftH; u16 bgShiftL, bgShiftH; // Background latches, shift registers bool atLatchL, atLatchH; int scanline, dot; bool frameOdd; // Rendering counters save_state ss; inline bool rendering() { return mask.bg || mask.spr; } inline int spr_height() { return ctrl.sprSz ? 16 : 8; } u16 nt_mirror(u16 addr) { // Get CIRAM address according to mirroring switch (mirroring) { case VERTICAL: return addr % 0x800; case HORIZONTAL: return ((addr / 2) & 0x400) + (addr % 0x400); case ONE_SCREEN_LO: case ONE_SCREEN_HI: return ((addr & 0x3ff) + ((mirroring == ONE_SCREEN_HI) ? 0x400 : 0x0)) - 0x2000; default: return addr - 0x2000; } } void set_mirroring(Mirroring mode) { mirroring = mode; } u8 rd(u16 addr) { // Access PPU memory switch (addr) { case 0x0000 ... 0x1FFF: return Cartridge::chr_access<0>(addr); // CHR-ROM/RAM case 0x2000 ... 0x3EFF: return ciRam[nt_mirror(addr)]; // Nametables case 0x3F00 ... 0x3FFF: // Palettes if ((addr & 0x13) == 0x10) addr &= ~0x10; return cgRam[addr & 0x1F] & (mask.gray ? 0x30 : 0xFF); default: return 0; } } void wr(u16 addr, u8 v) { switch (addr) { case 0x0000 ... 0x1FFF: Cartridge::chr_access<1>(addr, v); break; // CHR-ROM/RAM case 0x2000 ... 0x3EFF: ciRam[nt_mirror(addr)] = v; break; // Nametables case 0x3F00 ... 0x3FFF: // Palettes if ((addr & 0x13) == 0x10) addr &= ~0x10; cgRam[addr & 0x1F] = v; break; } } template u8 access(u16 index, u8 v) { // Access PPU through registers static u8 res, buffer; // VRAM read buffer static bool latch; // Detect second reading if (write) { // Write into register res = v; switch (index) { case 0: ctrl.r = v; tAddr.nt = ctrl.nt; break; // PPUCTRL ($2000) case 1: mask.r = v; break; // PPUMASK ($2001) case 3: oamAddr = v; break; // OAMADDR ($2003) case 4: oamMem[oamAddr++] = v; break; // OAMDATA ($2004) case 5: // PPUSCROLL ($2005) if (!latch) { fX = v & 7; tAddr.cX = v >> 3; } // First write else { tAddr.fY = v & 7; tAddr.cY = v >> 3; } // Second write latch = !latch; break; case 6: // PPUADDR ($2006) if (!latch) { tAddr.h = v & 0x3F; } // First write else { tAddr.l = v; vAddr.r = tAddr.r; } // Second write latch = !latch; break; case 7: wr(vAddr.addr, v); vAddr.addr += ctrl.incr ? 32 : 1; // PPUDATA ($2007) } } else { // Read from register switch (index) { // PPUSTATUS ($2002) case 2: res = (res & 0x1F) | status.r; status.vBlank = 0; latch = 0; break; case 4: res = oamMem[oamAddr]; break; // OAMDATA ($2004) case 7: // PPUDATA ($2007) if (vAddr.addr <= 0x3EFF) res = buffer, buffer = rd(vAddr.addr); else res = buffer = rd(vAddr.addr); vAddr.addr += ctrl.incr ? 32 : 1; } } return res; } template u8 access<0>(u16, u8); template u8 access<1>(u16, u8); // Calculate graphics addresses inline u16 nt_addr() { return 0x2000 | (vAddr.r & 0xFFF); } inline u16 at_addr() { return 0x23C0 | (vAddr.nt << 10) | ((vAddr.cY / 4) << 3) | (vAddr.cX / 4); } inline u16 bg_addr() { return (ctrl.bgTbl * 0x1000) + (nt * 16) + vAddr.fY; } // Increment the scroll by one pixel inline void h_scroll() { if (!rendering()) return; if (vAddr.cX == 31) vAddr.r ^= 0x41F; else vAddr.cX++; } inline void v_scroll() { if (!rendering()) return; if (vAddr.fY < 7) vAddr.fY++; else { vAddr.fY = 0; if (vAddr.cY == 31) vAddr.cY = 0; else if (vAddr.cY == 29) { vAddr.cY = 0; vAddr.nt ^= 0b10; } else vAddr.cY++; } } // Copy scrolling data from loopy T to loopy V inline void h_update() { if (!rendering()) return; vAddr.r = (vAddr.r & ~0x041F) | (tAddr.r & 0x041F); } inline void v_update() { if (!rendering()) return; vAddr.r = (vAddr.r & ~0x7BE0) | (tAddr.r & 0x7BE0); } inline void reload_shift() { // Put new data into the shift registers bgShiftL = (bgShiftL & 0xFF00) | bgL, bgShiftH = (bgShiftH & 0xFF00) | bgH; atLatchL = (at & 1), atLatchH = (at & 2); } void clear_oam() { // Clear secondary OAM for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++) { secOam[i].id = 64; secOam[i].y = secOam[i].tile = secOam[i].attr = secOam[i].x = 0xFF; secOam[i].dataL = secOam[i].dataH = 0; } } void eval_sprites() { // Fill secondary OAM with the sprite infos for the next scanline int n = 0; for (int i = 0; i < 64; i++) { int line = (scanline == 261 ? -1 : scanline) - oamMem[i*4 + 0]; // If the sprite is in the scanline, copy its properties into secondary OAM if (line >= 0 and line < spr_height()) { secOam[n].id = i; secOam[n].y = oamMem[i*4 + 0]; secOam[n].tile = oamMem[i*4 + 1]; secOam[n].attr = oamMem[i*4 + 2]; secOam[n].x = oamMem[i*4 + 3]; if (++n >= 8) { status.sprOvf = true; break; } } } } void load_sprites() { // Load the sprite info into primary OAM and fetch their tile data u16 addr; for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++) { oam[i] = secOam[i]; // Copy secondary OAM into primary // Different address modes depending on the sprite height if (spr_height() == 16) addr = ((oam[i].tile & 1) * 0x1000) + ((oam[i].tile & ~1) * 16); else addr = (ctrl.sprTbl * 0x1000) + (oam[i].tile * 16); unsigned sprY = (scanline - oam[i].y) % spr_height(); // Line inside the sprite if (oam[i].attr & 0x80) sprY ^= spr_height() - 1; // Vertical flip addr += sprY + (sprY & 8); // Select the second tile if on 8x16 oam[i].dataL = rd(addr + 0), oam[i].dataH = rd(addr + 8); } } void pixel() { // Process a pixel, draw it if it's on screen u8 palette = 0, objPalette = 0; bool objPriority = 0; int x = dot - 2; if (scanline < 240 and x >= 0 and x < 256) { if (mask.bg and not (!mask.bgLeft && x < 8)) { // Background palette = (NTH_BIT(bgShiftH, 15 - fX) << 1) | NTH_BIT(bgShiftL, 15 - fX); if (palette) palette |= ((NTH_BIT(atShiftH, 7 - fX) << 1) | NTH_BIT(atShiftL, 7 - fX)) << 2; } if (mask.spr and not (!mask.sprLeft && x < 8)) { // Sprites for (int i = 7; i >= 0; i--) { if (oam[i].id == 64) continue; // Void entry unsigned sprX = x - oam[i].x; if (sprX >= 8) continue; // Not in range if (oam[i].attr & 0x40) sprX ^= 7; // Horizontal flip u8 sprPalette = (NTH_BIT(oam[i].dataH, 7 - sprX) << 1) | NTH_BIT(oam[i].dataL, 7 - sprX); if (sprPalette == 0) continue; // Transparent pixel if (oam[i].id == 0 && palette && x != 255) status.sprHit = true; sprPalette |= (oam[i].attr & 3) << 2; objPalette = sprPalette + 16; objPriority = oam[i].attr & 0x20; } } if (objPalette && (palette == 0 || objPriority == 0)) palette = objPalette; // Evaluate priority pixels[scanline*256 + x] = nesRgb[rd(0x3F00 + (rendering() ? palette : 0))]; } // Perform background shifts bgShiftL <<= 1, bgShiftH <<= 1; atShiftL = (atShiftL << 1) | atLatchL, atShiftH = (atShiftH << 1) | atLatchH; } template void scanline_cycle() { // Execute a cycle of a scanline static u16 addr; if (s == NMI and dot == 1) { status.vBlank = true; if (ctrl.nmi) CPU::set_nmi(); } else if (s == POST and dot == 0) GUI::new_frame(pixels); else if (s == VISIBLE or s == PRE) { switch (dot) { // Sprites case 1: clear_oam(); if (s == PRE) { status.sprOvf = status.sprHit = false; } break; case 257: eval_sprites(); break; case 321: load_sprites(); break; } switch (dot) { // Background case 2 ... 255: case 322 ... 337: pixel(); switch (dot % 8) { // Nametable case 1: addr = nt_addr(); reload_shift(); break; case 2: nt = rd(addr); break; // Attribute case 3: addr = at_addr(); break; case 4: at = rd(addr); if (vAddr.cY & 2) at >>= 4; if (vAddr.cX & 2) at >>= 2; break; // Background (low bits) case 5: addr = bg_addr(); break; case 6: bgL = rd(addr); break; // Background (high bits) case 7: addr += 8; break; case 0: bgH = rd(addr); h_scroll(); break; } break; case 256: pixel(); bgH = rd(addr); v_scroll(); break; // Vertical bump case 257: pixel(); reload_shift(); h_update(); break; // Update horizontal position case 280 ... 304: if (s == PRE) v_update(); break; // Update vertical position // No shift reloading case 1: addr = nt_addr(); if (s == PRE) status.vBlank = false; break; case 321: case 339: addr = nt_addr(); break; // Nametable fetch instead of attribute case 338: nt = rd(addr); break; case 340: nt = rd(addr); if (s == PRE && rendering() && frameOdd) dot++; } if (dot == 260 && rendering()) Cartridge::signal_scanline(); // Signal scanline to mapper } } void step() { // Execute a PPU cycle switch (scanline) { case 0 ... 239: scanline_cycle(); break; case 240: scanline_cycle(); break; case 241: scanline_cycle(); break; case 261: scanline_cycle
();     break;
		if (++dot > 340) { dot %= 341; if (++scanline > 261) scanline = 0, frameOdd ^= 1; } // Update dot and scanline counters
	void reset() { // Reset PPU
		frameOdd = false;
		scanline = dot = 0;
		ctrl.r = mask.r = status.r = 0;
		memset(pixels, 0x00, sizeof(pixels)), memset(ciRam,  0xFF, sizeof(ciRam)), memset(oamMem, 0x00, sizeof(oamMem));
	void save() { // Save state
		memcpy(ss.ciRam, ciRam, sizeof ciRam), memcpy(ss.cgRam, cgRam, sizeof cgRam), memcpy(ss.oamMem, oamMem, sizeof oamMem);
		memcpy(ss.oam, oam, sizeof oam), memcpy(ss.secOam, secOam, sizeof secOam), memcpy(ss.pixels, pixels, sizeof pixels);
		ss.ctrl = ctrl, ss.mask = mask, ss.status = status;
	void load() { // Load state
		memcpy(ciRam, ss.ciRam, sizeof ciRam), memcpy(cgRam, ss.cgRam, sizeof cgRam), memcpy(oamMem, ss.oamMem, sizeof oamMem);
		memcpy(oam, ss.oam, sizeof oam), memcpy(secOam, ss.secOam, sizeof secOam), memcpy(pixels, ss.pixels, sizeof pixels);
		ctrl = ss.ctrl, mask = ss.mask, status = ss.status;
namespace Cartridge {
	Mapper* mapper = nullptr; // Mapper chip
	// PRG-ROM access
	template  u8 access(u16 addr, u8 v) { return !wr ? mapper->read(addr) : mapper->write(addr, v); }
	template u8 access<0>(u16, u8); template u8 access<1>(u16, u8);
	// CHR-ROM/RAM access
	template  u8 chr_access(u16 addr, u8 v) { return !wr ? mapper->chr_read(addr) : mapper->chr_write(addr, v); }
	template u8 chr_access<0>(u16, u8); template u8 chr_access<1>(u16, u8);
	void signal_scanline() { mapper->signal_scanline(); }
	void load(const char* fileName) { // Load the ROM from a file
		FILE* f = fopen(fileName, "rb");
		fseek(f, 0, SEEK_END);
		int size = ftell(f);
		fseek(f, 0, SEEK_SET);
		u8* rom = new u8[size];
		fread(rom, size, 1, f);
		int mapperNum = (rom[7] & 0xF0) | (rom[6] >> 4);
		if (mapper != nullptr) delete mapper;
		switch (mapperNum) {
			case 0: mapper = new Mapper0(rom); break;
			case 1: mapper = new Mapper1(rom); break;
			case 2: mapper = new Mapper2(rom); break;
			case 3: mapper = new Mapper3(rom); break;
			case 4: mapper = new Mapper4(rom); break;
			case 7: mapper = new Mapper7(rom); break;
		CPU::power(), PPU::reset();
namespace Joypad {
	u8 joypad_bits[2]; // Joypad shift registers
	bool strobe; // Joypad strobe latch
	u8 read_state(int n) { // Read joypad state (NES register format)
		if (strobe) return 0x40 | (GUI::get_joypad_state(n) & 1); // When strobe is high, it keeps reading A
		// Get the status of a button and shift the register
		u8 j = 0x40 | (joypad_bits[n] & 1);
		joypad_bits[n] = 0x80 | (joypad_bits[n] >> 1);
		return j;
	void write_strobe(bool v) {
		// Read the joypad data on strobe's transition 1 -> 0
		if (strobe and !v) for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) joypad_bits[i] = GUI::get_joypad_state(i);
		strobe = v;
namespace GUI {
	// SDL structures
	SDL_Window *window;
	SDL_Renderer *renderer;
	SDL_Texture *gameTexture, *saveGameTexture;
	u8 const *keys;
	SDL_Scancode KEY_SAVE = SDL_SCANCODE_Q, KEY_LOAD = SDL_SCANCODE_W; // Saving and loading
	void init() { // Initialize GUI
		// Initialize graphics system
		// Initialize graphics structures
		SDL_RenderSetLogicalSize(renderer, WIDTH, HEIGHT);
		keys = SDL_GetKeyboardState(0);		
	u8 get_joypad_state(int n) { // Get the joypad state from SDL
		u8 j = 0;
		j |= keys[KEY_A] << 0; j |= keys[KEY_B] << 1; j |= keys[KEY_SELECT] << 2; j |= keys[KEY_START] << 3;
		j |= keys[KEY_UP] << 4; j |= keys[KEY_DOWN] << 5; j |= keys[KEY_LEFT] << 6; j |= keys[KEY_RIGHT] << 7;
		return j;
	void new_frame(u32* pixels) { SDL_UpdateTexture(gameTexture, NULL, pixels, WIDTH * sizeof(u32)); } // Send the rendered frame to the GUI
	void render() { // Render the screen
		// Draw the NES screen
		SDL_RenderCopy(renderer, gameTexture, NULL, NULL);
	void save() { CPU::save(), PPU::save(), saveGameTexture = gameTexture; } // Save state
	void load() { CPU::load(), PPU::save(), gameTexture = saveGameTexture; } // Load state
	void run(const char* file) { // Run the emulator
		SDL_Event e;
		// Framerate control
		u32 frameStart, frameTime;
		const int FPS = 60, DELAY = 1000.0f / FPS;
		while (1) {			
			frameStart = SDL_GetTicks();
			// Handle events
			while (SDL_PollEvent(&e)) {
				if (e.type == SDL_QUIT) return;
				if (e.type == SDL_KEYDOWN) {
					if (keys[KEY_SAVE]) save();
					else if (keys[KEY_LOAD]) load();
			// Wait to mantain framerate
			frameTime = SDL_GetTicks() - frameStart;
			if (frameTime < DELAY) SDL_Delay((int)(DELAY - frameTime));

int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { GUI::init(); GUI::run(argv[1]); }