
142 lines
9 KiB

Optimal strategy to reach $10,000,000,000 from $0 in 109 iterations:
1. Answer 1 question, bringing your total up to $1
2. Answer 1 question, bringing your total up to $4
3. Answer 1 question, bringing your total up to $7
4. Answer 1 question, bringing your total up to $10
5. Answer 1 question, bringing your total up to $13
6. Answer 1 question, bringing your total up to $16
Buy the Level 1 ($20) streak bonus upgrade for $15, making your total $1
7. Answer 1 question, bringing your total up to $22
Buy the Level 1 ($5) money per question upgrade for $10, making your total $12
8. Answer 1 question, bringing your total up to $37
9. Answer 1 question, bringing your total up to $62
10. Answer 1 question, bringing your total up to $87
11. Answer 1 question, bringing your total up to $112
Buy the Level 2 ($50) money per question upgrade for $100, making your total $12
12. Answer 1 question, bringing your total up to $82
13. Answer 1 question, bringing your total up to $152
Buy the Level 2 ($100) streak bonus upgrade for $150, making your total $2
14. Answer 1 question, bringing your total up to $152
Buy the Level 1 (x1) multiplier for $50, making your total $102
15. Answer 1 question, bringing your total up to $327
Buy and use the discounter for $305, making your total $22
16. Answer 1 question, bringing your total up to $247
Buy the Level 2 (x2) multiplier for $225, making your total $22
17. Answer 1 question, bringing your total up to $322
18. Answer 1 question, bringing your total up to $622
19. Answer 1 question, bringing your total up to $922
20. Answer 1 question, bringing your total up to $1,222
Buy the Level 3 ($200) streak bonus upgrade for $1,125, making your total $97
Buy the mega bonus for $60, making your total $37
21. Answer 1 question, bringing your total up to $537
22. Answer 1 question, bringing your total up to $1,037
23. Answer 1 question, bringing your total up to $1,537
Buy the Level 3 (x3) multiplier for $1,500, making your total $37
Buy the mini bonus for $25, making your total $12
24. Answer 1 question using both the mini and mega bonuses, bringing your total up to $7,512
Buy the Level 4 ($500) money per question upgrade for $7,500, making your total $12
25. Answer 1 question, bringing your total up to $2,112
26. Answer 1 question, bringing your total up to $4,212
27. Answer 1 question, bringing your total up to $6,312
28. Answer 1 question, bringing your total up to $8,412
29. Answer 1 question, bringing your total up to $10,512
Buy and use the rebooter for $4,155, making your total $6,357
Buy and use the discounter for $1,270, making your total $322
Buy the mega bonus for $70, making your total $252
30. Answer 1 question, bringing your total up to $2,352
31. Answer 1 question, bringing your total up to $4,452
32. Answer 1 question, bringing your total up to $6,552
33. Answer 1 question, bringing your total up to $8,652
34. Answer 1 question, bringing your total up to $10,752
35. Answer 1 question, bringing your total up to $12,852
Buy the Level 4 ($1,000) streak bonus upgrade for $11,250, making your total $1,602
36. Answer 1 question, bringing your total up to $6,102
37. Answer 1 question, bringing your total up to $10,602
Buy the Level 4 (x5) multiplier for $9,000, making your total $1,602
38. Answer 1 question, bringing your total up to $9,102
39. Answer 1 question, bringing your total up to $16,602
40. Answer 1 question, bringing your total up to $24,102
41. Answer 1 question, bringing your total up to $31,602
42. Answer 1 question, bringing your total up to $39,102
43. Answer 1 question, bringing your total up to $46,602
44. Answer 1 question, bringing your total up to $54,102
45. Answer 1 question, bringing your total up to $61,602
Buy the Level 5 ($2,000) money per question upgrade for $56,250, making your total $5,352
46. Answer 1 question, bringing your total up to $20,352
47. Answer 1 question, bringing your total up to $35,352
48. Answer 1 question, bringing your total up to $50,352
49. Answer 1 question, bringing your total up to $65,352
Buy the Level 5 (x8) multiplier for $63,750, making your total $1,602
50. Answer 1 question, bringing your total up to $25,602
51. Answer 1 question, bringing your total up to $49,602
52. Answer 1 question, bringing your total up to $73,602
53. Answer 1 question, bringing your total up to $97,602
Buy the Level 5 ($4,000) streak bonus upgrade for $86,250, making your total $11,352
54. Answer 1 question, bringing your total up to $59,352
55. Answer 1 question, bringing your total up to $107,352
56. Answer 1 question, bringing your total up to $155,352
57. Answer 1 question, bringing your total up to $203,352
58. Answer 1 question, bringing your total up to $251,352
59. Answer 1 question, bringing your total up to $299,352
60. Answer 1 question, bringing your total up to $347,352
Buy the Level 6 ($10,000) streak bonus upgrade for $337,500, making your total $9,852
61. Answer 1 question, bringing your total up to $105,852
62. Answer 1 question, bringing your total up to $201,852
63. Answer 1 question, bringing your total up to $297,852
Buy the Level 6 ($5,000) money per question upgrade for $225,000, making your total $72,852
64. Answer 1 question, bringing your total up to $192,852
65. Answer 1 question, bringing your total up to $312,852
66. Answer 1 question, bringing your total up to $432,852
67. Answer 1 question, bringing your total up to $552,852
68. Answer 1 question, bringing your total up to $672,852
69. Answer 1 question, bringing your total up to $792,852
70. Answer 1 question, bringing your total up to $912,852
71. Answer 1 question, bringing your total up to $1,032,852
72. Answer 1 question, bringing your total up to $1,152,852
Buy the Level 7 ($50,000) streak bonus upgrade for $1,125,000, making your total $27,852
73. Answer 1 question, bringing your total up to $467,852
74. Answer 1 question, bringing your total up to $907,852
Buy the Level 6 (x12) multiplier for $525,000, making your total $382,852
Buy the mini bonus for $11,510, making your total $371,342
75. Answer 1 question using both the mini and mega bonuses, bringing your total up to $6,971,342
76. Answer 1 question, bringing your total up to $7,631,342
Buy the Level 8 ($250,000) money per question upgrade for $7,500,000, making your total $131,342
77. Answer 1 question, bringing your total up to $3,731,342
78. Answer 1 question, bringing your total up to $7,331,342
Buy the Level 7 (x18) multiplier for $4,875,000, making your total $2,456,342
79. Answer 1 question, bringing your total up to $7,856,342
80. Answer 1 question, bringing your total up to $13,256,342
Buy the Level 8 ($1,000,000) streak bonus upgrade for $11,250,000, making your total $2,006,342
81. Answer 1 question, bringing your total up to $24,506,342
82. Answer 1 question, bringing your total up to $47,006,342
83. Answer 1 question, bringing your total up to $69,506,342
Buy the Level 8 (x30) multiplier for $48,750,000, making your total $20,756,342
84. Answer 1 question, bringing your total up to $58,256,342
85. Answer 1 question, bringing your total up to $95,756,342
86. Answer 1 question, bringing your total up to $133,256,342
87. Answer 1 question, bringing your total up to $170,756,342
Buy the Level 9 ($5,000,000) streak bonus upgrade for $150,000,000, making your total $20,756,342
88. Answer 1 question, bringing your total up to $178,256,342
Buy the Level 9 ($1,000,000) money per question upgrade for $75,000,000, making your total $103,256,342
89. Answer 1 question, bringing your total up to $283,256,342
90. Answer 1 question, bringing your total up to $463,256,342
91. Answer 1 question, bringing your total up to $643,256,342
92. Answer 1 question, bringing your total up to $823,256,342
Buy the Level 9 (x100) multiplier for $750,000,000, making your total $73,256,342
93. Answer 1 question, bringing your total up to $673,256,342
94. Answer 1 question, bringing your total up to $1,273,256,342
95. Answer 1 question, bringing your total up to $1,873,256,342
96. Answer 1 question, bringing your total up to $2,473,256,342
97. Answer 1 question, bringing your total up to $3,073,256,342
98. Answer 1 question, bringing your total up to $3,673,256,342
99. Answer 1 question, bringing your total up to $4,273,256,342
100. Answer 1 question, bringing your total up to $4,873,256,342
101. Answer 1 question, bringing your total up to $5,473,256,342
102. Answer 1 question, bringing your total up to $6,073,256,342
103. Answer 1 question, bringing your total up to $6,673,256,342
104. Answer 1 question, bringing your total up to $7,273,256,342
105. Answer 1 question, bringing your total up to $7,873,256,342
106. Answer 1 question, bringing your total up to $8,473,256,342
107. Answer 1 question, bringing your total up to $9,073,256,342
108. Answer 1 question, bringing your total up to $9,673,256,342
109. Answer 1 question, bringing your total up to $10,273,256,342