/* Maximum-Flow solver using Dinic's Blocking Flow Algorithm. * Time Complexity: * - O(V^2 E) for general graphs, but in practice ~O(E^1.5) * - O(V^(1/2) E) for bipartite matching * - O(min(V^(2/3), E^(1/2)) E) for unit capacity graphs */ template class max_flow { static const T INF = numeric_limits::max(); struct edge { int t, rev; T cap, f; }; vector adj[V]; int dist[V]; int ptr[V]; bool bfs(int s, int t) { memset(dist, -1, sizeof dist); dist[s] = 0; queue q({ s }); while (!q.empty() && dist[t] == -1) { int n = q.front(); q.pop(); for (auto& e : adj[n]) { if (dist[e.t] == -1 && e.cap != e.f) { dist[e.t] = dist[n] + 1; q.push(e.t); } } } return dist[t] != -1; } T augment(int n, T amt, int t) { if (n == t) return amt; for (; ptr[n] < adj[n].size(); ptr[n]++) { edge& e = adj[n][ptr[n]]; if (dist[e.t] == dist[n] + 1 && e.cap != e.f) { T flow = augment(e.t, min(amt, e.cap - e.f), t); if (flow != 0) { e.f += flow; adj[e.t][e.rev].f -= flow; return flow; } } } return 0; } public: void add(int u, int v, T cap = 1, T rcap=0) { adj[u].push_back({ v, (int) adj[v].size(), cap, 0 }); adj[v].push_back({ u, (int) adj[u].size() - 1, rcap, 0 }); } T calc(int s, int t) { T flow = 0; while (bfs(s, t)) { memset(ptr, 0, sizeof ptr); while (T df = augment(s, INF, t)) flow += df; } return flow; } void clear() { for (int n = 0; n < V; n++) adj[n].clear(); } }; int main() { /* Example of usage */ max_flow<4> network; network.add(0, 1, 75); network.add(0, 2, 50); network.add(1, 2, 40); network.add(1, 3, 50); network.add(2, 3, 30); int flow = network.calc(0, 3); /* Max-flow should be 80. */ cout << flow << endl; }