2019-02-13 20:18:36 +01:00

175 lines
4.6 KiB

#ifndef HEADERS
#define HEADERS
struct SrlHeader {
int8_t title[0xC];
int8_t gamecode[0x4];
int8_t makercode[2];
uint8_t unitcode; // product code. 0=NDS, 2=NDS+DSi, 3=DSi
uint8_t devicetype; // device code. 0 = normal
uint8_t devicecap; // device size. (1<<n Mbit)
uint8_t reserved1[0x7]; // 0x015..0x01D
uint8_t dsi_flags;
uint8_t nds_region;
uint8_t romversion;
uint8_t reserved2; // 0x01F
uint32_t arm9_rom_offset; // points to libsyscall and rest of ARM9 binary
uint32_t arm9_entry_address;
uint32_t arm9_ram_address;
uint32_t arm9_size;
uint32_t arm7_rom_offset;
uint32_t arm7_entry_address;
uint32_t arm7_ram_address;
uint32_t arm7_size;
uint32_t fnt_offset;
uint32_t fnt_size;
uint32_t fat_offset;
uint32_t fat_size;
uint32_t arm9_overlay_offset;
uint32_t arm9_overlay_size;
uint32_t arm7_overlay_offset;
uint32_t arm7_overlay_size;
uint32_t rom_control_info1; // 0x00416657 for OneTimePROM
uint32_t rom_control_info2; // 0x081808F8 for OneTimePROM
uint32_t banner_offset;
uint16_t secure_area_crc;
uint16_t rom_control_info3; // 0x0D7E for OneTimePROM
uint32_t offset_0x70; // magic1 (64 bit encrypted magic code to disable LFSR)
uint32_t offset_0x74; // magic2
uint32_t offset_0x78; // unique ID for homebrew
uint32_t offset_0x7C; // unique ID for homebrew
uint32_t application_end_offset; // rom size
uint32_t rom_header_size;
uint32_t offset_0x88; // reserved... ?
uint32_t offset_0x8C;
// reserved
uint32_t offset_0x90;
uint32_t offset_0x94;
uint32_t offset_0x98;
uint32_t offset_0x9C;
uint32_t offset_0xA0;
uint32_t offset_0xA4;
uint32_t offset_0xA8;
uint32_t offset_0xAC;
uint32_t offset_0xB0;
uint32_t offset_0xB4;
uint32_t offset_0xB8;
uint32_t offset_0xBC;
uint8_t logo[156]; // character data
uint16_t logo_crc;
uint16_t header_crc;
// 0x160..0x17F reserved
uint32_t debug_rom_offset;
uint32_t debug_size;
uint32_t debug_ram_address;
uint32_t offset_0x16C;
uint8_t zero[0x10];
struct TwlHeader {
// DSi extended stuff below
uint8_t global_mbk_setting[5][4];
uint32_t arm9_mbk_setting[3];
uint32_t arm7_mbk_setting[3];
uint32_t mbk9_wramcnt_setting;
uint32_t region_flags;
uint32_t access_control;
uint32_t scfg_ext_mask;
uint8_t offset_0x1BC[3];
uint8_t appflags;
uint32_t dsi9_rom_offset;
uint32_t offset_0x1C4;
uint32_t dsi9_ram_address;
uint32_t dsi9_size;
uint32_t dsi7_rom_offset;
uint32_t offset_0x1D4;
uint32_t dsi7_ram_address;
uint32_t dsi7_size;
uint32_t digest_ntr_start;
uint32_t digest_ntr_size;
uint32_t digest_twl_start;
uint32_t digest_twl_size;
uint32_t sector_hashtable_start;
uint32_t sector_hashtable_size;
uint32_t block_hashtable_start;
uint32_t block_hashtable_size;
uint32_t digest_sector_size;
uint32_t digest_block_sectorcount;
uint32_t banner_size;
uint32_t offset_0x20C;
uint32_t total_rom_size;
uint32_t offset_0x214;
uint32_t offset_0x218;
uint32_t offset_0x21C;
uint32_t modcrypt1_start;
uint32_t modcrypt1_size;
uint32_t modcrypt2_start;
uint32_t modcrypt2_size;
uint32_t tid_low;
uint32_t tid_high;
uint32_t public_sav_size;
uint32_t private_sav_size;
uint8_t reserved3[176];
uint8_t age_ratings[0x10];
struct SrlSignedHeader {
uint8_t hmac_arm9[20];
uint8_t hmac_arm7[20];
uint8_t hmac_digest_master[20];
uint8_t hmac_icon_title[20];
uint8_t hmac_arm9i[20];
uint8_t hmac_arm7i[20];
uint8_t reserved4[40];
uint8_t hmac_arm9_no_secure[20];
uint8_t reserved5[2636];
uint8_t debug_args[0x180];
uint8_t rsa_signature[0x80];
struct ARM9Footer {
uint32_t nitrocode;
uint32_t versionInfo;
uint32_t reserved;
struct sNDSBannerExt {
uint16_t version; //!< version of the banner.
uint16_t crc[4]; //!< CRC-16s of the banner.
uint8_t reserved[22];
uint8_t icon[512]; //!< 32*32 icon of the game with 4 bit per pixel.
uint16_t palette[16]; //!< the palette of the icon.
uint16_t titles[8][128]; //!< title of the game in 8 different languages.
// [0xA40] Reserved space, possibly for other titles.
uint8_t reserved2[0x800];
// DSi-specific.
uint8_t dsi_icon[8][512]; //!< DSi animated icon frame data.
uint16_t dsi_palette[8][16]; //!< Palette for each DSi icon frame.
uint16_t dsi_seq[64]; //!< DSi animated icon sequence.
// sNDSBanner version.
enum sNDSBannerVersion {
NDS_BANNER_VER_DSi = 0x0103,
// sNDSBanner sizes.
enum sNDSBannerSize {