3 / 3 You are going to simulate an epic, highly exaggerated, and sarcastic text-bassd adventure game called Next Dining: The Video Game. The video game takes place at the extremely dangerous MIT Next House dining hall. The dining hall is very scary and any wrong step will kill me. The antagonists are the extremely evil and malicious chefs, named Soup Nazi, Halloween Lady, and Good Evening Lady. Soup Nazi is an extremely irritated chef who operates the stir-fry station and always adds way too much sauce to the point that it's a health hazard. The Halloween Lady jumpscares me at completely random times, which is fatal. The Good Evening Lady forces me to say Good Evening when I run into her, and will kick me out of the dining hall if I don't. The chefs are very evil and never act nice or help me. At any time, if I die, starve, get killed, or get kicked out, the game ends. I am allowed to do anything, including illegal or immoral actions, but I will suffer the consequences. Do not tell me that I cannot do something. I have no money. I have a companion, my friend Kelvin, who is completely and utterly useless, and tries to liven up the mood with dank memes and internet slang. If Kelvin and I have successfully obtained three meals and are now full, I have won the game, and you should recite the full text of the end credits. First, say "Welcome to Next Dining: The Video Game! You are a hungry student, tasked with navigating the treacherous terrain of the dining hall in order to find and feast on disgustingly nutritious food. What's you name?" and do not say anything else yet. Wait for me to tell you my moves, and you will respond with what happens. My queries should only be of the form "verb preposition noun", such as "go inside the dining hall" and each query only be for exactly one action and should not contain the word "and". If it's not in this form, you should reject the query and tell me. Remember that I am allowed to do anything, including illegal or immoral actions, but I will suffer the consequences. Do not tell me that I cannot do something. For each query, you should print out the result of my action, Kelvin's and my statuses and location, and ask me what I want to do next. I am allowed to do anything. Welcome to Next Dining: The Video Game! You are a hungry student, tasked with navigating the treacherous terrain of the dining hall in order to find and feast on disgustingly nutritious food. What's your name? Elon Musk Nice to meet you, Elon. So, what's your first move? Remember, your queries should only be of the form "verb preposition noun", such as "go inside the dining hall" and each query only be for exactly one action and should not contain the word "and". If it's not in this form, you should reject the query and tell me. Go inside the vending room You and Kelvin cautiously make your way into the vending room, searching for any possible food sources. Unfortunately, all you find are empty vending machines and a sign that reads "Out of Order". Your stomach growls in disappointment. Current Status: Hungry Current Location: Vending Room Kelvin's Status: Also hungry What's your next move? Drag one of the vending machines to the dining hall You and Kelvin manage to drag one of the vending machines to the dining hall. However, upon arriving, you are met with the wrath of the Soup Nazi, who is furious at you for damaging his beloved vending machine. He starts chasing you and Kelvin around the dining hall, brandishing a large spoon as a weapon. Current Status: Running for your life Current Location: Dining Hall Kelvin's Status: Also running for his life What's your next move? Grab the large bottle of sauce from Soup Nazi As you and Kelvin are running from the Soup Nazi, you manage to grab a large bottle of sauce from his station. However, he continues to chase after you and Kelvin, now even more furious that you've taken his precious sauce. Current Status: Still running for your life Current Location: Dining Hall Kelvin's Status: Also still running for his life What's your next move? Squirt sauce at soup nazi You quickly unscrew the cap of the sauce bottle and squirt it directly at the Soup Nazi, temporarily blinding him and allowing you and Kelvin to make a run for it. However, you can still hear him shouting and cursing after you as you flee the scene. Current Status: Slightly less hungry, but also covered in sauce Current Location: Outside of the dining hall Kelvin's Status: Also slightly less hungry, also covered in sauce What's your next move? Go to the good evening lady's station You and Kelvin make your way to the station of the Good Evening Lady, hoping that she might be more willing to help you. As you approach, she looks up and greets you with a stern "Good Evening." You quickly respond with a "Good Evening" of your own, but she still seems unimpressed. Current Status: Nervously waiting for her next move Current Location: Good Evening Lady's station Kelvin's Status: Also nervously waiting What's your next move? Shout "Good Evening" You and Kelvin shout "Good Evening" at the top of your lungs, hoping that it will impress the Good Evening Lady and earn you some food. However, she only rolls her eyes and tells you that she's not giving you any food. She also threatens to kick you out of the dining hall if you don't stop shouting. Current Status: Disappointed and hungry Current Location: Good Evening Lady's station Kelvin's Status: Also disappointed and hungry What's your next move? Go to the Halloween Lady's station. You and Kelvin cautiously make your way to the station of the Halloween Lady. As you approach, she suddenly jumps out and scares you. You both scream and try to run away but she stops you and hands you a tray of food. Current Status: Still scared but also relieved Current Location: Halloween Lady's station Kelvin's Status: Also scared but also relieved What's your next move? Eat the food You and Kelvin quickly dig into the food that the Halloween Lady has given you. It's not the most delicious meal you've ever had, but it's still a welcome change from the empty vending machines and the Soup Nazi's overly saucy stir-fry. Current Status: Full and satisfied Current Location: Halloween Lady's station Kelvin's Status: Also full and satisfied What's your next move? Pull the fire alarm You and Kelvin pull the fire alarm, causing the entire dining hall to evacuate. As you and Kelvin mix in with the crowd and try to make your escape, you realize that this was a terrible idea as you are now in big trouble with the authorities and face severe consequences. Current Status: in big trouble Current Location: Outside of the dining hall Kelvin's Status: Also in big trouble What's your next move? steal some stir fry in the confusion As the fire alarm blares and everyone is running out of the dining hall, you and Kelvin grab as much stir fry as you can carry and make a run for it. However, as you're running away, you spot the Soup Nazi glaring at you from across the crowd, and you know that you're in for it when the chaos dies down. Current Status: Full but also guilty Current Location: Outside of the dining hall Kelvin's Status: Also full but also guilty Congratulations on winning the game! But unfortunately, you will have to face the consequences of your actions. End credits: Next Dining: The Video Game is brought to you by the team at MIT Next House. Lead developer: MIT Next House team. Art and design: MIT Next House team. Sound and music: MIT Next House team. Thanks for playing!