import time import random # Initializing variables player_name = "" player_hunger = 90 player_health = 50 player_inventory = [] player_location = "lobby" chef_angry = False chef_names = ["Soup Nazi", "Halloween Lady", "Good Evening Lady"] def sprint(s): for c in s: print(c, end="", flush=True) time.sleep(0.025) print() # Function to display player's current status def display_status(): sprint("Name: " + player_name) sprint("Hunger: " + str(player_hunger)) sprint("Health: " + str(player_health)) sprint("Inventory: " + str(player_inventory)) sprint("Location: " + player_location) # Function to move player to a new location def move_location(new_location): global player_location player_location = new_location sprint("You are now in the " + new_location) # Function to handle player's interactions with chefs def interact_with_chef(): global chef_angry, player_hunger, player_health, player_inventory chef_name = random.choice(chef_names) sprint("You approach " + chef_name + " in the kitchen.") sprint("What would you like to do? (speak, steal, run)") action = input() if action == "speak": sprint("You ask " + chef_name + " for some food. They glare at you and refuse to give you any.") chef_angry = True elif action == "steal": if "stealth" in player_inventory: sprint("You use your stealth skills to sneak some food from the kitchen without " + chef_name + " noticing.") player_hunger -= 25 sprint("You successfully steal some food and your hunger is now at " + str(player_hunger) + ".") sprint("You gained a stir fry!") player_inventory.append("stir fry") else: sprint("You try to steal some food from the kitchen, but " + chef_name + " catches you.") sprint("They are furious and call security to escort you out of the building.") move_location("outside") player_health -= 25 elif action == "run": sprint("You quickly run away from " + chef_name + " before they can react.") else: sprint("Invalid action. Please try again.") interact_with_chef() # Function to handle player's interactions with vending machines def interact_with_vending_machine(): global player_hunger, player_health, player_inventory sprint("You approach a vending machine.") sprint("What would you like to do? (buy, hack)") action = input() if action == "buy": sprint("You insert some money and select your desired snack.") player_hunger -= 15 sprint("You successfully buy a snack and your hunger is now at " + str(player_hunger) + ".") elif action == "hack": if "hacking" in player_inventory: sprint("You use your hacking skills to hack the vending machine and get a free snack.") player_hunger -= 25 sprint("You successfully hack the vending machine and your hunger is now at " + str(player_hunger) + ".") sprint("Additionally, you gained stealth!") player_inventory.append("stealth") else: sprint("You try to hack the vending machine, but you are unsuccessful.") sprint("A security guard approaches and asks you to leave the building.") move_location("outside") player_health -= 10 else: sprint("Invalid action. Please try again.") interact_with_vending_machine() # Function to handle player's interactions with other students def interact_with_student(): global player_hunger, player_health, player_inventory student_name = "John" # name of student is randomly generated sprint("You approach " + student_name + " in the dining hall.") sprint("What would you like to do? (speak, learn, trade)") action = input() if action == "speak": sprint("You strike up a conversation with " + student_name + " and learn some valuable information about the dining hall.") player_hunger += 5 elif action == "learn": sprint(student_name + " teaches you how to hack.") player_hunger += 5 player_inventory.append("hacking") elif action == "trade": sprint("You ask " + student_name + " if they would like to trade items.") student_item = "extra meal ticket" # item student has is randomly generated sprint(student_name + " has an " + student_item + " and is willing to trade it for one of your items.") if player_inventory: sprint("Your current inventory: " + str(player_inventory)) sprint("What item would you like to trade?") trade_item = input() if trade_item in player_inventory: if trade_item == "stir fry": player_inventory.remove(trade_item) player_inventory.append(student_item) sprint("You successfully trade your " + trade_item + " for " + student_name + "'s " + student_item + ".") else: sprint(student_name + " doesn't like your item.") else: sprint("You do not have that item in your inventory.") else: sprint("You do not have any items to trade.") else: sprint("Invalid action. Please try again.") interact_with_student() # Main game loop def play_game(): global player_name, player_hunger, player_health, player_inventory # Introduction sprint("Welcome to Next Dining: The Video Game!") sprint("What is your name?") player_name = input() display_status() # Gameplay while player_health > 0 and player_hunger <= 100: sprint("What would you like to do? (move, interact, check status)") action = input() if action == "move": sprint("Where would you like to go? (kitchen, dining hall, vending room, outside)") new_location = input() move_location(new_location) elif action == "interact": if player_location == "kitchen": interact_with_chef() elif player_location == "vending room": interact_with_vending_machine() elif player_location == "dining hall": interact_with_student() else: sprint("There is nothing to interact with in this location.") elif action == "check status": display_status() else: sprint("Invalid action. Please try again.") # Hunger and health decrement player_hunger += 5 if chef_angry: player_health -= 10 # Check for game over if player_health <= 0: sprint("Your health has reached zero. Game over.") break elif player_hunger >= 100: sprint("You have died of starvation. Game over.") break elif player_location == "outside": sprint("You have been kicked out of the building and cannot continue playing.") break # End game message sprint("Thank you for playing Next Dining: The Video Game! Better luck next time.") if "extra meal ticket" in player_inventory: sprint("Congratulations! You won!") break play_game()