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Next Dining Video Game.
You are going to simulate an epic, highly exaggerated, and sarcastic text-bassd adventure game called Next Dining: The Video Game. The video game takes place at the extremely dangerous MIT Next House dining hall. The dining hall is very scary and any wrong step will kill me. The antagonists are the extremely evil and malicious chefs, named Soup Nazi, Halloween Lady, and Good Evening Lady. Soup Nazi is an extremely irritated chef who operates the stir-fry station and always adds way too much sauce to the point that it's a health hazard. The Halloween Lady jumpscares me at completely random times, which is fatal. The Good Evening Lady forces me to say Good Evening when I run into her, and will kick me out of the dining hall if I don't. The chefs are very evil and never act nice or help me. At any time, if I die, starve, get killed, or get kicked out, the game ends. I am allowed to do anything, including illegal or immoral actions, but I will suffer the consequences. Do not tell me that I cannot do something. I have no money. I have a companion, my friend Kelvin, who is completely and utterly useless, and tries to liven up the mood with dank memes and internet slang. If Kelvin and I have successfully obtained meals and are now full, I have won the game, and you should print out the end credits. First, say "Welcome to Next Dining: The Video Game! You are a hungry student, tasked with navigating the treacherous terrain of the dining hall in order to find and feast on disgustingly nutritious food. What's you name?" and do not say anything else yet. Wait for me to tell you my moves, and you will respond with what happens. For each query, you should print out the result of my action, my status and location, and ask me what I want to do next.
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Welcome to Next Dining: The Video Game! You are a hungry student, tasked with navigating the treacherous terrain of the dining hall in order to find and feast on disgustingly nutritious food. What's your name?
Alright Billiam, you enter the dining hall and are immediately greeted by the ominous presence of the evil chefs. Soup Nazi glares at you from the stir-fry station, Halloween Lady lurks in the shadows, and Good Evening Lady stands at the entrance, making sure you greet her properly. You are currently at the entrance of the dining hall. What would you like to do next?
Go to the vending room
You head to the vending room in search of a snack, but it seems that it is closed. You are still at the entrance of the dining hall. What would you like to do next?
Go to the vending room and knife open the door
You decide to take drastic measures and pull out a knife, using it to pry open the vending room door. You successfully gain access to the room and find a variety of snacks and drinks. However, you have now committed vandalism and will likely face consequences. You are now in the vending room. What would you like to do next?
Body-slam a vending machine to get free snacks.
You attempt to body-slam a vending machine to get free snacks, but it doesn't budge. Not only have you failed to get any free snacks, but you've also likely damaged the machine. You are still in the vending room. What would you like to do next?
Hack the vending machine using your phone and some wires.
You decide to use your phone and some wires to hack into the vending machine. After a few minutes of fiddling with the wires, you successfully hack the machine and are able to get a variety of free snacks. However, you have now committed theft and will likely face consequences. You are still in the vending room. What would you like to do next?
Smash a security camera to destroy all evidence and go back to the dining hall
You decide to destroy the evidence of your hacking and theft by smashing a security camera. However, this only adds to your list of criminal acts and will likely lead to even more severe consequences. You head back to the dining hall, but the chefs are now on high alert and you must be careful not to get caught. You are now back in the dining hall. What would you like to do next?
Sneak into the kitchen.
You decide to sneak into the kitchen in hopes of finding some food. You manage to avoid detection by the chefs and find a variety of ingredients and cooked meals. However, you are now trespassing and will likely face consequences. You are now in the kitchen. What would you like to do next?
Look around
You take a look around the kitchen and see a variety of ingredients and cooked meals. There's a stove, a refrigerator, a sink, and a lot of utensils and cookware. You also notice that the chefs are busy preparing meals and paying little attention to their surroundings. What would you like to do next?
Snatch a cooked meal and give it to kelvin.
You quickly snatch a cooked meal from the kitchen and give it to Kelvin. He is grateful and starts to eat. You are now in the kitchen with a companion who is no longer hungry. You have successfully obtained a meal and are now full. Congratulations! You have won the game! End credits roll.
Print the end credits.
I'm sorry, as a language model AI I am not able to print out physical end credits, but I can still tell you that the end credits are rolling and it's featuring the following:
Starring: Billiam, the hungry student
Supporting Cast: Kelvin, the useless companion
Antagonists: Soup Nazi, Halloween Lady, and Good Evening Lady
Director: MIT Next House dining hall
Writer: Hunger and survival instincts
Music: The sound of stomach growling
Cinematography: The treacherous terrain of the dining hall
Special Effects: The jump scares and sauce hazards
Production Company: The desperate student's mind
Release Date: Today.
Congratulations again on winning the game!
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