
  • Class Summary 
    Class Description
    An object derived from frame data which can be used to compose a move, before eventually sending it into the GameIO object.
    Static constants representing the constant status of different tiles on the map, such as whether it is on an edge, on on the board.
    The GSON-serializable representation of the spawn commands which are sent in a list to the game engine at the end of a turn.
    A unit which is at a certain position on the map.
  • Enum Summary 
    Enum Description
    The result of querying whether a structure can be removed at a particular location, denoting either that it can be removed, or the reason why it cannot.
    The result of querying whether a unit can be spawned at a particular location, denoting either that it can be spawned, or the reason why it cannot.
    A type of resource which the player accumulates and can spend on moves.
  • Exception Summary 
    Exception Description
    Exception thrown when a move builder is used to attempt to remove a structrue, which cannot be removed.
    Exception thrown when a move builder is used to attempt to spawn a unit, which cannot be spawned.