package activitypub import ( "encoding/json" "fmt" "" "time" ) func writeComma(b *[]byte) { if len(*b) > 1 && (*b)[len(*b)-1] != ',' { *b = append(*b, ',') } } func writeProp(b *[]byte, name string, val []byte) (notEmpty bool) { if len(val) == 0 { return false } writeComma(b) success := writePropName(b, name) && writeValue(b, val) if !success { *b = (*b)[:len(*b)-1] } return success } func write(b *[]byte, c ...byte) { *b = append(*b, c...) } func writeS(b *[]byte, s string) { *b = append(*b, s...) } func writePropName(b *[]byte, s string) (notEmpty bool) { if len(s) == 0 { return false } write(b, '"') writeS(b, s) write(b, '"', ':') return true } func writeValue(b *[]byte, s []byte) (notEmpty bool) { if len(s) == 0 { return false } write(b, s...) return true } func writeNaturalLanguageProp(b *[]byte, n string, nl NaturalLanguageValues) (notEmpty bool) { l := nl.Count() if l > 1 { n += "Map" } if v, err := nl.MarshalJSON(); err == nil && len(v) > 0 { return writeProp(b, n, v) } return false } func writeStringProp(b *[]byte, n string, s string) (notEmpty bool) { return writeProp(b, n, []byte(fmt.Sprintf(`"%s"`, s))) } func writeBoolProp(b *[]byte, n string, t bool) (notEmpty bool) { return writeProp(b, n, []byte(fmt.Sprintf(`"%t"`, t))) } func writeIntProp(b *[]byte, n string, d int64) (notEmpty bool) { return writeProp(b, n, []byte(fmt.Sprintf("%d", d))) } func writeFloatProp(b *[]byte, n string, f float64) (notEmpty bool) { return writeProp(b, n, []byte(fmt.Sprintf("%f", f))) } func writeTimeProp(b *[]byte, n string, t time.Time) (notEmpty bool) { if v, err := t.UTC().MarshalJSON(); err == nil { return writeProp(b, n, v) } return false } func writeDurationProp(b *[]byte, n string, d time.Duration) (notEmpty bool) { if v, err := xsd.Marshal(d); err == nil { return writeProp(b, n, v) } return false } func writeIRIProp(b *[]byte, n string, i LinkOrIRI) (notEmpty bool) { url := i.GetLink().String() if len(url) == 0 { return false } writeStringProp(b, n, url) return true } func writeItemProp(b *[]byte, n string, i Item) (notEmpty bool) { if i == nil { return notEmpty } if im, ok := i.(json.Marshaler); ok { v, err := im.MarshalJSON() if err != nil { return false } return writeProp(b, n, v) } return notEmpty } func writeStringValue(b *[]byte, s string) (notEmpty bool) { if len(s) == 0 { return false } write(b, '"') writeS(b, s) write(b, '"') return true } func writeItemCollectionValue(b *[]byte, col ItemCollection) (notEmpty bool) { if len(col) == 0 { return notEmpty } writeCommaIfNotEmpty := func(notEmpty bool) { if notEmpty { write(b, ',') } } write(b, '[') for i, it := range col { if im, ok := it.(json.Marshaler); ok { v, err := im.MarshalJSON() if err != nil { return false } writeCommaIfNotEmpty(i > 0) write(b, v...) } } write(b, ']') return true } func writeItemCollectionProp(b *[]byte, n string, col ItemCollection) (notEmpty bool) { if len(col) == 0 { return notEmpty } writeComma(b) success := writePropName(b, n) && writeItemCollectionValue(b, col) if !success { *b = (*b)[:len(*b)-1] } return success } func writeObjectValue(b *[]byte, o Object) (notEmpty bool) { if v, err := o.ID.MarshalJSON(); err == nil && len(v) > 0 { notEmpty = writeProp(b, "id", v) || notEmpty } if v, err := o.Type.MarshalJSON(); err == nil && len(v) > 0 { notEmpty = writeProp(b, "type", v) || notEmpty } if v, err := o.MediaType.MarshalJSON(); err == nil && len(v) > 0 { notEmpty = writeProp(b, "mediaType", v) || notEmpty } if len(o.Name) > 0 { notEmpty = writeNaturalLanguageProp(b, "name", o.Name) || notEmpty } if len(o.Summary) > 0 { notEmpty = writeNaturalLanguageProp(b, "summary", o.Summary) || notEmpty } if len(o.Content) > 0 { notEmpty = writeNaturalLanguageProp(b, "content", o.Content) || notEmpty } if o.Attachment != nil { notEmpty = writeItemProp(b, "attachment", o.Attachment) || notEmpty } if o.AttributedTo != nil { notEmpty = writeItemProp(b, "attributedTo", o.AttributedTo) || notEmpty } if o.Audience != nil { notEmpty = writeItemProp(b, "audience", o.Audience) || notEmpty } if o.Context != nil { notEmpty = writeItemProp(b, "context", o.Context) || notEmpty } if o.Generator != nil { notEmpty = writeItemProp(b, "generator", o.Generator) || notEmpty } if o.Icon != nil { notEmpty = writeItemProp(b, "icon", o.Icon) || notEmpty } if o.Image != nil { notEmpty = writeItemProp(b, "image", o.Image) || notEmpty } if o.InReplyTo != nil { notEmpty = writeItemProp(b, "inReplyTo", o.InReplyTo) || notEmpty } if o.Location != nil { notEmpty = writeItemProp(b, "location", o.Location) || notEmpty } if o.Preview != nil { notEmpty = writeItemProp(b, "preview", o.Preview) || notEmpty } if o.Replies != nil { notEmpty = writeItemProp(b, "replies", o.Replies) || notEmpty } if o.Tag != nil { notEmpty = writeItemProp(b, "tag", o.Tag) || notEmpty } if o.URL != nil { notEmpty = writeIRIProp(b, "url", o.URL) || notEmpty } if o.To != nil { notEmpty = writeItemProp(b, "to", o.To) || notEmpty } if o.Bto != nil { notEmpty = writeItemProp(b, "bto", o.Bto) || notEmpty } if o.CC != nil { notEmpty = writeItemProp(b, "cc", o.CC) || notEmpty } if o.BCC != nil { notEmpty = writeItemProp(b, "bcc", o.BCC) || notEmpty } if !o.Published.IsZero() { notEmpty = writeTimeProp(b, "published", o.Published) || notEmpty } if !o.Updated.IsZero() { notEmpty = writeTimeProp(b, "updated", o.Updated) || notEmpty } if !o.StartTime.IsZero() { notEmpty = writeTimeProp(b, "startTime", o.StartTime) || notEmpty } if !o.EndTime.IsZero() { notEmpty = writeTimeProp(b, "endTime", o.EndTime) || notEmpty } if o.Duration != 0 { // TODO(marius): maybe don't use 0 as a nil value for Object types // which can have a valid duration of 0 - (Video, Audio, etc) notEmpty = writeDurationProp(b, "duration", o.Duration) || notEmpty } if o.Likes != nil { notEmpty = writeItemProp(b, "likes", o.Likes) || notEmpty } if o.Shares != nil { notEmpty = writeItemProp(b, "shares", o.Shares) || notEmpty } if v, err := o.Source.MarshalJSON(); err == nil && len(v) > 0 { notEmpty = writeProp(b, "source", v) || notEmpty } return notEmpty } func writeActivityValue(b *[]byte, a Activity) (notEmpty bool) { OnIntransitiveActivity(a, func(i *IntransitiveActivity) error { if i == nil { return nil } notEmpty = writeIntransitiveActivityValue(b, *i) || notEmpty return nil }) if a.Object != nil { notEmpty = writeItemProp(b, "object", a.Object) || notEmpty } return notEmpty } func writeIntransitiveActivityValue(b *[]byte, i IntransitiveActivity) (notEmpty bool) { OnObject(i, func(o *Object) error { if o == nil { return nil } notEmpty = writeObjectValue(b, *o) || notEmpty return nil }) if i.Actor != nil { notEmpty = writeItemProp(b, "actor", i.Actor) || notEmpty } if i.Target != nil { notEmpty = writeItemProp(b, "target", i.Target) || notEmpty } if i.Result != nil { notEmpty = writeItemProp(b, "result", i.Result) || notEmpty } if i.Origin != nil { notEmpty = writeItemProp(b, "origin", i.Origin) || notEmpty } if i.Instrument != nil { notEmpty = writeItemProp(b, "instrument", i.Instrument) || notEmpty } return notEmpty } func writeQuestionValue(b *[]byte, q Question) (notEmpty bool) { OnIntransitiveActivity(q, func(i *IntransitiveActivity) error { if i == nil { return nil } notEmpty = writeIntransitiveActivityValue(b, *i) || notEmpty return nil }) if q.OneOf != nil { notEmpty = writeItemProp(b, "oneOf", q.OneOf) || notEmpty } else if q.AnyOf != nil { notEmpty = writeItemProp(b, "anyOf", q.OneOf) || notEmpty } notEmpty = writeBoolProp(b, "closed", q.Closed) || notEmpty return notEmpty } func writeLinkValue(b *[]byte, l Link) (notEmpty bool) { if v, err := l.ID.MarshalJSON(); err == nil && len(v) > 0 { notEmpty = writeProp(b, "id", v) || notEmpty } if v, err := l.Type.MarshalJSON(); err == nil && len(v) > 0 { notEmpty = writeProp(b, "type", v) || notEmpty } if v, err := l.MediaType.MarshalJSON(); err == nil && len(v) > 0 { notEmpty = writeProp(b, "mediaType", v) || notEmpty } if len(l.Name) > 0 { notEmpty = writeNaturalLanguageProp(b, "name", l.Name) || notEmpty } if v, err := l.Rel.MarshalJSON(); err == nil && len(v) > 0 { notEmpty = writeProp(b, "rel", v) || notEmpty } if l.Height > 0 { notEmpty = writeIntProp(b, "height", int64(l.Height)) } if l.Width > 0 { notEmpty = writeIntProp(b, "width", int64(l.Width)) } if l.Preview != nil { notEmpty = writeItemProp(b, "rel", l.Preview) || notEmpty } if v, err := l.Href.MarshalJSON(); err == nil && len(v) > 0 { notEmpty = writeProp(b, "href", v) || notEmpty } if len(l.HrefLang) > 0 { notEmpty = writeStringProp(b, "hrefLang", string(l.HrefLang)) || notEmpty } return notEmpty }