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Marius Orcsik db8e40c894
Added proper Link Json marshaling
Fix some corner cases for Link unmarshaling

Small cleanups
2019-12-22 14:08:56 +01:00

695 lines
17 KiB

package activitypub
import (
var (
apUnmarshalerType = reflect.TypeOf(new(Item)).Elem()
unmarshalerType = reflect.TypeOf(new(json.Unmarshaler)).Elem()
textUnmarshalerType = reflect.TypeOf(new(encoding.TextUnmarshaler)).Elem()
// ItemTyperFunc will return an instance of a struct that implements activitystreams.Item
// The default for this package is JSONGetItemByType but can be overwritten
var ItemTyperFunc TyperFn
// TyperFn is the type of the function which returns an activitystreams.Item struct instance
// for a specific ActivityVocabularyType
type TyperFn func(ActivityVocabularyType) (Item, error)
func JSONGetID(data []byte) ID {
i, err := jsonparser.GetString(data, "id")
if err != nil {
return ID("")
return ID(i)
func JSONGetType(data []byte) ActivityVocabularyType {
t, err := jsonparser.GetString(data, "type")
typ := ActivityVocabularyType(t)
if err != nil {
return ""
return typ
func JSONGetMimeType(data []byte) MimeType {
t, err := jsonparser.GetString(data, "mediaType")
if err != nil {
return MimeType("")
return MimeType(t)
func JSONGetInt(data []byte, prop string) int64 {
val, err := jsonparser.GetInt(data, prop)
if err != nil {
return val
func JSONGetFloat(data []byte, prop string) float64 {
val, err := jsonparser.GetFloat(data, prop)
if err != nil {
return val
func JSONGetString(data []byte, prop string) string {
val, err := jsonparser.GetString(data, prop)
if err != nil {
return val
func JSONGetBytes(data []byte, prop string) []byte {
val, _, _, err := jsonparser.Get(data, prop)
if err != nil {
return val
func JSONGetBoolean(data []byte, prop string) bool {
val, err := jsonparser.GetBoolean(data, prop)
if err != nil {
return val
func JSONGetNaturalLanguageField(data []byte, prop string) NaturalLanguageValues {
n := NaturalLanguageValues{}
val, typ, _, err := jsonparser.Get(data, prop)
if err != nil || val == nil {
return nil
switch typ {
case jsonparser.Object:
jsonparser.ObjectEach(val, func(key []byte, value []byte, dataType jsonparser.ValueType, offset int) error {
if dataType == jsonparser.String {
l := LangRefValue{}
if err := l.UnmarshalJSON(value); err == nil {
if l.Ref != NilLangRef || len(l.Value) > 0 {
n = append(n, l)
return err
case jsonparser.String:
l := LangRefValue{}
if err := l.UnmarshalJSON(val); err == nil {
n = append(n, l)
return n
func JSONGetTime(data []byte, prop string) time.Time {
t := time.Time{}
str, _ := jsonparser.GetUnsafeString(data, prop)
return t
func JSONGetDuration(data []byte, prop string) time.Duration {
str, _ := jsonparser.GetUnsafeString(data, prop)
// TODO(marius): this needs to be replaced to be compatible with xsd:duration
d, _ := time.ParseDuration(str)
return d
func JSONGetPublicKey(data []byte, prop string) PublicKey {
key := PublicKey{}
key.UnmarshalJSON(JSONGetBytes(data, prop))
return key
func JSONGetStreams(data []byte, prop string) []ItemCollection {
return nil
func itemFn(data []byte) (Item, error) {
if len(data) == 0 {
return nil, nil
i, err := ItemTyperFunc(JSONGetType(data))
if err != nil || i == nil {
if i, ok := asIRI(data); ok {
// try to see if it's an IRI
return i, nil
return nil, nil
p := reflect.PtrTo(reflect.TypeOf(i))
if reflect.TypeOf(i).Implements(unmarshalerType) || p.Implements(unmarshalerType) {
err = i.(json.Unmarshaler).UnmarshalJSON(data)
if reflect.TypeOf(i).Implements(textUnmarshalerType) || p.Implements(textUnmarshalerType) {
err = i.(encoding.TextUnmarshaler).UnmarshalText(data)
return i, err
func JSONUnmarshalToItem(data []byte) Item {
if len(data) == 0 {
return nil
if ItemTyperFunc == nil {
return nil
val, typ, _, err := jsonparser.Get(data)
if err != nil || len(val) == 0 {
return nil
var i Item
switch typ {
case jsonparser.Array:
items := make(ItemCollection, 0)
jsonparser.ArrayEach(data, func(value []byte, dataType jsonparser.ValueType, offset int, err error) {
var it Item
it, err = itemFn(value)
if it != nil && err == nil {
if len(items) == 1 {
i = items.First()
if len(items) > 1 {
i = items
case jsonparser.Object:
i, err = itemFn(data)
case jsonparser.String:
if iri, ok := asIRI(data); ok {
// try to see if it's an IRI
i = iri
if err != nil {
return nil
return i
func asIRI(val []byte) (IRI, bool) {
u, err := url.ParseRequestURI(string(val))
if err == nil && len(u.Scheme) > 0 && len(u.Host) > 0 {
// try to see if it's an IRI
return IRI(val), true
return IRI(""), false
func JSONGetItem(data []byte, prop string) Item {
val, typ, _, err := jsonparser.Get(data, prop)
if err != nil {
return nil
switch typ {
case jsonparser.String:
if i, ok := asIRI(val); ok {
// try to see if it's an IRI
return i
case jsonparser.Array:
case jsonparser.Object:
return JSONUnmarshalToItem(val)
case jsonparser.Number:
case jsonparser.Boolean:
case jsonparser.Null:
case jsonparser.Unknown:
return nil
return nil
func JSONGetURIItem(data []byte, prop string) Item {
val, typ, _, err := jsonparser.Get(data, prop)
if err != nil {
return nil
switch typ {
case jsonparser.Object:
return JSONGetItem(data, prop)
case jsonparser.Array:
it := make(ItemCollection, 0)
jsonparser.ArrayEach(val, func(value []byte, dataType jsonparser.ValueType, offset int, err error) {
if i, ok := asIRI(value); ok {
i, err := ItemTyperFunc(JSONGetType(value))
if err != nil {
err = i.(json.Unmarshaler).UnmarshalJSON(value)
if err != nil {
return it
case jsonparser.String:
return IRI(val)
return nil
func JSONGetItems(data []byte, prop string) ItemCollection {
if len(data) == 0 {
return nil
val, typ, _, err := jsonparser.Get(data, prop)
if err != nil || len(val) == 0 {
return nil
it := make(ItemCollection, 0)
switch typ {
case jsonparser.Array:
jsonparser.ArrayEach(data, func(value []byte, dataType jsonparser.ValueType, offset int, err error) {
i, err := itemFn(value)
if i != nil && err == nil {
}, prop)
case jsonparser.Object:
// this should never happen :)
case jsonparser.String:
s, _ := jsonparser.GetString(val)
return it
func JSONGetLangRefField(data []byte, prop string) LangRef {
val, err := jsonparser.GetString(data, prop)
if err != nil {
return ""
return LangRef(val)
func JSONGetIRI(data []byte, prop string) IRI {
val, err := jsonparser.GetString(data, prop)
if err != nil {
return IRI("")
return IRI(val)
// UnmarshalJSON tries to detect the type of the object in the json data and then outputs a matching
// ActivityStreams object, if possible
func UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) (Item, error) {
if ItemTyperFunc == nil {
ItemTyperFunc = JSONGetItemByType
return JSONUnmarshalToItem(data), nil
func JSONGetItemByType(typ ActivityVocabularyType) (Item, error) {
switch typ {
case ObjectType:
return ObjectNew(typ), nil
case LinkType:
return &Link{Type: typ}, nil
case ActivityType:
return &Activity{Type: typ}, nil
case IntransitiveActivityType:
return &IntransitiveActivity{Type: typ}, nil
case ActorType:
return &Actor{Type: typ}, nil
case CollectionType:
return &Collection{Type: typ}, nil
case OrderedCollectionType:
return &OrderedCollection{Type: typ}, nil
case CollectionPageType:
return &CollectionPage{Type: typ}, nil
case OrderedCollectionPageType:
return &OrderedCollectionPage{Type: typ}, nil
case ArticleType:
return ObjectNew(typ), nil
case AudioType:
return ObjectNew(typ), nil
case DocumentType:
return ObjectNew(typ), nil
case EventType:
return ObjectNew(typ), nil
case ImageType:
return ObjectNew(typ), nil
case NoteType:
return ObjectNew(typ), nil
case PageType:
return ObjectNew(typ), nil
case PlaceType:
return &Place{Type: typ}, nil
case ProfileType:
return &Profile{Type: typ}, nil
case RelationshipType:
return &Relationship{Type: typ}, nil
case TombstoneType:
return &Tombstone{Type: typ}, nil
case VideoType:
return ObjectNew(typ), nil
case MentionType:
return &Mention{Type: typ}, nil
case ApplicationType:
return &Application{Type: typ}, nil
case GroupType:
return &Group{Type: typ}, nil
case OrganizationType:
return &Organization{Type: typ}, nil
case PersonType:
return &Person{Type: typ}, nil
case ServiceType:
return &Service{Type: typ}, nil
case AcceptType:
return &Accept{Type: typ}, nil
case AddType:
return &Add{Type: typ}, nil
case AnnounceType:
return &Announce{Type: typ}, nil
case ArriveType:
return &Arrive{Type: typ}, nil
case BlockType:
return &Block{Type: typ}, nil
case CreateType:
return &Create{Type: typ}, nil
case DeleteType:
return &Delete{Type: typ}, nil
case DislikeType:
return &Dislike{Type: typ}, nil
case FlagType:
return &Flag{Type: typ}, nil
case FollowType:
return &Follow{Type: typ}, nil
case IgnoreType:
return &Ignore{Type: typ}, nil
case InviteType:
return &Invite{Type: typ}, nil
case JoinType:
return &Join{Type: typ}, nil
case LeaveType:
return &Leave{Type: typ}, nil
case LikeType:
return &Like{Type: typ}, nil
case ListenType:
return &Listen{Type: typ}, nil
case MoveType:
return &Move{Type: typ}, nil
case OfferType:
return &Offer{Type: typ}, nil
case QuestionType:
return &Question{Type: typ}, nil
case RejectType:
return &Reject{Type: typ}, nil
case ReadType:
return &Read{Type: typ}, nil
case RemoveType:
return &Remove{Type: typ}, nil
case TentativeRejectType:
return &TentativeReject{Type: typ}, nil
case TentativeAcceptType:
return &TentativeAccept{Type: typ}, nil
case TravelType:
return &Travel{Type: typ}, nil
case UndoType:
return &Undo{Type: typ}, nil
case UpdateType:
return &Update{Type: typ}, nil
case ViewType:
return &View{Type: typ}, nil
case "":
// when no type is available use a plain Object
return nil, nil
return nil, fmt.Errorf("unrecognized ActivityStreams type %s", typ)
func JSONGetActorEndpoints(data []byte, prop string) *Endpoints {
str, _ := jsonparser.GetUnsafeString(data, prop)
var e *Endpoints
if len(str) > 0 {
e = &Endpoints{}
return e
func loadObject(data []byte, o *Object) error {
if ItemTyperFunc == nil {
ItemTyperFunc = JSONGetItemByType
o.ID = JSONGetID(data)
o.Type = JSONGetType(data)
o.Name = JSONGetNaturalLanguageField(data, "name")
o.Content = JSONGetNaturalLanguageField(data, "content")
o.Summary = JSONGetNaturalLanguageField(data, "summary")
o.Context = JSONGetItem(data, "context")
o.URL = JSONGetURIItem(data, "url")
o.MediaType = MimeType(JSONGetString(data, "mediaType"))
o.Generator = JSONGetItem(data, "generator")
o.AttributedTo = JSONGetItem(data, "attributedTo")
o.Attachment = JSONGetItem(data, "attachment")
o.Location = JSONGetItem(data, "location")
o.Published = JSONGetTime(data, "published")
o.StartTime = JSONGetTime(data, "startTime")
o.EndTime = JSONGetTime(data, "endTime")
o.Duration = JSONGetDuration(data, "duration")
o.Icon = JSONGetItem(data, "icon")
o.Preview = JSONGetItem(data, "preview")
o.Image = JSONGetItem(data, "image")
o.Updated = JSONGetTime(data, "updated")
inReplyTo := JSONGetItems(data, "inReplyTo")
if len(inReplyTo) > 0 {
o.InReplyTo = inReplyTo
to := JSONGetItems(data, "to")
if len(to) > 0 {
o.To = to
audience := JSONGetItems(data, "audience")
if len(audience) > 0 {
o.Audience = audience
bto := JSONGetItems(data, "bto")
if len(bto) > 0 {
o.Bto = bto
cc := JSONGetItems(data, "cc")
if len(cc) > 0 {
o.CC = cc
bcc := JSONGetItems(data, "bcc")
if len(bcc) > 0 {
o.BCC = bcc
replies := JSONGetItem(data, "replies")
if replies != nil {
o.Replies = replies
tag := JSONGetItems(data, "tag")
if len(tag) > 0 {
o.Tag = tag
o.Likes = JSONGetItem(data, "likes")
o.Shares = JSONGetItem(data, "shares")
o.Source = GetAPSource(data)
return nil
func loadIntrasitiveActivity(data []byte, i *IntransitiveActivity) error {
OnObject(i, func(o *Object) error {
return loadObject(data, o)
i.Actor = JSONGetItem(data, "actor")
i.Target = JSONGetItem(data, "target")
i.Result = JSONGetItem(data, "result")
i.Origin = JSONGetItem(data, "origin")
i.Instrument = JSONGetItem(data, "instrument")
return nil
func loadActivity(data []byte, a *Activity) error {
OnIntransitiveActivity(a, func(i *IntransitiveActivity) error {
return loadIntrasitiveActivity(data, i)
a.Object = JSONGetItem(data, "object")
return nil
func loadQuestion(data []byte, q *Question) error {
OnIntransitiveActivity(q, func(i *IntransitiveActivity) error {
return loadIntrasitiveActivity(data, i)
q.OneOf = JSONGetItem(data, "oneOf")
q.AnyOf = JSONGetItem(data, "anyOf")
q.Closed = JSONGetBoolean(data, "closed")
return nil
func loadActor(data []byte, a *Actor) error {
OnObject(a, func(o *Object) error {
return loadObject(data, o)
a.PreferredUsername = JSONGetNaturalLanguageField(data, "preferredUsername")
a.Followers = JSONGetItem(data, "followers")
a.Following = JSONGetItem(data, "following")
a.Inbox = JSONGetItem(data, "inbox")
a.Outbox = JSONGetItem(data, "outbox")
a.Liked = JSONGetItem(data, "liked")
a.Endpoints = JSONGetActorEndpoints(data, "endpoints")
a.Streams = JSONGetStreams(data, "streams")
a.PublicKey = JSONGetPublicKey(data, "publicKey")
return nil
func loadCollection(data []byte, c *Collection) error {
OnObject(c, func(o *Object) error {
return loadObject(data, o)
c.Items = JSONGetItems(data, "items")
c.TotalItems = uint(JSONGetInt(data, "totalItems"))
c.Current = JSONGetItem(data, "current")
c.First = JSONGetItem(data, "first")
c.Last = JSONGetItem(data, "last")
return nil
func loadCollectionPage(data []byte, c *CollectionPage) error {
OnCollection(c, func(c CollectionInterface) error {
return loadCollection(data, c.(*Collection))
c.Next = JSONGetItem(data, "next")
c.Prev = JSONGetItem(data, "prev")
c.PartOf = JSONGetItem(data, "partOf")
return nil
func loadOrderedCollection(data []byte, c *OrderedCollection) error {
OnObject(c, func(o *Object) error {
return loadObject(data, o)
c.OrderedItems = JSONGetItems(data, "orderedItems")
c.TotalItems = uint(JSONGetInt(data, "totalItems"))
c.Current = JSONGetItem(data, "current")
c.First = JSONGetItem(data, "first")
c.Last = JSONGetItem(data, "last")
return nil
func loadOrderedCollectionPage(data []byte, c *OrderedCollectionPage) error {
OnOrderedCollection(c, func(c *OrderedCollection) error {
return loadOrderedCollection(data, c)
c.Next = JSONGetItem(data, "next")
c.Prev = JSONGetItem(data, "prev")
c.PartOf = JSONGetItem(data, "partOf")
if si, err := jsonparser.GetInt(data, "startIndex"); err != nil {
c.StartIndex = uint(si)
return nil
func loadPlace(data []byte, p *Place) error {
OnObject(p, func(o *Object) error {
return loadObject(data, o)
p.Accuracy = JSONGetFloat(data, "accuracy")
p.Altitude = JSONGetFloat(data, "altitude")
p.Latitude = JSONGetFloat(data, "latitude")
p.Longitude = JSONGetFloat(data, "longitude")
p.Radius = JSONGetInt(data, "radius")
p.Units = JSONGetString(data, "units")
return nil
func loadProfile(data []byte, p *Profile) error {
OnObject(p, func(o *Object) error {
return loadObject(data, o)
p.Describes = JSONGetItem(data, "describes")
return nil
func loadRelationship(data []byte, r *Relationship) error {
OnObject(r, func(o *Object) error {
return loadObject(data, o)
r.Subject = JSONGetItem(data, "subject")
r.Object = JSONGetItem(data, "object")
r.Relationship = JSONGetItem(data, "relationship")
return nil
func loadTombstone(data []byte, t *Tombstone) error {
OnObject(t, func(o *Object) error {
return loadObject(data, o)
t.FormerType = ActivityVocabularyType(JSONGetString(data, "formerType"))
t.Deleted = JSONGetTime(data, "deleted")
return nil
func loadLink(data []byte, l *Link) error {
if ItemTyperFunc == nil {
ItemTyperFunc = JSONGetItemByType
l.ID = JSONGetID(data)
l.Type = JSONGetType(data)
l.MediaType = JSONGetMimeType(data)
l.Preview = JSONGetItem(data, "preview")
h := JSONGetInt(data, "height")
if h != 0 {
l.Height = uint(h)
w := JSONGetInt(data, "width")
if w != 0 {
l.Width = uint(w)
l.Name = JSONGetNaturalLanguageField(data, "name")
hrefLang := JSONGetLangRefField(data, "hrefLang")
if len(hrefLang) > 0 {
l.HrefLang = hrefLang
href := JSONGetURIItem(data, "href")
if href != nil {
ll := href.GetLink()
if len(ll) > 0 {
l.Href = ll
rel := JSONGetURIItem(data, "rel")
if rel != nil {
rr := rel.GetLink()
if len(rr) > 0 {
l.Rel = rr
return nil