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2020-04-12 10:57:04 +02:00

421 lines
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package activitypub
import (
type canErrorFunc func(format string, args ...interface{})
type visit struct {
a1 unsafe.Pointer
a2 unsafe.Pointer
typ reflect.Type
func assertDeepEquals(t canErrorFunc, x, y interface{}) bool {
if x == nil || y == nil {
return x == y
v1 := reflect.ValueOf(x)
//if v1.CanAddr() {
// v1 = v1.Addr()
v2 := reflect.ValueOf(y)
//if v2.CanAddr() {
// v2 = v2.Addr()
if v1.Type() != v2.Type() {
t("%T != %T", x, y)
return false
return deepValueEqual(t, v1, v2, make(map[visit]bool), 0)
func deepValueEqual(t canErrorFunc, v1, v2 reflect.Value, visited map[visit]bool, depth int) bool {
if !v1.IsValid() || !v2.IsValid() {
return v1.IsValid() == v2.IsValid()
if v1.Type() != v2.Type() {
t("types differ %s != %s", v1.Type().Name(), v2.Type().Name())
return false
// We want to avoid putting more in the visited map than we need to.
// For any possible reference cycle that might be encountered,
// hard(t) needs to return true for at least one of the types in the cycle.
hard := func(k reflect.Kind) bool {
switch k {
case reflect.Map, reflect.Slice, reflect.Ptr, reflect.Interface:
return true
//t("Invalid type for %s", k)
return false
if v1.CanAddr() && v2.CanAddr() && hard(v1.Kind()) {
addr1 := unsafe.Pointer(v1.UnsafeAddr())
addr2 := unsafe.Pointer(v2.UnsafeAddr())
if uintptr(addr1) > uintptr(addr2) {
// Canonicalize order to reduce number of entries in visited.
// Assumes non-moving garbage collector.
addr1, addr2 = addr2, addr1
// Short circuit if references are already seen.
typ := v1.Type()
v := visit{addr1, addr2, typ}
if visited[v] {
return true
// Remember for later.
visited[v] = true
switch v1.Kind() {
case reflect.Array:
for i := 0; i < v1.Len(); i++ {
if !deepValueEqual(t, v1.Index(i), v2.Index(i), visited, depth+1) {
t("Arrays not equal at index %d %s %s", i, v1.Index(i), v2.Index(i))
return false
return true
case reflect.Slice:
if v1.IsNil() != v2.IsNil() {
t("One of the slices is not nil %s[%d] vs %s[%d]", v1.Type().Name(), v1.Len(), v2.Type().Name(), v2.Len())
return false
if v1.Len() != v2.Len() {
t("Slices lengths are different %s[%d] vs %s[%d]", v1.Type().Name(), v1.Len(), v2.Type().Name(), v2.Len())
return false
if v1.Pointer() == v2.Pointer() {
return true
for i := 0; i < v1.Len(); i++ {
if !deepValueEqual(t, v1.Index(i), v2.Index(i), visited, depth+1) {
t("Slices elements at pos %d are not equal %#v vs %#v", i, v1.Index(i), v2.Index(i))
return false
return true
case reflect.Interface:
if v1.IsNil() || v2.IsNil() {
if v1.IsNil() == v2.IsNil() {
return true
var isNil1, isNil2 string
if v1.IsNil() {
isNil1 = "is"
} else {
isNil1 = "is not"
if v2.IsNil() {
isNil2 = "is"
} else {
isNil2 = "is not"
t("Interface '%s' %s nil and '%s' %s nil", v1.Type().Name(), isNil1, v2.Type().Name(), isNil2)
return false
return deepValueEqual(t, v1.Elem(), v2.Elem(), visited, depth+1)
case reflect.Ptr:
if v1.Pointer() == v2.Pointer() {
return true
return deepValueEqual(t, v1.Elem(), v2.Elem(), visited, depth+1)
case reflect.Struct:
for i, n := 0, v1.NumField(); i < n; i++ {
if !deepValueEqual(t, v1.Field(i), v2.Field(i), visited, depth+1) {
t("Struct fields at pos %d %s[%s] and %s[%s] are not deeply equal", i, v1.Type().Field(i).Name, v1.Field(i).Type().Name(), v2.Type().Field(i).Name, v2.Field(i).Type().Name())
if v1.Field(i).CanAddr() && v2.Field(i).CanAddr() {
t(" Values: %#v - %#v", v1.Field(i).Interface(), v2.Field(i).Interface())
return false
return true
case reflect.Map:
if v1.IsNil() != v2.IsNil() {
t("Maps are not nil", v1.Type().Name(), v2.Type().Name())
return false
if v1.Len() != v2.Len() {
t("Maps don't have the same length %d vs %d", v1.Len(), v2.Len())
return false
if v1.Pointer() == v2.Pointer() {
return true
for _, k := range v1.MapKeys() {
val1 := v1.MapIndex(k)
val2 := v2.MapIndex(k)
if !val1.IsValid() || !val2.IsValid() || !deepValueEqual(t, v1.MapIndex(k), v2.MapIndex(k), visited, depth+1) {
t("Maps values at index %s are not equal", k.String())
return false
return true
case reflect.Func:
if v1.IsNil() && v2.IsNil() {
return true
// Can't do better than this:
return false
return true // i guess?
type testPairs map[ActivityVocabularyType]reflect.Type
var objectPtrType = reflect.TypeOf(new(*Object)).Elem()
var tombstoneType = reflect.TypeOf(new(*Tombstone)).Elem()
var profileType = reflect.TypeOf(new(*Profile)).Elem()
var placeType = reflect.TypeOf(new(*Place)).Elem()
var relationshipType = reflect.TypeOf(new(*Relationship)).Elem()
var linkPtrType = reflect.TypeOf(new(*Link)).Elem()
var mentionPtrType = reflect.TypeOf(new(*Mention)).Elem()
var activityPtrType = reflect.TypeOf(new(*Activity)).Elem()
var intransitiveActivityPtrType = reflect.TypeOf(new(*IntransitiveActivity)).Elem()
var collectionPtrType = reflect.TypeOf(new(*Collection)).Elem()
var collectionPagePtrType = reflect.TypeOf(new(*CollectionPage)).Elem()
var orderedCollectionPtrType = reflect.TypeOf(new(*OrderedCollection)).Elem()
var orderedCollectionPagePtrType = reflect.TypeOf(new(*OrderedCollectionPage)).Elem()
var actorPtrType = reflect.TypeOf(new(*Actor)).Elem()
var applicationPtrType = reflect.TypeOf(new(*Application)).Elem()
var servicePtrType = reflect.TypeOf(new(*Service)).Elem()
var personPtrType = reflect.TypeOf(new(*Person)).Elem()
var groupPtrType = reflect.TypeOf(new(*Group)).Elem()
var organizationPtrType = reflect.TypeOf(new(*Organization)).Elem()
var acceptPtrType = reflect.TypeOf(new(*Accept)).Elem()
var addPtrType = reflect.TypeOf(new(*Add)).Elem()
var announcePtrType = reflect.TypeOf(new(*Announce)).Elem()
var arrivePtrType = reflect.TypeOf(new(*Arrive)).Elem()
var blockPtrType = reflect.TypeOf(new(*Block)).Elem()
var createPtrType = reflect.TypeOf(new(*Create)).Elem()
var deletePtrType = reflect.TypeOf(new(*Delete)).Elem()
var dislikePtrType = reflect.TypeOf(new(*Dislike)).Elem()
var flagPtrType = reflect.TypeOf(new(*Flag)).Elem()
var followPtrType = reflect.TypeOf(new(*Follow)).Elem()
var ignorePtrType = reflect.TypeOf(new(*Ignore)).Elem()
var invitePtrType = reflect.TypeOf(new(*Invite)).Elem()
var joinPtrType = reflect.TypeOf(new(*Join)).Elem()
var leavePtrType = reflect.TypeOf(new(*Leave)).Elem()
var likePtrType = reflect.TypeOf(new(*Like)).Elem()
var listenPtrType = reflect.TypeOf(new(*Listen)).Elem()
var movePtrType = reflect.TypeOf(new(*Move)).Elem()
var offerPtrType = reflect.TypeOf(new(*Offer)).Elem()
var questionPtrType = reflect.TypeOf(new(*Question)).Elem()
var rejectPtrType = reflect.TypeOf(new(*Reject)).Elem()
var readPtrType = reflect.TypeOf(new(*Read)).Elem()
var removePtrType = reflect.TypeOf(new(*Remove)).Elem()
var tentativeRejectPtrType = reflect.TypeOf(new(*TentativeReject)).Elem()
var tentativeAcceptPtrType = reflect.TypeOf(new(*TentativeAccept)).Elem()
var travelPtrType = reflect.TypeOf(new(*Travel)).Elem()
var undoPtrType = reflect.TypeOf(new(*Undo)).Elem()
var updatePtrType = reflect.TypeOf(new(*Update)).Elem()
var viewPtrType = reflect.TypeOf(new(*View)).Elem()
var tests = testPairs{
ObjectType: objectPtrType,
ArticleType: objectPtrType,
AudioType: objectPtrType,
DocumentType: objectPtrType,
ImageType: objectPtrType,
NoteType: objectPtrType,
PageType: objectPtrType,
PlaceType: placeType,
ProfileType: profileType,
RelationshipType: relationshipType,
TombstoneType: tombstoneType,
VideoType: objectPtrType,
LinkType: linkPtrType,
MentionType: mentionPtrType,
CollectionType: collectionPtrType,
CollectionPageType: collectionPagePtrType,
OrderedCollectionType: orderedCollectionPtrType,
OrderedCollectionPageType: orderedCollectionPagePtrType,
ActorType: actorPtrType,
ApplicationType: applicationPtrType,
ServiceType: servicePtrType,
PersonType: personPtrType,
GroupType: groupPtrType,
OrganizationType: organizationPtrType,
ActivityType: activityPtrType,
IntransitiveActivityType: intransitiveActivityPtrType,
AcceptType: acceptPtrType,
AddType: addPtrType,
AnnounceType: announcePtrType,
ArriveType: arrivePtrType,
BlockType: blockPtrType,
CreateType: createPtrType,
DeleteType: deletePtrType,
DislikeType: dislikePtrType,
FlagType: flagPtrType,
FollowType: followPtrType,
IgnoreType: ignorePtrType,
InviteType: invitePtrType,
JoinType: joinPtrType,
LeaveType: leavePtrType,
LikeType: likePtrType,
ListenType: listenPtrType,
MoveType: movePtrType,
OfferType: offerPtrType,
QuestionType: questionPtrType,
RejectType: rejectPtrType,
ReadType: readPtrType,
RemoveType: removePtrType,
TentativeRejectType: tentativeRejectPtrType,
TentativeAcceptType: tentativeAcceptPtrType,
TravelType: travelPtrType,
UndoType: undoPtrType,
UpdateType: updatePtrType,
ViewType: viewPtrType,
func TestJSONGetItemByType(t *testing.T) {
for typ, test := range tests {
t.Run(string(typ), func(t *testing.T) {
v, err := JSONGetItemByType(typ)
if err != nil {
if reflect.TypeOf(v) != test {
t.Errorf("Invalid type returned %T, expected %s", v, test.String())
func TestUnmarshalJSON(t *testing.T) {
type args struct {
d []byte
tests := []struct {
name string
args args
want Item
err error
name: "empty",
args: args{[]byte{'{', '}'}},
want: nil,
err: nil,
name: "IRI",
args: args{[]byte("\"\"")},
want: IRI(""),
err: nil,
name: "IRIs",
args: args{[]byte(fmt.Sprintf("[%q, %q]", "", ""))},
want: ItemCollection{
err: nil,
for _, tt := range tests {
t.Run(, func(t *testing.T) {
got, err := UnmarshalJSON(tt.args.d)
if (err != nil && tt.err == nil) || (err == nil && tt.err != nil) {
if !errors.Is(err, tt.err) {
t.Errorf("UnmarshalJSON() error = %v, wantErr %v", err, tt.err)
if !assertDeepEquals(t.Errorf, got, tt.want) {
t.Errorf("UnmarshalJSON() got = %#v, want %#v", got, tt.want)
func TestJSONGetDuration(t *testing.T) {
func TestJSONGetInt(t *testing.T) {
func TestJSONGetIRI(t *testing.T) {
func TestJSONGetItem(t *testing.T) {
func TestJSONGetItems(t *testing.T) {
func TestJSONGetLangRefField(t *testing.T) {
func TestJSONGetMimeType(t *testing.T) {
func TestJSONGetID(t *testing.T) {
func TestJSONGetNaturalLanguageField(t *testing.T) {
func TestJSONGetString(t *testing.T) {
func TestJSONGetTime(t *testing.T) {
func TestJSONGetType(t *testing.T) {
func TestJSONGetURIItem(t *testing.T) {
func TestJSONUnmarshalToItem(t *testing.T) {
func TestJSONGetActorEndpoints(t *testing.T) {
func TestJSONGetBoolean(t *testing.T) {
func TestJSONGetBytes(t *testing.T) {
func TestJSONGetFloat(t *testing.T) {
func TestJSONGetPublicKey(t *testing.T) {
func TestJSONGetStreams(t *testing.T) {