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package org
import "strings"
var htmlEntityReplacer *strings.Replacer
func init() {
htmlEntities = append(htmlEntities,
"---", "—",
"--", "",
"...", "…",
htmlEntityReplacer = strings.NewReplacer(htmlEntities...)
Generated & copied over using the following elisp
(Setting up go generate seems like a waste for now - I call YAGNI on that one)
(insert (mapconcat
(lambda (entity) (concat "`\\" (car entity) "`, `" (nth 6 entity) "`")) ; entity -> utf8
(remove-if-not 'listp org-entities)
var htmlEntities = []string{
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`\Atilde`, `Ã`,
`\atilde`, `ã`,
`\Auml`, `Ä`,
`\auml`, `ä`,
`\Aring`, `Å`,
`\AA`, `Å`,
`\aring`, `å`,
`\AElig`, `Æ`,
`\aelig`, `æ`,
`\Ccedil`, `Ç`,
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`\egrave`, `è`,
`\Eacute`, `É`,
`\eacute`, `é`,
`\Ecirc`, `Ê`,
`\ecirc`, `ê`,
`\Euml`, `Ë`,
`\euml`, `ë`,
`\Igrave`, `Ì`,
`\igrave`, `ì`,
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`\ograve`, `ò`,
`\Oacute`, `Ó`,
`\oacute`, `ó`,
`\Ocirc`, `Ô`,
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`\Ouml`, `Ö`,
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`\_ `, ``,
`\_ `, ``,
`\_ `, ``,
`\_ `, ``,
`\_ `, ``,
`\_ `, ``,
`\_ `, ``,
`\_ `, ``,
`\_ `, ``,
`\_ `, ``,
`\_ `, ``,
`\_ `, ``,
`\_ `, ``,
`\_ `, ``,
`\_ `, ``,
`\_ `, ``,
`\_ `, ``,
`\_ `, ``,
`\_ `, ``,
`\_ `, ``,