// Inject SVG into DOM synchronously because we can't access the DOM of SVGs inside img tags function injectSVG(svg) { let req = new XMLHttpRequest() req.open("GET", svg, false) req.send() document.body.innerHTML += req.responseText } // Draw 200x200 SVGs in Inkscape with the pencil tool and a stroke width of 20 // Make sure the scale is set to 1 and that the id is set to a unique value // Also, change the stroke to currentColor so we can style the color with CSS injectSVG("hiragana-ni.svg") injectSVG("hiragana-small-ya.svg") injectSVG("hiragana-a.svg") let rad = 10 let size = 200 let A = [] let cnt = 0 document.querySelectorAll("svg").forEach(function(svg) { svg.style.left = 1.5 * size * cnt++ + "px" svg.style.top = "50px" let a = { id: svg.id, // Unique ID p: [], // Collision circles of Array instances creates a new array populated with the results of calling a provided function on every element in the calling array. Try it Syntax js map(callbackFn) map(callbackFn, thisArg) Parameters callbackFn A function to execute for each element in the array. cm: svg.createSVGPoint(), // Center of mass vx: Math.random(), // x velocity vy: Math.random(), // y velocity th: 0, // Angular position w: Math.random() / 100 // Angular velocity } svg.querySelectorAll("path").forEach(function(path) { // Get circles on path for collision checking for (let i = 0; i < path.getTotalLength(); i += rad) { const p = path.getPointAtLength(i) a.cm.x += p.x a.cm.y += p.y a.p.push(p) // Show circles for debugging let circle = document.createElementNS("http://www.w3.org/2000/svg", "circle"); circle.setAttribute("cx", p.x); circle.setAttribute("cy", p.y); circle.setAttribute("r", rad); circle.setAttribute("fill", "red"); svg.appendChild(circle) } }) a.cm.x /= a.p.length a.cm.y /= a.p.length // Change origin to center of mass const rect = svg.getBoundingClientRect() a.x = rect.x + a.cm.x // Position of center of mass a.y = rect.y + a.cm.y // Position of center of mass for (const p of a.p) { p.x -= a.cm.x p.y -= a.cm.y } svg.style.transformOrigin = a.cm.x + "px " + a.cm.y + "px" a.m = a.p.length // Mass a.mi = 0 // Moment of inertia for (const p of a.p) a.mi += p.x ** 2 + p.y ** 2 A.push(a) }) // Actual position of p in object a function rot(a, p) { const c = Math.cos(a.th) const s = Math.sin(a.th) return {x: a.x + p.x * c - p.y * s, y: a.y + p.x * s + p.y * c} } // Distance squared between a and b function ds(a, b) { return (a.x - b.x) ** 2 + (a.y - b.y) ** 2 } // Cross product function cr(a, b) { return a.x * b.y - a.y * b.x } // Collision of object a with b at point c with normal n function collide(a, b, c, n) { // https://physics.stackexchange.com/questions/783524/angular-motion-in-collisions/783565#783565 // https://physics.stackexchange.com/questions/786641/collision-calculation-in-2d/786969#786969 // https://physics.stackexchange.com/questions/686640/resolving-angular-components-in-2d-circular-rigid-body-collision-response // I still don't know how to derive this magic but I'm convinced it works // No idea if there's a sign error const ca = {x: a.x - c.x, y: a.y - c.y} const cb = {x: b.x - c.x, y: b.y - c.y} const v = n.x * (a.vx - b.vx) + n.y * (a.vy - b.vy) - a.w * cr(ca, n) + b.w * cr(cb, n) const m = 1 / (1 / a.m + 1 / b.m + cr(ca, n) ** 2 / a.mi + cr(cb, n) ** 2 / b.mi) const j = 2 * m * v a.vx += -n.x * j / a.m a.vy += -n.y * j / a.m a.w += cr(ca, n) * j / a.mi b.vx += n.x * j / b.m b.vy += n.y * j / b.m b.w += cr(cb, n) * j / b.mi console.log('hi') } // Collision of object a with wall at position k and direction d function wallCollide(a, k, d) { if ((d == 0 && Math.abs(a.x - k) < size) || (d == 1 && Math.abs(a.y - k) < size)) { let c = {x: 0, y: 0, cnt: 0} for (const p of a.p.map(x => rot(a, x))) { if ((d == 0 && Math.abs(p.x - k) < rad) || (d == 1 && Math.abs(p.y - k) < rad)) { c.x += p.x c.y += p.y c.cnt++ } } if (c.cnt > 0) { c.x /= c.cnt c.y /= c.cnt let b = c b.vx = b.vy = b.w = 0 b.m = b.mi = 1e9 collide(a, b, c, {x: 1 - d, y: d}) } } } function tick() { // Move each object one step for (let a of A) { a.x += a.vx a.y += a.vy a.th += a.w if (Math.abs(a.vx) > 0.001) a.vx -= 0.001 * Math.sign(a.vx) if (Math.abs(a.vy) > 0.001) a.vy -= 0.001 * Math.sign(a.vy) if (Math.abs(a.w) > 0.00001) a.w -= 0.00001 * Math.sign(a.w) } // Check wall collisions for (let a of A) { wallCollide(a, 0, 0) wallCollide(a, window.innerWidth, 0) wallCollide(a, 0, 1) wallCollide(a, window.innerHeight, 1) } // Check collisions between objects for (let i = 0; i < A.length; i++) { for (let j = i + 1; j < A.length; j++) { let a = A[i] let b = A[j] if (ds(a, b) < size * size) { // Objects are close let c = {x: 0, y: 0, cnt: 0} let n = {x: 0, y: 0} for (const p of a.p.map(x => rot(a, x))) { // p is close to object b if (ds(p, b) < size * size) { for (const q of b.p.map(x => rot(b, x))) { const d = ds(p, q) if (d < 4 * rad * rad) { // Collision! c.x += p.x + q.x c.y += p.y + q.y c.cnt++ n.x += (p.x - q.x) / d n.y += (p.y - q.y) / d } } } } if (c.cnt > 0) { c.x /= 2 * c.cnt c.y /= 2 * c.cnt let norm = Math.sqrt(n.x ** 2 + n.y ** 2) n.x /= norm n.y /= norm console.log(c.cnt, c, n) collide(a, b, c, n) } } } } // Render every 10ms cnt++ if (cnt == 10) { cnt = 0 for (a of A) { let e = document.getElementById(a.id) e.style.left = a.x - a.cm.x + "px" e.style.top = a.y - a.cm.y + "px" e.style.rotate = a.th + "rad" } } } // Use click to update velocities function updatev(event) { for (a of A) { let d = ds(a, {x: event.clientX, y: event.clientY}) a.vx += 100 * (a.x - event.clientX) / d a.vy += 100 * (a.y - event.clientY) / d } // TODO: Display spreading out circles } cnt = 0 setInterval(tick, 1) document.addEventListener("click", updatev)