See []( for an extensive list of contests. Make sure to [upsolve]( after the contest ends!
<resource source="Google" title="Code Jam" url="" starred>25 from R3</resource>
<resource source="TopCoder" title="Open" url="" starred>16; 4 from SRMs, 10 from R4, 2 from wildcard</resource>
Only considering contests which allow C++ since the others aren't legit. (add more?)
<resource source="Virginia Tech" title="HSPC" url="">December, online, teams of 3, 5 hours, past problems on <a href="">Kattis</a></resource>
<resource source="University of Central Florida" title="HSPT" url="">Decmeber, online, individual, 4 hours</resource>
<resource source="Cornell" title="HSPC" url="">April, teams of 3, 3 hours, <a href="">2019 problems</a></resource>
<resource source="Montgomery Blair HS" title="mBIT" url="">online, teams of 4, 4 hours</resource>