
This commit is contained in:
Benjamin Qi 2020-06-03 16:56:04 -04:00
parent 00069f49ad
commit 0d126726b0
5 changed files with 104 additions and 26 deletions

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@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
- **Dijkstra**
- ex. [Milk Pumping](
- Floyd-Warshall
- Bellman-Ford??
- SPFA??

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@ -1,21 +0,0 @@
- **Dijkstra**
- ex. [Milk Pumping](
- Floyd-Warshall
- Bellman-Ford??
- SPFA??
- CPH 13
- CPH 15
- ex. [Fencedin](
- Prim
- Kruskal
- CPH 16
- ex. [Timeline](
- DSU Complexity Proofs
- [log\*n](*n)\_time_complexity\_of_union%E2%80%93find)
- [a(m,n)](

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@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
# Gold - Minimum Spanning Tree
* [Kattis Minimum Spanning Tree](
## Tutorial
- CPH 15
- Prim's Algorithm
- Similar to Dijkstra
- Kruskal's Algorithm
- Requires "Disjoint Set Union" (DSU) data structure
- [CSAcademy Disjoint-Set](
- DSU Complexity Proofs (optional of course)
- [log\*n](*n)\_time_complexity\_of_union%E2%80%93find)
- [a(m,n)](
## USACO Gold Problems
- MST Problems
- [Walk](
- Prim's is applicable, but the edge weights are special so you don't actually need to use an MST algo ...
- [Fencedin](
- also special ...
- DSU Problems
- [Mootube](
- [Closing the Farm](
- [Favorite Colors](
- fairly tricky

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@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
# Gold - Shortest Path
Author: Benjamin Qi
## Breadth First Search
### Tutorial
- [CSAcademy BFS](
- [cp-algo BFS](
- [cp-algo 0/1 BFS](
### Problems
- [Cow Navigation](
- [Dream](
- [Lasers](
## Shortest Path
### Non-Negative Edge Weights
* [Kattis SSSP Non-Negative](
For non-negative weights, use *Dijkstra's Algorithm:*
#### Tutorial
* CSES 13.2
* [cp-algo Dijkstra (Dense Graphs)](
* [cp-algo Dijkstra (Sparse Graphs)](
* Usually, it's this one that's applicable.
#### USACO Gold Problems
* [Milk Pumping](
* fairly standard application
* [Shortcut](
* [Fine Dining](
### All Pairs
* [Kattis All Pairs Shortest Path](
Use the *Floyd-Warshall* algorithm.
#### Tutorial
* CSES 13.3
* [cp-algo Floyd-Warshall](
#### USACO Gold Problems
* [Moortal Cowmbat](
* Use APSP before running DP.
### Negative Edge Weights
Hasn't appeared in recent USACO Gold as far as I know.
* [Kattis SSSP Negative](
Can also modify Dijkstra's so it works with negative edge weights but not negative cycles. Running time bound no longer applies.

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@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
## Gold - Topological Sort
### Tutorial
- CPH 16.1, 16.2
- [cp-algorithms](
### USACO Gold Problems
- [Timeline](
- [Milking Order](