formatting fixes

This commit is contained in:
Nathan Wang 2020-06-24 20:08:13 -07:00
parent badf8c07dc
commit 206317262c
3 changed files with 35 additions and 32 deletions

View file

@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ export const metadata = {
problems: {
general: [
new Problem("LC", "Max Histogram Area", "largest-rectangle-in-histogram", "Normal", false, []),
new Problem("Old Gold", "Concurrently Balanced Strings", "194", "Normal", false, []),
new Problem("Old Gold", "Concurrently Balanced Strings", "194", "Hard", false, []),

View file

@ -12,38 +12,38 @@ import { Problem } from "../models";
export const metadata = {
problems: {
usaco-past: [
new Problem("Gold", "Hoof Paper Scissors", "694", "Easy", false, ["DP"], "dp[first i games][# changes][last gesture] -> max games won"),
new Problem("Gold", "Time is Mooney", "993", "Easy", true, ["DP", "Graphs"], "dp[time][city] -> money"),
new Problem("Gold", "Teamwork", "863", "Easy", false, ["DP"], "let dp[i] -> max sum of skill levels for the first i cows, then precompute subarray maximums"),
new Problem("Gold", "Snakes", "945", "Easy", false, ["DP"], "dp[i][j] -> minimum sum of net sizes needed to catch m snakes with k changes, precompute maximums"),
new Problem("Gold", "Circular Barn Revisited", "622", "Medium", true, ["DP", "Brute Force"], "brute force starting location, then do dp[first i positions][number of doors used][position of last door] -> minimum distance cows need to travel"),
new Problem("Gold", "Taming the Herd", "815", "Medium", false, ["DP"], "dp[consider first i entries only][last breakout in first i occurs at j][k breakouts among first i entries] -> # changes"),
new Problem("Gold", "Mortal Cowmbat", "815", "Medium", true, ["DP", "Prefix Sums", "All Pairs Shortest Path"], "dp[first i letters form valid combo][last letter] -> time, Floyd Warshall on alphabet, then use prefix sums to speed up transitions."),
new Problem("Gold", "Stamp Painting", "Hard", false, ["DP"], "must be K consectutive of same color, complimetary counting for dp[up to position i][number of consecutive] -> number of ways, find closed form to reduce runtime"),
usacoPast: [
new Problem("Gold", "Hoof Paper Scissors", "694", "Easy", false, ["DP"], "dp[first i games][# changes][last gesture] -> max games won"),
new Problem("Gold", "Time is Mooney", "993", "Easy", true, ["DP", "Graphs"], "dp[time][city] -> money"),
new Problem("Gold", "Teamwork", "863", "Easy", false, ["DP"], "let dp[i] -> max sum of skill levels for the first i cows, then precompute subarray maximums"),
new Problem("Gold", "Snakes", "945", "Easy", false, ["DP"], "dp[i][j] -> minimum sum of net sizes needed to catch m snakes with k changes, precompute maximums"),
new Problem("Gold", "Circular Barn Revisited", "622", "Normal", true, ["DP", "Brute Force"], "brute force starting location, then do dp[first i positions][number of doors used][position of last door] -> minimum distance cows need to travel"),
new Problem("Gold", "Taming the Herd", "815", "Normal", false, ["DP"], "dp[consider first i entries only][last breakout in first i occurs at j][k breakouts among first i entries] -> # changes"),
new Problem("Gold", "Mortal Cowmbat", "815", "Normal", true, ["DP", "Prefix Sums", "All Pairs Shortest Path"], "dp[first i letters form valid combo][last letter] -> time, Floyd Warshall on alphabet, then use prefix sums to speed up transitions."),
new Problem("Gold", "Stamp Painting", "791", "Hard", false, ["DP"], "must be K consectutive of same color, complimetary counting for dp[up to position i][number of consecutive] -> number of ways, find closed form to reduce runtime"),
knapsack: [
new Problem("CSES", "Unordered Coin Change", "1635", "Intro", true, ["DP", "Knapsack"], "dp[first i coins][sum] = number of ways, order of loops is capacity then coins, remember to take MOD after every computation"),
new Problem("CSES", "Ordered Coin Change", "1636", "Intro", true, ["DP", "Knapsack"], "dp[first i coins][sum] = number of ways, order of loops is coins then capacity, remember to take MOD after every computation"),
new Problem("CSES", "Minimum Coins", "1634", "Intro", true, ["DP", "Knapsack"], "dp[first i coins][sum] = minimum number of coins needed"),
new Problem("Atcoder", "Knapsack 2", "", true, "Easy", ["DP", "Knapsack"], "maximum capacity is large, and sum of values is small, so switch the states. dp[first i items][sum of values] = minimum capacity needed to achieve this sum"),
new Problem("Gold", "Fruit Feast", "574", "Easy", false, ["DP, "Knapsack"], "dp[fullness] = whether you can achieve this fullness"),
new Problem("Gold", "Talent Show", "839", "Hard", false, ["DP, Knapsack, Binary Search, Math"], "binary search on optimal ratio, then do knapsack on weight"),
new Problem("CF", "Round Subset", "", "Medium", ["DP", "Knapsack"], "dp[i][j][l] -> maximum amount of twos we can collect by checking first i numbers, taking j of them with total power of five equal to l"),
new Problem("CSES", "Unordered Coin Change", "1635", "Intro", true, ["DP", "Knapsack"], "dp[first i coins][sum] = number of ways, order of loops is capacity then coins, remember to take MOD after every computation"),
new Problem("CSES", "Ordered Coin Change", "1636", "Intro", true, ["DP", "Knapsack"], "dp[first i coins][sum] = number of ways, order of loops is coins then capacity, remember to take MOD after every computation"),
new Problem("CSES", "Minimum Coins", "1634", "Intro", true, ["DP", "Knapsack"], "dp[first i coins][sum] = minimum number of coins needed"),
new Problem("Atcoder", "Knapsack 2", "", true, "Easy", ["DP", "Knapsack"], "maximum capacity is large, and sum of values is small, so switch the states. dp[first i items][sum of values] = minimum capacity needed to achieve this sum"),
new Problem("Gold", "Fruit Feast", "574", "Easy", false, ["DP", "Knapsack"], "dp[fullness] = whether you can achieve this fullness"),
new Problem("Gold", "Talent Show", "839", "Hard", false, ["DP", "Knapsack", "Binary Search", "Math"], "binary search on optimal ratio, then do knapsack on weight"),
new Problem("CF", "Round Subset", "", "Normal", ["DP", "Knapsack"], "dp[i][j][l] -> maximum amount of twos we can collect by checking first i numbers, taking j of them with total power of five equal to l"),
paths-grid: [
new Problem("LC", "Longest Common Subsequence", "", "Intro", true, ["DP"], "dp[first i characters in first string][first j characters in second string] -> longest common subsequence, transition if s[i] = t[j] for strings s and t"),
new Problem("HackerRank", "Edit Distance", "", "Intro", true, ["DP"], "dp[first i characters in first string][first j characters in second string] -> edit distance"),
new Problem("Atcoder", "Count Paths", "", "Intro", true, ["DP"], "dp[x][y] = number of paths up to the point (x,y) in grid"),
new Problem("Gold", "Cow Checklist", "670", "Easy", false, ["DP"], "dp[visited i Hs][visited j Gs][last cow visited on left/right] -> min energy"),
new Problem("Gold", "Radio Contact", "598", "Easy", false, ["DP"], "dp[up to ith step of Farmer John][up to jth step of bessie] = minimum distance"),
new Problem("Gold", "Why Did The Cow Cross the Road II", "598", "Medium", false, ["DP"], "dp[up to ith field on left side][up to jth field on right side] = maximum number of disjoint crosswalks"),
new Problem("Old Gold", "Palindromic Paths", "553", "Hard", false, ["DP"], "start from the middle, dp[row i][row j][length] = number of strings of length 2 * length + 1 with ends at row i and j"),
pathsGrid: [
new Problem("LC", "Longest Common Subsequence", "", "Intro", true, ["DP"], "dp[first i characters in first string][first j characters in second string] -> longest common subsequence, transition if s[i] = t[j] for strings s and t"),
new Problem("HackerRank", "Edit Distance", "", "Intro", true, ["DP"], "dp[first i characters in first string][first j characters in second string] -> edit distance"),
new Problem("Atcoder", "Count Paths", "", "Intro", true, ["DP"], "dp[x][y] = number of paths up to the point (x,y) in grid"),
new Problem("Gold", "Cow Checklist", "670", "Easy", false, ["DP"], "dp[visited i Hs][visited j Gs][last cow visited on left/right] -> min energy"),
new Problem("Gold", "Radio Contact", "598", "Easy", false, ["DP"], "dp[up to ith step of Farmer John][up to jth step of bessie] = minimum distance"),
new Problem("Gold", "Why Did The Cow Cross the Road II", "598", "Normal", false, ["DP"], "dp[up to ith field on left side][up to jth field on right side] = maximum number of disjoint crosswalks"),
new Problem("Old Gold", "Palindromic Paths", "553", "Hard", false, ["DP"], "start from the middle, dp[row i][row j][length] = number of strings of length 2 * length + 1 with ends at row i and j"),
lis: [
new Problem("LC", "Longest Increasing Subsequence, "", "Intro", true, ["DP"], "dp[i] = LIS up to i, use binary search to decrease runtime from quadratic"),
new Problem("Old USACO Gold", "Cowjog", "496", "Easy", false, ["DP"], "direct applicationf of longest increasing subsequence"),
new Problem("Plat", "Sort It Out", "865", "Hard", false, ["DP"], "component of kth largest LIS, read editorial for more details"),
new Problem("LC", "Longest Increasing Subsequence", "", "Intro", true, ["DP"], "dp[i] = LIS up to i, use binary search to decrease runtime from quadratic"),
new Problem("Old Gold", "Cowjog", "496", "Easy", false, ["DP"], "direct applicationf of longest increasing subsequence"),
new Problem("Plat", "Sort It Out", "865", "Hard", false, ["DP"], "component of kth largest LIS, read editorial for more details"),
@ -88,12 +88,12 @@ Sometimes it's a good idea to write a slower polynomial-time solution and then o
## Knapsack
<problems-list problems={metadata.problems.knapsack} />
## Paths in a Grid (and related)
<problems-list problems={metadata.problems.paths-grid} />
<problems-list problems={metadata.problems.pathsGrid} />
## Longest Increasing Subsequence
@ -101,4 +101,4 @@ Sometimes it's a good idea to write a slower polynomial-time solution and then o
## Other USACO Problems
<problems-list problems={metadata.problems.usaco-past} />
<problems-list problems={metadata.problems.usacoPast} />

View file

@ -101,7 +101,10 @@ export function ProblemComponent(props: ProblemComponentProps) {
Show Tags
{showTags && problem.tags.join(', ')}
{showTags &&
(problem.tags && problem.tags.length
? problem.tags.join(', ')
: 'None')}
<td className="px-6 py-4 whitespace-no-wrap text-right text-sm leading-5 font-medium">