make modules compile

This commit is contained in:
Benjamin Qi 2020-07-16 12:37:52 -04:00
parent 076f938606
commit e870c69be9
2 changed files with 29 additions and 60 deletions

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@ -58,11 +58,6 @@ For all subsequent modules, `#include <bits/stdc++.h>` will be used in place of

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@ -50,7 +50,7 @@ Difficulty ranges from "Very Easy" to "Insane." Difficulty is **not** comparable
- "**Intro**" refers to a problem that just asks you to implement a standard algorithm or data structure.
- "**Easy**" refers to a problem that can be solved relatively quickly be someone who is familiar with the module, while also approachable by someone who has just finished reading the starred resources.
- "**Medium**" refers to a problem which requires a bit more thinking, but can also be solved by people who have done sufficent practice of easy problems.
- "**Normal**" refers to a problem which requires a bit more thinking, but can also be solved by people who have done sufficent practice of easy problems.
- "**Hard**" refers to a problem which may take a lot of time to approach. However, if someone has done a large number of "Medium" problems and has a strong understanding of a topic, could theoretically be solved during a USACO contest.
- "**Very Hard**" refers to a problem that will challenge even very strong contestants and often requires multiple levels of observations and more knowledge than provided by the module.
- "**Insane**" refers to problems that are misplaced in their division. These problems are often a bad representation of the difficulty of problems in a USACO division. However, this does not mean that these problems cannot be interesting. If you want a challenge, try them out.
@ -64,69 +64,43 @@ Some modules may also have additional content at the end that isn't needed for U
The code we provide will generally follow the conventions below. Please note that you do _not_ have to copy our conventions; there is no "right" convention for coding!
### C++
<resource source = "CF" title = "Competitive C++ Manifesto"> cpp conventions influenced by this blog post</resource>
<resource source = "CF" title = "Competitive C++ Manifesto" url="blog/entry/64218"> some material directly from this blog post</resource>
Avoid the use of Macros. If you end up using a macro, include the `#define` statement. </li>
Indent using 4 spaces. <!-- Avoid using tabs? Does this cause any problems on usaco-guide? --></li>
Braces that open on one line should close on another. Always include braces, even if the code inside them is only one line.
Braces open on the same line like `if(a == b) {` and have a space directly to the left of the brace. Statements before the brace should be spaced as well, such as `for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) {`.
Semicolons and commas should only be spaced from the right side.
Separate multiple operations on the same line with a comma like `a = b, c = d;` or split them into different lines and use semicolons.
Use `++x` to increment a variable (ie. in a `for` loop).
Start your `else` statment on <!-- different / same? --> the (same?) line of your `if` statement, like so:
<!-- Avoid using tabs? Does this cause any problems on usaco-guide? -->
<!-- Any preferences? Also, this doesn't apply to the custom sorting module, make sure to include all 3! :) -->
- Use `using namespace std` rather than `std::`.
- Indent using tabs.
- Avoid the use of macros. If you end up using a macro, include the `#define` statement.
- Braces that open on one line should close on another. Always include braces, even if the code inside them is only one line.
- Braces open on the same line like `if (a == b) {` and have a space directly to the left of the brace. Statements before the brace should be spaced as well, such as `for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) {`
- Separate multiple operations on the same line with a comma like `a = b, c = d;` or split them into different lines and use semicolons.
- Use `++x` rather than `x++` to increment a variable (ie. in a `for` loop).
- Start your `else` statement on the same line as the closing brace of your `if` statement, like so:
if(a == b){
if (a == b) {
} else{
Binary operators should be spaced on both sides. For example, `a+b` should be written as `a + b` and `x=a+b` should be written as `x = a + b`.
Unary operators can be not spaced or spaced on the left side, such as `x--` and `x = -y`.
<li> Use make_pair rather than {} to store a pair. </li>
<li> Use `using namespace std` rather than `std::`. </li>
<li> Use `struct` instead of `class`. </li>
<li> Use `auto` when dealing with structs or iterators. </li>
<li> Use `true / false` for boolean values, not `1 / 0`. </li>
<li> Even if you are copy pasting a `struct`, space it out rather than squeezing it into one line. </li>
Write custom comparators using a comparison function.
<!-- Any preferences? Also, this doesn't apply to the custom sorting module, make sure to include all 3! :) -->
Explain the use of any not well known standard library functions with comments that haven't been introduced before like `__builtin_ffs()` or `tie(a, b, c)`.
There should not be any extra spaces at the end of each line.
Capitalize **Types with UpperCamelCase** (`SegTree, Point`), **functions with lowerCamelCase or lowercase** (`solve(), binarySearch()`) and **constants fully capitalized** (`INF, MOD, SOME_CONST`).
Use `const` for variables that don't change through the code.
- Binary operators should be spaced on both sides. For example, `a+b` should be written as `a + b` and `x=a+b` should be written as `x = a + b`.
- Unary operators should only be spaced on the left side, ex. `x = -y`.
- Use `make_pair` rather than `{}` to store a pair.
- Use `auto` when dealing with iterators.
- Use `true / false` for boolean values, not `1 / 0`.
- Use `struct` instead of `class`.
- Even if you are copy pasting a `struct`, space it out rather than squeezing it into one line.
- Explain the use of any not well known standard library functions with comments that haven't been introduced before like `__builtin_ffs()` or `tie(a, b, c)`.
- There should not be any extra spaces at the end of each line.
- Use `const` for variables that don't change through the code.
- Capitalize **Types with UpperCamelCase** (`SegTree, Point`), **functions with lowerCamelCase or lowercase** (`solve(), binarySearch()`) and **constants fully capitalized** (`INF, MOD, SOME_CONST`).
### Java