--- id: SRQ title: "Static Range Queries" author: Benjamin Qi description: "Range queries for any associative operation over a static array." frequency: 1 --- import { Problem } from "../models"; export const metadata = { problems: { rmqSample: [ new Problem("YS", "Static RMQ", "staticrmq", "Easy", false, [], "equivalent to [CSES Range Minimum Queries I](https://cses.fi/problemset/task/1647)"), ], diviSample: [ new Problem("ojuz", "JOI Secret", "JOI14_secret", "Easy", false, [], ""), ], general: [ new Problem("CC", "Product on Segment", "SEGPROD", "Normal", false, [], ""), new Problem("DMOJ", "Continued Fractions", "dmopc19c7p4", "Hard", false, [], ""), new Problem("Plat", "Non-Decreasing Subsequences", "997", "Very Hard", false, [], ""), ], } }; Given a static array $A[1],A[2],\ldots,A[N]$, you want to answer queries in the form $A[l]\ominus A[l+1]\ominus \cdots \ominus A[r]$ where $\ominus$ denotes any associative operation. With $O(N\log N)$ time preprocessing, we can get $O(1)$ queries. ## [Range Minimum Query](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Range_minimum_query) First we'll consider the special case when $\ominus$ denotes `min`. ### Resources diagrams code [CF: $O(1)$ Query RMQ with $O(N)$ build](https://codeforces.com/blog/entry/78931) ### Implementation ## Divide & Conquer **Divide & conquer** can refer to many different techniques. In this case, we use it to answer $Q$ queries offline in $O((N+Q)\log N)$ time. Suppose that all queries satisfiy $L\le l\le r\le R$ (initially, $L=1$ and $R=N$). Letting $M=\left\lfloor \frac{L+R}{2}\right\rfloor$, we can compute $$ lef[l]=A[l]\ominus A[l+1]\ominus \cdots \ominus A[M] $$ for all $L\le l\le M$ and $$ rig[r]=A[M+1]\ominus A[M+2] \ominus \cdots\ominus A[r] $$ for each $M< r\le R$. Then the answer for all queries satisfying $l\le M< r$ is simply $lef[l]\ominus rig[r]$ due to the associativity condition. After that, we recurse on all query intervals completely contained within $[L,M]$ and $[M+1,R]$ independently. Actually, this can be adjusted to answer queries online in $O(1)$ time each. See my implementation [here](https://github.com/bqi343/USACO/blob/master/Implementations/content/data-structures/Static%20Range%20Queries%20(9.1)/RangeQuery.h). A data structure known as **sqrt-tree** can speed up preprocessing time to $O(N\log \log N)$. - [CF Blog Pt 1](http://codeforces.com/blog/entry/57046) - [CF Blog Pt 2](http://codeforces.com/blog/entry/59092) ### Implementation ## Problems