id: binary-search-sorted
title: "Binary Search on a Sorted Array"
author: Siyong Huang, Michael Cao, Nathan Chen
description: Introduces sorting and binary searching on a sorted array.
- Bronze - Introduction to Data Structures
frequency: 4
import { Problem } from "../models";
export const metadata = {
problems: {
bubble: [
new Problem("HR", "Bubble Sort", "https://www.hackerrank.com/challenges/ctci-bubble-sort/problem", "Easy", false, [], "O(N^2)"),
new Problem("Silver", "Out of Sorts", "834", "Very Hard", false, []),
count: [
new Problem("Silver", "Counting Haybales", "666", "Normal", false, []),
cses: [
new Problem("CSES", "Stick Lengths", "1074", "Normal", false, [], "Spoiler: Optimal length is median"),
Suppose that we want to find an element in a sorted array of size $N$ in $O(\log N)$ time. We can do this with [**binary search**](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Binary_search_algorithm); each iteration of the binary search cuts the search space in half, so the algorithm tests $O(\log N)$ values. This is efficient and much better than testing every element in an array.
## Library Functions
### C++
- [lower_bound](http://www.cplusplus.com/reference/algorithm/lower_bound/)
- [upper_bound](http://www.cplusplus.com/reference/algorithm/upper_bound/)
### Java
- [Arrays.binarySearch](https://docs.oracle.com/javase/7/docs/api/java/util/Arrays.html)
- [Collections.binarySearch](https://docs.oracle.com/javase/7/docs/api/java/util/Collections.html)
## Coordinate Compression
A related topic is **coordinate compression**, which takes some points and reassigns them to remove wasted space.
> Farmer John has just arranged his $N$ haybales $(1\le N \le 100,000)$ at various points along the one-dimensional road running across his farm. To make sure they are spaced out appropriately, please help him answer $Q$ queries ($1 \le Q \le 100,000$), each asking for the number of haybales within a specific interval along the road.
However, each of the points are in the range $0 \ldots 1,000,000,000$, meaning you can't store locations of haybales in, for instance, a boolean array.
### Solution
Let's place all of the locations of the haybales into a list and sort it.
(fix part below so transform to range $1\ldots N$)
Now, we can map distinct points to smaller integers without gaps. For example, if the haybales existed at positions $[1, 4, 5, 9]$ and queries were $(1, 2)$ and $(4, 6)$, we can place the integers together and map them from $[1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 9] \rightarrow [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]$. This effectively transforms the haybale positions into $[1, 3, 4, 6]$ and the queries into $1, 2$ and $3, 5$.
By compressing queries and haybale positions, we've transformed the range of points to $0 \ldots N + 2Q$, allowing us to store prefix sums to effectively query for the number of haybales in a range.
## Problems