id: mst
title: "Minimum Spanning Trees"
author: Benjamin Qi
- Gold - Shortest Paths with Non-Negative Edge Weights
- Gold - Disjoint Set Union
description: A subset of the edges of a connected, undirected, edge-weighted graph that connects all the vertices to each other of minimum total weight, where no cycles are allowed.
frequency: 2
import { Problem } from "../models";
export const metadata = {
problems: {
standard: [
new Problem("Kattis", "MST", "minspantree", "Easy", false, ["MST"], ""),
new Problem("CSES", "Road Reparation", "1675", "Easy", false, ["MST"], ""),
general: [
new Problem("Old Silver", "SuperBull", "531", "Easy", false, ["MST"], ""),
new Problem("Gold", "Fencedin", "623", "Easy", false, ["MST"], ""),
new Problem("Gold", "Walk", "946", "Normal", false, ["Math", "Prim"], ""),
new Problem("HR", "Spanning Tree Fraction", "https://www.hackerrank.com/contests/w31/challenges/spanning-tree-fraction/problem", "Normal", false, ["MST", "Binary Search"], ""),
new Problem("Plat", "Fencedin", "625", "Hard", false, ["Kruskal"], ""),
## Sample
## Resources
Kruskal's & Prim's
## USACO Problems