--- id: oly title: "Olympiads" author: Benjamin Qi description: Once you've reached Platinum, it may be helpful to practice with problems from other (inter)national olympiads. --- > Hello, Which online judge should I practice more to do well in **IOI** ? > the closest OJ for IOI style? ## [USACO](http://www.usaco.org/) * Older Problems * [TJ website](http://tjsct.wikidot.com/usaco/) * [Korean website to submit ...](https://www.acmicpc.net/category/106) * [USACO Training](http://train.usaco.org/usacogate) * not particularly beginner-friendly but still helpful * somewhat outdated in the sense that it lacks topics which are now quite common (ex. segment tree) * if you're unsure about whether it will be useful, you might as well try it and see where you get stuck :P * personally, I did the first five chapters in one summer (though I had to look up some hints ...) * [article :o](https://www.usenix.org/legacy/bodinfo/bod/bodmarch10/future.pdf) ## [oj.uz](https://oj.uz/) The [OI Checklist](https://oichecklist.pythonanywhere.com/) is a great way to track your progress. :) not full feedback ... ## [IOI](https://ioinformatics.org/) Can submit on more recent problems on oj.uz. Also see the following: - [Yandex](https://contest.yandex.com/ioi/) - [WCIPEG](https://wcipeg.com/problems/cat%3Dioi%2Cshow%3D50) - [DMOJ](https://dmoj.ca/problems/?category=5) Misc: - [IOI Syllabus](https://people.ksp.sk/~misof/ioi-syllabus/) - [kostka - List of 2019 IOI Participants](http://weaselcrow.com/pro/cf/ioi/19/) ## [CSES](https://cses.fi/) 2017 website ## Other See the [IOI members page](https://ioinformatics.org/page/members/7) for additional links. * [Poland](https://szkopul.edu.pl/portal/) * [Solutions (in Polish)](https://www.oi.edu.pl/l/40/) * [Canada](https://cemc.math.uwaterloo.ca/contests/computing.html) * [WCIPEG](https://wcipeg.com/problems/cat%3Dccc%2Cshow%3D50) * [DMOJ](https://dmoj.ca/problems/?category=24) * [Philippines](https://noi.ph/past-problems/) * [Indonesia](https://competition.ia-toki.org/contests) * [Australia](https://orac.amt.edu.au/) * [Italy](https://training.olinfo.it/#/overview) * [International Informatics Olympiad in Teams](http://ioit.altervista.org/2018-teams-and-contests-.html) (IOIT) * [Balkan Olympiad in Informatics](https://boi2019.epy.gr/) (2019 website)