# Front End Documentation If you are familiar with Gatsby development, just run `yarn` and `yarn develop` to get started. ## Quickstart The following is written for individuals without front-end development experience. 1. Set up your development environment. - Install [node.js](https://nodejs.org/en/) - Gatsby docs: https://www.gatsbyjs.org/tutorial/part-zero/#install-nodejs-for-your-appropriate-operating-system - Install [yarn](https://classic.yarnpkg.com/en/) - `npm install -g yarn`? might work 2. Clone repo - `git clone https://github.com/thecodingwizard/usaco-guide.git` 3. Install Dependencies - `yarn` 4. Run development server - `yarn develop` ## Credits - Confetti taken from Josh Comeau: https://github.com/joshwcomeau/react-europe-talk-2018 - Lots of inspiration from Josh Comeau's blog and Gatsbyjs documentation site