--- id: dp-bitmasks title: "Dynamic Programming on Bitmasks" author: Michael Cao prerequisites: - Bit Operations - Gold - Introduction to Dynamic Programming description: DP problems that require iterating over subsets. frequency: 2 --- import { Problem } from "../models"; export const metadata = { problems: { general: [ new Problem("AC", "Matching", "https://atcoder.jp/contests/dp/tasks/dp_o?lang=en", "Intro", false, ["Bitmasks"], ""), new Problem("CSES", "Hamiltonian Flights", "1690", "Intro", false, ["Bitmasks"], ""), new Problem("CF", "Square Subsets", "contest/895/problem/C", "Easy", false, [], ""), new Problem("Old Gold", "Guard Mark", "494", "Easy", false, ["Bitmasks"], ""), new Problem("Kattis", "Cat & Mice", "catandmice", "Normal", false, ["Bitmasks", "Geometry"], ""), new Problem("Old Gold", "Moovie Mooving", "515", "Normal", false,[ "Bitmasks"], ""), new Problem("CSES", "Elevator Rides", "1653", "Normal", false, ["Bitmasks"], ""), new Problem("ojuz", "IZhO Bank", "IZhO14_bank", "Normal", false, ["Bitmasks"], ""), new Problem("YS", "Max Indep Set", "maximum_independent_set", "Normal", false, ["Bitmasks", "Meet in Middle"], ""), ], broken: [ new Problem("CF", "Guards in the Storehouse", "problemset/problem/845/F", "Normal", false, [], ""), new Problem("Plat", "Compound Escape", "949", "Very Hard", false, [], ""), ], } }; You can often use this to solve subtasks. ## Tutorial ## Problems ## DP on Broken Profile (fill in? more probs?)