# USACO Guide [![Netlify Status](https://api.netlify.com/api/v1/badges/55c39a3b-64ec-40e3-9085-3cf1aa89c36f/deploy-status)](https://app.netlify.com/sites/usaco-guide/deploys) A free collection of curated, high-quality resources to take you from Bronze to Platinum and beyond. All markdown files belong in `content/`. Other files are for the front-end website interface. As much as possible, please try to keep the markdown files independent of the front-end implementation. ## Documentation Refer to "Content Documentation.md" for more info. ## Tech Stack Our front-end is built with: - React - Gatsby - Typescript - Tailwind CSS & Tailwind UI - Netlify Content is written in Markdown ([MDX](https://mdxjs.com/)), with limited Latex support from [Katex](https://katex.org/) and some custom components. ## Contact Info If you have any questions, please reach out to Nathan Wang at nathan.r.wang@gmail.com, or through social media (some variant of @thecodingwizard)