--- id: resources title: Additional Resources author: Benjamin Qi description: A bunch of helpful links. --- ## Lists - [Awesome List (Inishan)](http://codeforces.com/blog/entry/23054) - [USACO Resources Page](http://www.usaco.org/index.php?page=resources) - some links (ex. in "Other Contests") are outdated ## Books - [Competitive Programmer's Handbook](https://cses.fi/book/book.pdf) (CPH) - Antti Laaksonen - The [CSES problemset](https://cses.fi/problemset/) (now at 200 problems) is quite good! - *Will be mentioned extensively in later modules.* - [Guide to Competitive Programming](https://www.amazon.com/Guide-Competitive-Programming-Algorithms-Undergraduate/dp/3319725467) is a paid book based off CPH - Can currently download PDF for [free](https://link.springer.com/book/10.1007/978-3-319-72547-5)! - Intro to USACO - Darren Yao - Bronze, Silver - [Java](http://darrenyao.com/usacobook/java.pdf) - [C++](http://darrenyao.com/usacobook/cpp.pdf) - *Some modules are from this book.* - Competitive Programming Book - Steven Halim, Felix Halim - [Competitive Programming Book 1](http://www.comp.nus.edu.sg/~stevenha/myteaching/competitive_programming/cp1.pdf) is freely available but old - [Competitive Programming 4](https://cpbook.net/) is the latest edition of the book (with significant additions) but costs money. - Release date is July 19th, 2020. - [CS Guide](https://github.com/alwayswimmin/cs_guide) - Samuel Hsiang, Alexander Wei, Yang Liu - Also see the following from TJHSST: - [TJ Senior Computer Team](https://activities.tjhsst.edu/sct/) - [TJIOI](https://github.com/tjsct/tjioi-study-guide) - some basics - [Principles of Algorithmic Problem Solving](http://www.csc.kth.se/~jsannemo/slask/main.pdf) - Johan Sannemo - practice problems from Kattis - [Cracking the Coding Interview](http://www.crackingthecodinginterview.com/) - good book specifically for programming interviews ## Courses - [Competitive Programming Course](https://github.com/SuprDewd/T-414-AFLV) - Bjarki Ágúst Guðmundsson - practice problems from Kattis - [Carnegie-Mellon ICPC Course](https://contest.cs.cmu.edu/295/f17/) - Danny Sleator - topic-specific contests in CF group - [VPlanet](https://www.vplanetcoding.com/courses) - Riya Arora - courses for various levels - [Cousera Algorithms Pt 1 (and Pt 2)](https://www.coursera.org/learn/algorithms-part1) - Kevin Wayne, Robert Sedgewick - Java ## Tutorials - [cp-algorithms](https://cp-algorithms.com/) (E-Maxx Eng) - many - [Topcoder Data Science Tutorials](http://www.topcoder.com/community/data-science/data-science-tutorials/) - many, format is not always great - [CSAcademy](https://csacademy.com/lessons/) - few (but nice) lessons - [List of CF Tutorials](http://codeforces.com/blog/entry/57282) - many ## Implementations - [KTH ICPC Team Reference (KACTL)](https://github.com/kth-competitive-programming/kactl) - ICPC book - [USACO Github](https://github.com/bqi343/USACO) - Benjamin Qi - ICPC book - past USACO solutions - [ekzlib](http://ekzlib.herokuapp.com) - Eric Zhang - (advanced) implementations