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Benjamin Qi cfe38d9312 bronze
2020-06-29 17:03:24 -04:00

137 lines
6.1 KiB

id: intro-sorting
title: "Introduction to Sorting"
author: Siyong Huang, Michael Cao, Nathan Chen
description: Introduces sorting and binary searching on a sorted array.
frequency: 0
import { Problem } from "../models";
export const metadata = {
problems: {
bubble: [
new Problem("HR", "Bubble Sort", "", "Easy", false, [], "O(N^2)"),
new Problem("Silver", "Out of Sorts", "834", "Very Hard", false, []),
count: [
new Problem("Silver", "Counting Haybales", "666", "Normal", false, []),
cses: [
new Problem("CSES", "Apartments", "1084", "Normal", false, [], "Sort applicants and apartments, then greedily assign applicants"),
new Problem("CSES", "Ferris Wheel", "1090", "Normal", false, [], "Sort children, keep a left pointer and a right pointer. Each gondola either is one child from the right pointer or two children, one left and one right."),
new Problem("CSES", "Restaurant Customers", "1619", "Normal", false, [], ""),
new Problem("CSES", "Stick Lengths", "1074", "Normal", false, [], "Spoiler: Optimal length is median"),
**Sorting** is exactly what it sounds like: arranging items in some particular order.
<info-block title="Pro Tip">
No bronze problem should require sorting, but it can be an alternate solution that is sometimes much easier to implement.
## Additional Resources
<resource source="CPH" title="3 - Sorting" starred>types of sorting, binary search, C++ code</resource>
## Sorting Algorithms
(why are these important?)
There are many sorting algorithms, here are some sources to learn about the popular ones:
### Tutorial
<problems-list problems={metadata.problems.bubble} />
- [HackerEarth Quicksort](
- expected $O(N\log N)$
- [HackerEarth Mergesort](
- $O(N\log N)$
## Library Functions - Sorting
- C++
- [std::sort](
- [std::stable\_sort](
- [Golovanov399 - C++ Tricks](
- first two related to sorting
- Java
- [Arrays.sort]([]))
- [Collections.sort](
- Python
- [Sorting Basics](
<info-block title="For Users of Java">
The `Arrays.sort()` function uses quicksort on primitive data types such as `long`s. This is fine for USACO, but in other contests such as CodeForces, it may time out on test cases specifically engineered to trigger worst-case $O(N^2)$ behavior in quicksort. See [here]( for an example of a solution that was hacked on CF.
Two ways to avoid this:
- Declare the underlying array as an array of objects, for example `Long` instead of `long`. This forces the `Arrays.sort()` function to use mergesort, which is always $O(N \log N)$.
- [Shuffle]( the array beforehand.
## Binary Search
[Binary search]( can be used on monotonic (what's that?) functions for a logarithmic runtime.
Here is a very basic form of binary search:
> Find an element in a sorted array of size $N$ in $O(\log N)$ time.
Other variations are similar, such as the following:
> Given $K$, find the largest element less than $K$ in a sorted array.
### Tutorial
<resource source="KA" title="Binary Search" url="" starred>animations!</resource>
<resource source="CSA" title="Binary Search" url="binary_search" starred>animation!</resource>
<resource source="CPH" title="3.3 - Binary Search" starred></resource>
<resource source="TC" title="Binary Search" url="binary-search"></resource>
<resource source="GFG" title="Binary Search" url="binary-search"></resource>
### Library Functions - Binary Search
#### C++
- [lower_bound](
- [upper_bound](
#### Java
- [Arrays.binarySearch](
- [Collections.binarySearch](
## Coordinate Compression
Another useful application of sorting is **coordinate compression**, which takes some points and reassigns them to remove wasted space.
<problems-list problems={metadata.problems.count} />
> Farmer John has just arranged his $N$ haybales $(1\le N \le 100,000)$ at various points along the one-dimensional road running across his farm. To make sure they are spaced out appropriately, please help him answer $Q$ queries ($1 \le Q \le 100,000$), each asking for the number of haybales within a specific interval along the road.
However, each of the points are in the range $0 \ldots 1,000,000,000$, meaning you can't store locations of haybales in, for instance, a boolean array.
### Solution
Let's place all of the locations of the haybales into a list and sort it.
(fix part below so transform to range $1\ldots N$)
Now, we can map distinct points to smaller integers without gaps. For example, if the haybales existed at positions $[1, 4, 5, 9]$ and queries were $(1, 2)$ and $(4, 6)$, we can place the integers together and map them from $[1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 9] \rightarrow [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]$. This effectively transforms the haybale positions into $[1, 3, 4, 6]$ and the queries into $1, 2$ and $3, 5$.
By compressing queries and haybale positions, we've transformed the range of points to $0 \ldots N + 2Q$, allowing us to store prefix sums to effectively query for the number of haybales in a range.
## Problems
<problems-list problems={metadata.problems.cses} />