--- title: "About" type: page --- a sentient dodecahedron. learning. sleeping with 1/3 probability. [coding](/projects). (idk what to put here). enjoying my life in St. Louis, Misery (er... Missouri). crafting [dodecahedra](/projects/dodecahedra). [wasting time](games) the most efficient way possible. trying to master [algorithmic wizardry](/projects/competitive-programming). building a [community](https://exozy.me). violating the [Discord](/posts/dont-use-discord/) TOS daily. pretending like I know [$SOME_RANDOM_PROGRAMMING_LANGUAGE](languages). trying to find time to actually read real [books](books). making code forges [talk to each other](https://nlnet.nl/project/Gitea/). creating a compilation of hilariously useless (and fun!) [quotes](quotes). trapped inside [vim](https://www.reddit.com/r/archlinux/comments/hssui9/comment/fych9dq/). spending hours [copying posts from my five previous blogs](https://git.exozy.me/a/website/issues/1) to this website and too tired to convert the crappy BBCode posts to Markdown. permanently incapable of drawing just about anything whatsoever. faithfully cataloguing my [horde](hardware). training neural networks to [vomit garbage](https://social.exozy.me/@ebooks/). looking up images online of chevrotains, jerboas, Tibetan foxes, Pallas's cats, potoos, and alpacas, which you should too, because it will instantly make your day better. [breaking Arch Linux machines](/posts/installing-every-arch-package/). making Python segfault. fork bombing myself. running [docker inside docker inside docker inside docker](https://git.exozy.me/a/Arch-All-the-Way-Down). doing math unironically. destroying GitHub. getting roasted for my terrible [software stack](software). seeding this website with tons of [secret easter eggs](puzzle). amazed that special patterns in my biological neural networks transcribed into UTF-8 encoded strings in Markdown documents converted into HTML by [Hugo](https://gohugo.io) with the [Gokarna theme](https://github.com/526avijitgupta/gokarna) deployed to [exozyme](https://exozy.me) using [Woodpecker CI](https://woodpecker-ci.org) transmitted over HTTP and displayed on your screen have now created special patterns in your biological neural networks. still alive. (this line is reserved for future bug fixes). paralyzed by the [infinite possibilities for each day](https://xkcd.com/137/). atrocious at writing poetry. [pi](https://tauday.com).