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Anthony Wang 2022-01-12 17:27:26 -06:00
parent fb0f46e72a
commit a119211843
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29 changed files with 29 additions and 29 deletions

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@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ tags: ["Linux", "Rant"]
*Originally posted on my [old blog](*
*Originally posted on my [old blog](*
[KDE bloat](/posts/myth-bloat), [WMs rule](/posts/why-wms-suck). Therefore, we must use get rid of the DE in KDE and we are left with... everyone's favorite WM, [KWin](!

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@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ tags: ["Linux"]
*Originally posted on my [old blog](*
*Originally posted on my [old blog](*

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@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ tags: ["Linux", "KDE"]
*Originally posted on my [old blog](*
*Originally posted on my [old blog](*
It's the day! Plasma 5.21 is out!

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@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ tags: ["Linux", "Society"]
*Originally posted on my [old blog](*
*Originally posted on my [old blog](*
Linux enthusiasts have some kind of weird obsession with Linux market share. Compound this with the fact that it's almost impossible to determine accurately, with estimates ranging from lows of 0.5% to sky-high predictions like 5%. That's a whole order of magnitude of estimates! Each end of the spectrum posits a completely different future of Linux, so let's get started digging into this!

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@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ tags: ["Linux"]
*Originally posted on my [old blog](*
*Originally posted on my [old blog](*
Cloud gaming sucks. Here's [Wikipedia's summary]( of its many flaws:

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@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ tags: ["Linux", "Windows"]
*Originally posted on my [old blog](*
*Originally posted on my [old blog](*
Well, obviously yes.

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@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ tags: ["Linux", "KDE"]
*Originally posted on my [old blog](*
*Originally posted on my [old blog](*
A few days ago, I wanted to record my screen, and in process, I discovered [this bug]( It doesn't seem like a very complicated bug, right? Just look through the code, find out what's wrong, and send in a pull request! Or is it that easy?

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@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ tags: ["Linux"]
*Originally posted on my [old blog](*
*Originally posted on my [old blog](*
Ubuntu (you thought this was going to be about Arch, didn't you?) is a great distro. Cue Reddit screaming. Look on any web forum and you'll find people patronizing Ubuntu. Why? For having a straightforward installer that I can use to get Ubuntu up and running in half an hour with my favorite apps? For being the most supported distro by third-party developers? (They always have a PPA) For dominating server OSes in terms of market share? Nope. *It's for n00bs and beginners.*

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@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ tags: ["Machine learning", "Linux", "Windows"]
*Originally posted on my [old blog](*
*Originally posted on my [old blog](*
[The hype is real!](

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@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ tags: ["iOS", "Hacking", "Windows", "Linux", "Programming"]
*Originally posted on my [old blog](*
*Originally posted on my [old blog](*
Let's do this "episode" style:

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@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ tags: ["Linux", "Windows"]
*Originally posted on my [old blog](*
*Originally posted on my [old blog](*
![LibreOffice hate](/images/libreoffice-hate.png)

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@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ tags: ["Linux"]
*Originally posted on my [old blog](*
*Originally posted on my [old blog](*
Matrix is great. It's secure. it's decentralized. The perfect free and open source replacement for Discord, right?

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@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ tags: ["Linux", "Rant"]
*Originally posted on my [old blog](*
*Originally posted on my [old blog](*
If there's one thing that hardcore Linux users are ridiculously obsessed about, it's the vague and scary concept of *bloat*. You gotta keep package counts low, use [WMs](/posts/why-wms-suck), and compile [ stuff]( Visit any Arch or Gentoo forum or chat, and this philosophy seems to be epidemical. But... there's a gaping problem: package count is totally irrelevant, WMs are painful to configure, and software really sucks. Yes, it's all a load of nonsense.

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@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ tags: ["Linux", "KDE", "Rant"]
*Originally posted on my [old blog](*
*Originally posted on my [old blog](*
The KDE Plasma update train has cycled back again to another major update, so I snatched Plasma 5.22 from the very scary [testing repository](, took it for a spin, and it's... disappointing.

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@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ tags: ["Linux", "Art"]
*Originally posted on my [old blog](*
*Originally posted on my [old blog](*
I've had a Wacom tablet for a long time now, but there's just never been a legitimate use for it, really. Everything that I could do with the tablet, I could also do with my laptop's touchscreen and stylus, so it always seemed like a bit of a waste. Sure, the drawing experience is a little bit better, the screen is a bit larger, but why use a Wacom tablet when the touchscreen and stylus work just fine?

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@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ tags: ["Linux"]
*Originally posted on my [old blog](*
*Originally posted on my [old blog](*
There are two S words that will plunge any Linux forum into endless debate: systemd and standardization. Just look at what happened on [](! a lengthly flamewar perpetrated by systemd haters which took through debates about standardization, market share, and gun culture (Yes, this did happen), leading to several bans of longtime regulars. So what makes these two words so divisive and controversial?

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@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ tags: ["Linux"]
*Originally posted on my [old blog](*
*Originally posted on my [old blog](*
It's been over a week since I've completed my build and switched over many things to self-hosting. Here's how it went:

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@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ tags: ["Linux", "Society"]
*Originally posted on my [old blog](*
*Originally posted on my [old blog](*
So you hate tech giants. You hate Google for removing "don't be evil" from their code of conduct. You hate Microsoft for making Office and not providing a Linux port, or even worse, creating the dreaded Microsoft Losedows. You hate Crapple's walled garden. You hate Amazon. You hate Facebook and Twitter and all the other closed social media sites. But...

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@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ tags: ["Linux", "Rant"]
*Originally posted on my [old blog](*
*Originally posted on my [old blog](*
After one month of self-hosting, if there's one thing I've learned, it's that self-hosting sucks. As I've said in a [previous post](/posts/self-hosting-is-not-the-solution), self-hosting is not the solution to our privacy woes. So why exactly does it suck so much? Here's a short timeline of the past month:

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@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ tags: ["Web", "Rant"]
*Originally posted on my [old blog](*
*Originally posted on my [old blog](*
[]( really hates [the web]( I'll quote them directly:

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@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ tags: ["Linux", "Rant"]
*Originally posted on my [old blog](*
*Originally posted on my [old blog](*
WM fans, don't kill me for saying this, but window managers suck. To see why, let's examine the process of installing and configuring a WM.

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@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ tags: ["Windows", "WSL"]
*Originally posted on my [old blog](*
*Originally posted on my [old blog](*
If I had to name the single thing that I most hate about Windows, it would probably be Windows update. I have a long and complicated history with Windows update. Throw in [Windows Insider](, and you have the perfect recipe for disaster!

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@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ tags: ["Hardware"]
*Originally posted on my [old blog](*
*Originally posted on my [old blog](*
What a perfect time to build a PC: massive supply chain disruptions, cryptocurrencies driving up GPU prices through the roof, (scalper) bot wars, and a pesky little thing called the coronavirus murdering 2.5 million people (that last one probably sounds completely alien to anyone before 2019). Just perfect!

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@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ tags: ["Hardware"]
*Originally posted on my [old blog](*
*Originally posted on my [old blog](*
Last Wednesday, March 10th, was going to be *the day*. The day I finally could complete a functioning (but incomplete) build. My slightly overpriced RAM sticks (RAM prices were creeping upward sinisterly so I decided I probably shouldn't wait longer. Probably a bad move, too, but whatever.) were arriving, and it was going to be momentous. I was going to boot up an Arch USB drive, SSH in, and get the party going.

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@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ tags: ["Hardware"]
*Originally posted on my [old blog](*
*Originally posted on my [old blog](*
The [Great GPU Shortage]( continues to [smash]( [records]( We live in ludicrous times indeed, where it's considered lucky to win [a lottery to buy a $330 GPU... at a $200 markup](! The barometer of Bitcoin and Ethereum prices continues to skyrocket, and my chances of finally getting a GPU and finishing my build were dimming every day with no end in sight.

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@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ tags: ["Hardware"]
*Originally posted on my [old blog](*
*Originally posted on my [old blog](*
It's time to go full circle! I first started planning my build using [Logical Increments]( and [PCPartPicker]( and I can't appreciate how much they've helped me the confusing world of PC building. Now that my build is "finished", or more accurately, functional, it's time to [publish it on PCPartPicker](!

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@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ tags: ["Hardware", "Linux"]
*Originally posted on my [old blog](*
*Originally posted on my [old blog](*
Over the past week, I've been getting my new build set up. It's been quite satisfying: I'll run into more than my fair share of issues, but problem solving for the win!

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@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ tags: ["Hardware"]
*Originally posted on my [old blog](*
*Originally posted on my [old blog](*
My laptop's starting to get old. I mean, it works perfectly fine for the most part, but open up a few Google Docs at the same time and watch it struggle to load them: its age is starting to show. Or try to run Zoom (sandboxed in a browser, of course) and anything else at the simultaneously, and you'll get an ugly surprise when your Zoom audio starts crackling up really bad *and* the other app lags like crazy. Fun.

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@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ tags: ["Linux"]
*Originally posted on my [old blog](*
*Originally posted on my [old blog](*
True story: a few weeks ago, I wanted to test out SuperTuxKart but I didn't want to install it on my computer. I had a few options: use a virtual machine and suffer terrible graphics performance, use Docker and suffer the pain of trying to set up graphical acceleration; or use LXC/LXD and suffer the (massive) pain of trying to set up basically anything. I ended up just installing SuperTuxKart to get out of the triple-sided dilemma.