--- title: "About" type: page --- Hi! I'm Anthony Wang, some random math and CS enthusiast from St. Louis, Misery (er, I meant Missouri). Here are some useless facts about me that you definitely didn't know before reading this: - I've had five blogs and six email addresses over the past few years. - I have a book autographed by the infamous Richard Stallman himself. - I love [breaking Arch Linux machines](/posts/installing-every-arch-package/) and hate running my [Arch Linux server](https://exozy.me). - I enjoy violating the [Discord](/posts/dont-use-discord/) TOS every day. - Some people abhor my writing style. - I'm developing ActivityPub federation for [Gitea](https://gitea.com/Ta180m/gitea). - I'm sleeping right now with 1/3 probability. - I wasted an hour messing with the MIT Kerberos registration website to get around the frontend's limitation of 3 character usernames, and registered the aesthetically perfect username of `xy`. If you'd like to waste your time too, here are some more black holes to get sucked into. - [Books I like](books) - [Games I like](games) - [Hardware I've owned](hardware) - [Languages I know](languages) - [Software I use](software) - [Quotes I like](quotes) And if you reading this, that means that special patterns in my biological neural networks transcribed into UTF-8 encoded strings contained within Markdown documents converted into HTML and CSS by [Hugo](https://gohugo.io) with the [Gokarna theme](https://github.com/526avijitgupta/gokarna) deployed to [exozyme](https://exozy.me) using [Woodpecker CI](https://woodpecker-ci.org) transmitted to your machine over HTTP and rendered and displayed on your screen have now created special patterns in your biological neural networks. Awesome, telepathy!