--- title: "Worst First Build - How to Get a Free GPU During the World's Worst GPU Shortage Ever" date: 2021-03-25 type: "post" tags: ["Hardware"] --- *Originally posted on my [old blog](https://git.exozy.me/Ta180m/blog/src/branch/main/_posts/2021-03-25-worst-first-build-part-4.md)* The [Great GPU Shortage](https://www.digitaltrends.com/computing/gpu-shortage-q3-2020-double-triple-price/) continues to [smash](https://www.theverge.com/2021/3/23/22345891/nvidia-amd-rtx-gpus-price-scalpers-ebay-graphics-cards) [records](https://www.extremetech.com/gaming/321129-ps5-availability-is-improving-but-gpus-prices-are-the-worst-weve-ever-tracked). We live in ludicrous times indeed, where it's considered lucky to win [a lottery to buy a $330 GPU... at a $200 markup](https://www.reddit.com/r/buildapcsales/comments/mca471/meta_newegg_souffle_3060_3090_51999/)! The barometer of Bitcoin and Ethereum prices continues to skyrocket, and my chances of finally getting a GPU and finishing my build were dimming every day with no end in sight. But finish my build I did, with a GPU that ended up costing a grand total of... **$0**. (OK, maybe a dollar for the gas I used, but it was basically free.) How'd I do it? It's actually surprising simple. ![Easy free GPU](/images/free-gpu.png) 1. Join a Discord with people in your area. (I normally don't recommend Discord since it's a privacy nightmare, but welp, [network effects!](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Network_effect)) 2. Socialize with the other people so no one thinks you're a bot. 3. Ask if anyone is getting rid of old graphics cards. 4. Follow up any offers with DMs. 5. Profit? Yep, do these five simple steps and you'll have *free* GPU in no time! There are a few gotchas though... you'll only get cards that "cost less than a pizza and a pizza runs faster graphics than this card". Also, the other person wasn't even sure if the card worked or not, but I lucked out and it worked perfectly.