--- title: "Fun Stuff From My Old Website" date: 2022-01-13T21:38:53-06:00 draft: true description: "Some fun stuff I discovered while digging around in my old website's source code" type: "post" tags: ["rant", "humor", "fun", "life"] --- I discovered this gem in my [old website's source code](https://git.exozy.me/Ta180m/website/src/commit/d509629df6ab9aea7eb50158dcb765d33291bcfe/fun/hate/index.html) and it's awesome. I'm not sure why it never got published, since it obviously deserves it! ## A semi-serious humorous list of things I hate - Bananas (foods containing bananas are fine though) - CRLF - UTF-16 - The name of the letter W - Loading screens - US customary units - The metric system (not as much as customary units) - Non-absolute temperature scales (Kelvins are the real deal) - Time zones - AM and PM - systemd haters - systemd - Burritos - DOCX - Zoom's Linux client (worst Linux app ever) - The Electron framework - The fact that the [USACO website](http://www.usaco.org/) doesn't use HTTPS - [OpenLDAP](https://exozy.me/blog/ldap-hell/) - Manjaro haters - Manjaro - [iOS jailbreaking](/posts/ios-jailbreaking/) - [People with lists of things they hate](/posts/fun-stuff-from-my-old-website) - Nvidia drivers - Blender propoganda on exotube - Western Sahara messing up world maps - All the people with exozyme accounts but haven't ever logged in - Drawing blood - Weebs - Being accused of being a weeb - Cryptocurrencies - [The Discord TOS](https://exozy.me/blog/dont-use-discord/) - Phones with more than two cameras - [X11](https://xkcd.com/963/) - Ubuntu haters - Ubuntu - People with lists of things they hate with both a certain thing and haters of that thing on the same list - [Standalone window managers](/posts/anti-window-manager/) - [The length of copyright in the US](https://xkcd.com/14/) - The MIT License - The GitHub Desktop app - GitHub - Swimming