+++ template = "blog.html" title = "Demo Page" [extra] archive = "This page is, in fact, not archived, meaning it will receive content updates." trigger = "This page contains blackjack and hookers, and bad jokes such as this one." disclaimer = """ - All tricks in this page are performed by the lab boys, don't try this at home. - Don't expose yourself to 4000° kelvin. - Don't take party escort submission position. - Don't interact with asbestos and moon rocks. """ +++ Text can be **bold**, _italic_, or ~~strikethrough~~. [Link to another page](@/demo/page.md). There should be whitespace between paragraphs. There should be whitespace between paragraphs. We recommend including a README, or a file with information about your project. # Header 1 This is a normal paragraph following a header. Codeberg is a code hosting platform for version control and collaboration. It lets you and others work together on projects from anywhere. ## Header 2 > This is a blockquote following a header. > > When something is important enough, you do it even if the odds are not in your favor. ### Header 3 ```js // Javascript code with syntax highlighting. var fun = function lang(l) { dateformat.i18n = require("./lang/" + l); return true; }; ``` ```ruby # Ruby code with syntax highlighting GitHubPages::Dependencies.gems.each do |gem, version| s.add_dependency(gem, "= #{version}") end ``` #### Header 4 - This is an unordered list following a header. - This is an unordered list following a header. - This is an unordered list following a header. ##### Header 5 1. This is an ordered list following a header. 2. This is an ordered list following a header. 3. This is an ordered list following a header. ###### Header 6 | head1 | head two | three | | :----------- | :---------------- | :---- | | ok | good swedish fish | nice | | out of stock | good and plenty | nice | | ok | good `oreos` | hmm | | ok | good `zoute` drop | yumm | ### There's a horizontal rule below this. --- ### Here is an unordered list: - Item foo - Item bar - Item baz - Item zip ### And an ordered list: 1. Item one 1. Item two 1. Item three 1. Item four ### And a nested list: - level 1 item - level 2 item - level 2 item - level 3 item - level 3 item - level 1 item - level 2 item - level 2 item - level 2 item - level 1 item - level 2 item - level 2 item - level 1 item ### Here is a checkboxes: - [ ] Milk - [x] Eggs - [x] Flour - [ ] Coffee ### Small image {{ image(url="https://codeberg.org/Codeberg/Design/raw/branch/main/logo/icon/png/codeberg-logo_icon_blue-64x64.png", alt="Codeberg icon", transparent=true, no_hover=true) }} ### Large image {{ image(url="https://codeberg.org/Codeberg/Design/raw/branch/main/logo/horizontal/png/codeberg-logo_horizontal_blue-850x250.png", alt="Codeberg horizontal", transparent=true, no_hover=true) }} ### Definition lists can be used with HTML syntax.
``` Long, single-line code blocks should not wrap. They should horizontally scroll if they are too long. This line should be long enough to demonstrate this. ``` ``` The final element. ``` ### Extra Alright now that the generic (slightly extended) ~~Jekyll~~ Zola demo page have ended, we can get to the custom stuff, which believe me, are neat. #### Shortcodes Duckquill provides a few useful [shortcodes](https://www.getzola.org/documentation/content/shortcodes/) that simplify some tasks. ##### Image By default images come with styling, such as round corners and shadow. To fine-tune these, you can use shortcodes with different variable combinations. Available variables are: - `url`: URL to an image. - `url_min`: URL to compressed version of an image, original can be opened by clicking on the image. - `alt`: Alt text, same as if the text were inside square brackets in Markdown. - `full`: Forces image/video to be full-width. - `pixels`: Uses nearest neighbor algorithm for scaling, useful for keeping pixel-art sharp. - `transparent`: Removes rounded corners and shadow, useful for transparent images. - `no_hover`: Removes zoom on hover. Variables should be comma-separated and be inside the brackets. ``` {{/* image(url="image.png", alt="This is an image" no_hover=true) */}} ``` {{ image(url="https://i.imgur.com/Fr1ImW9.png", alt="Portal Gun blueprint", no_hover=true) }} ##### Video Same as images, but with a few differences: `no_hover` and `url_min` are not available. ``` {{/* video(url="video.webm", alt="This is a video") */}} ``` {{ video(url="https://interactive-examples.mdn.mozilla.net/media/cc0-videos/flower.webm", alt="Red flower wakes up") }} ##### CRT Alright, this one doesn't simplify anything, it just adds a CRT-like effect around Markdown code blocks. ``` {%/* crt() */%} -> Markdown code block <- {%/* end */%} ``` {% crt() %} ``` _____________________________________________ |.'', Public_Library_Halls ,''.| |.'.'', ,''.'.| |.'.'.'', ,''.'.'.| |.'.'.'.'', ,''.'.'.'.| |.'.'.'.'.| |.'.'.'.'.| |.'.'.'.'.|===; ;===|.'.'.'.'.| |.'.'.'.'.|:::|', ,'|:::|.'.'.'.'.| |.'.'.'.'.|---|'.|, _______ ,|.'|---|.'.'.'.'.| |.'.'.'.'.|:::|'.|'|???????|'|.'|:::|.'.'.'.'.| |,',',',',|---|',|'|???????|'|,'|---|,',',',',| |.'.'.'.'.|:::|'.|'|???????|'|.'|:::|.'.'.'.'.| |.'.'.'.'.|---|',' /%%%\ ','|---|.'.'.'.'.| |.'.'.'.'.|===:' /%%%%%\ ':===|.'.'.'.'.| |.'.'.'.'.|%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%|.'.'.'.'.| |.'.'.'.',' /%%%%%%%%%\ ','.'.'.'.| |.'.'.',' /%%%%%%%%%%%\ ','.'.'.| |.'.',' /%%%%%%%%%%%%%\ ','.'.| |.',' /%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%\ ','.| |;____________/%%%%%Spicer%%%%%%\____________;| ``` {% end %} ### Captions Media can have additional text description using the `
` HTML tag. ``` ![Image](image.pmg)
The image caption
``` ![The Office](https://i.imgur.com/ImMAXM3.png)
The Office where Stanley works, it has yellow floor and beige walls
### Accordion
I can be a spoiler, I can be a long text, I could be anything. _Quack-quack!_ ![Cute duck](https://i.imgur.com/EEVSKgV.jpg)
### Small Small, cute text that doesn't catch attention. ### Abbreviation The ASCII art are awesome! ### Keyboard shortcut ``` ⌘ Super + Space ``` ⌘ Super + Space ### Highlighted You know what? I'm gonna say some very important stuff, so important that even **bold** is not enough. ### Link to page (rightwards arrow) ``` Link to page ``` Link to page ### Link to site (up-rightwards arrow) ``` Link to site ``` Link to site ### Buttons ```

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``` > Look at the end of this page xD