{% extends "base.html" %} {% block content %}

{{ page.title }}

{%- if page.date %} {%- if page.taxonomies %} {%- for name, taxon in page.taxonomies %} • {%- for item in taxon %} {{ item }}   {%- endfor %} {%- endfor %} {%- endif %} {%- endif %} {% if page.extra.archive %}

⚠ Archived

{{ page.extra.archive | markdown | safe }}
{% endif %} {% if page.extra.trigger %}

⚠ Trigger Warning

{{ page.extra.trigger | markdown | safe }}
{% endif %} {% if page.extra.disclaimer %}

⚠ Disclaimer(s)

{{ page.extra.disclaimer | markdown | safe }}
{% endif %} {% if page.extra.toc %}

Table of Contents

{% endif %} {{ page.content | safe }} {% if page.extra.comments.id %} {% include "includes/comments.html" %}
{% endif %} {% if page.lower or page.higher %} {% if page.lower %}

Read Next

{{ page.lower.title }} {% endif %} {% if page.higher %}

Read Previous

{{ page.higher.title }} {% endif %} {% endif %}

Go to top File an issue

{% endblock content %}