# Site settings title: Daudix's Blog baseurl: "/blog" # the subpath of your site, e.g. /blog/ # usually empty. necessary for building absolute URIs # for metadata header url: "https://daudix-ufo.codeberg.page" # the base hostname & protocol for your site sourceurl: "https://codeberg.org/daudix-UFO/blog-source" # "edit this website" link in the footer hosting: "Codeberg" # the hosting of your site, e.g Codeberg description: "Daudix UFO's blog." issuesurl: "https://codeberg.org/daudix-UFO/blog-source/issues" # issue tracker for website permalink: /:title/ primary-color: "#c061cb" # used in iOS theme. further color customization in _sass/variables.scss # Mastodon-powered commenting. # See https://github.com/cassidyjames/cassidyjames.github.io/blob/main/_config.yaml#L31-L70 comments: host: mstdn.social username: Daudix token: jTNX9pAV8XEPBby0cPWF6CmGY60kkIy4vidggfxXmoQ # Build settings markdown: kramdown timezone: UTC exclude: [Gemfile, Gemfile.lock, Dockerfile, local.sh, rename.sh, README.md] compress_html: blanklines: true feed: tags: path: "feed/tags/" plugins: - jekyll-loading-lazy - jekyll-sitemap - jekyll-feed - jekyll-toc defaults: - scope: path: "_posts" type: "posts" values: layout: "default" author: "Daudix_UFO" destination: "posts"