2023-07-09 18:30:44 +03:00

52 lines
1.9 KiB

# Jekyll on Woodpecker to codeberg pages
# This file would typically be .woodpecker.yml in the root of your repository.
# Takes a repository with jekyll source, generates the static site and
# pushes the result to codeberg pages
# Needs a codeberg access token (cbtoken) as secret in woodpecker config
# Also uses another secret (cbmail) with email address for git config
# CBIN must be replaced with the source repo
# CBOUT must be replaced with the target codeberg pages repo
# CBUSER must be replaced with the user/org
# See the _config.yml file for the important keep_files: line to preserve
# git metadata during build
# We also assume a domains file in the source repo that gets copied to
# .domains in the target repo so codeberg pages works for custom domains
# Use the official jekyll build container
image: jekyll/jekyll
secrets: [ 840a05d1675dace540c256204513abbc43698e86, ]
# Avoid permission denied errors
- chmod -R a+w .
# Set up git in a working way
- git config --global --add /woodpecker/src/
- git config --global "$CBMAIL"
- git config --global "CI Builder"
- git config --global init.defaultBranch pages
# clone and move the target repo
- git clone -b pages
- mv blog _site
- chmod -R a+w _site
- cd _site
# Prepare for push
- git remote set-url origin https://$
- cd ..
# Run Jekyll build stage
- bundle install
- bundle exec jekyll build
# Only needed for custom domains
# - cp domains _site/.domains
# Push to target
- cd _site
- git add --all
- git commit -m "Woodpecker CI Jekyll Build at $( env TZ=Europe/Berlin date +"%Y-%m-%d %X %Z" )"
- git push