diff --git a/README.md b/README.md index ee910431..57a84ad3 100644 --- a/README.md +++ b/README.md @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -# [📈 Live Status](https://exozyme.github.io/exozyme.github.io): **🟥 Complete outage** +# [📈 Live Status](https://exozyme.github.io/exozyme.github.io): **🟩 All systems operational** This repository contains the open-source uptime monitor and status page for [exozyme](https://exozy.me), powered by [Upptime](https://github.com/upptime/upptime). @@ -16,18 +16,18 @@ With [Upptime](https://upptime.js.org), you can get your own unlimited and free | URL | Status | History | Response Time | Uptime | | --- | ------ | ------- | ------------- | ------ | -| [exozyme](https://exozy.me) | 🟥 Down | [exozyme.yml](https://github.com/exozyme/exozyme.github.io/commits/HEAD/history/exozyme.yml) |
Response time graph 270ms
Response time 274
24-hour response time 230
7-day response time 270
30-day response time 294
1-year response time 274
99.94%All-time uptime 87.55%
24-hour uptime 99.58%
7-day uptime 99.94%
30-day uptime 99.93%
1-year uptime 87.55%
-| [exodesk](https://desk.exozy.me) | 🟥 Down | [exodesk.yml](https://github.com/exozyme/exozyme.github.io/commits/HEAD/history/exodesk.yml) |
Response time graph 314ms
Response time 283
24-hour response time 531
7-day response time 314
30-day response time 340
1-year response time 283
99.94%All-time uptime 87.77%
24-hour uptime 99.61%
7-day uptime 99.94%
30-day uptime 99.93%
1-year uptime 87.77%
-| [exocloud](https://cloud.exozy.me) | 🟥 Down | [exocloud.yml](https://github.com/exozyme/exozyme.github.io/commits/HEAD/history/exocloud.yml) |
Response time graph 566ms
Response time 564
24-hour response time 416
7-day response time 566
30-day response time 525
1-year response time 564
99.95%All-time uptime 87.89%
24-hour uptime 99.65%
7-day uptime 99.95%
30-day uptime 99.88%
1-year uptime 87.89%
-| [exochat](https://chat.exozy.me) | 🟥 Down | [exochat.yml](https://github.com/exozyme/exozyme.github.io/commits/HEAD/history/exochat.yml) |
Response time graph 409ms
Response time 414
24-hour response time 524
7-day response time 409
30-day response time 505
1-year response time 414
99.95%All-time uptime 88.31%
24-hour uptime 99.68%
7-day uptime 99.95%
30-day uptime 99.99%
1-year uptime 88.31%
-| [exogit](https://git.exozy.me) | 🟥 Down | [exogit.yml](https://github.com/exozyme/exozyme.github.io/commits/HEAD/history/exogit.yml) |
Response time graph 437ms
Response time 298
24-hour response time 280
7-day response time 437
30-day response time 366
1-year response time 298
99.96%All-time uptime 87.59%
24-hour uptime 99.71%
7-day uptime 99.96%
30-day uptime 99.99%
1-year uptime 87.59%
-| [exomedia](https://media.exozy.me) | 🟥 Down | [exomedia.yml](https://github.com/exozyme/exozyme.github.io/commits/HEAD/history/exomedia.yml) |
Response time graph 326ms
Response time 342
24-hour response time 285
7-day response time 326
30-day response time 383
1-year response time 342
99.96%All-time uptime 88.12%
24-hour uptime 99.75%
7-day uptime 99.96%
30-day uptime 99.99%
1-year uptime 88.12%
-| [exocial](https://social.exozy.me) | 🟥 Down | [exocial.yml](https://github.com/exozyme/exozyme.github.io/commits/HEAD/history/exocial.yml) |
Response time graph 431ms
Response time 468
24-hour response time 433
7-day response time 431
30-day response time 594
1-year response time 468
99.97%All-time uptime 88.08%
24-hour uptime 99.78%
7-day uptime 99.97%
30-day uptime 99.71%
1-year uptime 88.08%
-| [exotube](https://tube.exozy.me) | 🟥 Down | [exotube.yml](https://github.com/exozyme/exozyme.github.io/commits/HEAD/history/exotube.yml) |
Response time graph 332ms
Response time 313
24-hour response time 289
7-day response time 332
30-day response time 498
1-year response time 313
99.97%All-time uptime 87.47%
24-hour uptime 99.81%
7-day uptime 99.97%
30-day uptime 99.99%
1-year uptime 87.47%
-| [exohub](https://hub.exozy.me) | 🟥 Down | [exohub.yml](https://github.com/exozyme/exozyme.github.io/commits/HEAD/history/exohub.yml) |
Response time graph 378ms
Response time 406
24-hour response time 258
7-day response time 378
30-day response time 568
1-year response time 406
99.98%All-time uptime 99.43%
24-hour uptime 99.84%
7-day uptime 99.98%
30-day uptime 99.99%
1-year uptime 99.43%
-| [exoportal](https://portal.exozy.me) | 🟥 Down | [exoportal.yml](https://github.com/exozyme/exozyme.github.io/commits/HEAD/history/exoportal.yml) |
Response time graph 336ms
Response time 380
24-hour response time 328
7-day response time 336
30-day response time 562
1-year response time 380
99.98%All-time uptime 96.11%
24-hour uptime 99.88%
7-day uptime 99.98%
30-day uptime 100.00%
1-year uptime 96.11%
-| [exoci](https://ci.exozy.me) | 🟥 Down | [exoci.yml](https://github.com/exozyme/exozyme.github.io/commits/HEAD/history/exoci.yml) |
Response time graph 253ms
Response time 299
24-hour response time 238
7-day response time 253
30-day response time 314
1-year response time 299
99.99%All-time uptime 96.12%
24-hour uptime 99.92%
7-day uptime 99.99%
30-day uptime 100.00%
1-year uptime 96.12%
-| [exoffice](https://office.exozy.me/browser/dist/welcome/welcome.html) | 🟥 Down | [exoffice.yml](https://github.com/exozyme/exozyme.github.io/commits/HEAD/history/exoffice.yml) |
Response time graph 264ms
Response time 267
24-hour response time 242
7-day response time 264
30-day response time 334
1-year response time 267
99.99%All-time uptime 87.00%
24-hour uptime 99.95%
7-day uptime 99.99%
30-day uptime 100.00%
1-year uptime 87.00%
+| [exozyme](https://exozy.me) | 🟩 Up | [exozyme.yml](https://github.com/exozyme/exozyme.github.io/commits/HEAD/history/exozyme.yml) |
Response time graph 272ms
Response time 274
24-hour response time 256
7-day response time 272
30-day response time 294
1-year response time 274
99.75%All-time uptime 87.54%
24-hour uptime 98.27%
7-day uptime 99.75%
30-day uptime 99.88%
1-year uptime 87.54%
+| [exodesk](https://desk.exozy.me) | 🟩 Up | [exodesk.yml](https://github.com/exozyme/exozyme.github.io/commits/HEAD/history/exodesk.yml) |
Response time graph 323ms
Response time 283
24-hour response time 464
7-day response time 323
30-day response time 342
1-year response time 283
99.76%All-time uptime 87.76%
24-hour uptime 98.30%
7-day uptime 99.76%
30-day uptime 99.89%
1-year uptime 87.76%
+| [exocloud](https://cloud.exozy.me) | 🟩 Up | [exocloud.yml](https://github.com/exozyme/exozyme.github.io/commits/HEAD/history/exocloud.yml) |
Response time graph 561ms
Response time 564
24-hour response time 469
7-day response time 561
30-day response time 525
1-year response time 564
99.76%All-time uptime 87.89%
24-hour uptime 98.34%
7-day uptime 99.76%
30-day uptime 99.83%
1-year uptime 87.89%
+| [exochat](https://chat.exozy.me) | 🟩 Up | [exochat.yml](https://github.com/exozyme/exozyme.github.io/commits/HEAD/history/exochat.yml) |
Response time graph 414ms
Response time 415
24-hour response time 490
7-day response time 414
30-day response time 504
1-year response time 415
99.77%All-time uptime 88.30%
24-hour uptime 98.37%
7-day uptime 99.77%
30-day uptime 99.95%
1-year uptime 88.30%
+| [exogit](https://git.exozy.me) | 🟩 Up | [exogit.yml](https://github.com/exozyme/exozyme.github.io/commits/HEAD/history/exogit.yml) |
Response time graph 426ms
Response time 298
24-hour response time 310
7-day response time 426
30-day response time 366
1-year response time 298
99.77%All-time uptime 87.59%
24-hour uptime 98.41%
7-day uptime 99.77%
30-day uptime 99.95%
1-year uptime 87.59%
+| [exomedia](https://media.exozy.me) | 🟩 Up | [exomedia.yml](https://github.com/exozyme/exozyme.github.io/commits/HEAD/history/exomedia.yml) |
Response time graph 329ms
Response time 342
24-hour response time 319
7-day response time 329
30-day response time 382
1-year response time 342
99.78%All-time uptime 88.11%
24-hour uptime 98.44%
7-day uptime 99.78%
30-day uptime 99.95%
1-year uptime 88.11%
+| [exocial](https://social.exozy.me) | 🟩 Up | [exocial.yml](https://github.com/exozyme/exozyme.github.io/commits/HEAD/history/exocial.yml) |
Response time graph 434ms
Response time 468
24-hour response time 449
7-day response time 434
30-day response time 591
1-year response time 468
99.78%All-time uptime 88.08%
24-hour uptime 98.48%
7-day uptime 99.78%
30-day uptime 99.67%
1-year uptime 88.08%
+| [exotube](https://tube.exozy.me) | 🟩 Up | [exotube.yml](https://github.com/exozyme/exozyme.github.io/commits/HEAD/history/exotube.yml) |
Response time graph 336ms
Response time 313
24-hour response time 327
7-day response time 336
30-day response time 494
1-year response time 313
99.79%All-time uptime 87.46%
24-hour uptime 98.51%
7-day uptime 99.79%
30-day uptime 99.95%
1-year uptime 87.46%
+| [exohub](https://hub.exozy.me) | 🟩 Up | [exohub.yml](https://github.com/exozyme/exozyme.github.io/commits/HEAD/history/exohub.yml) |
Response time graph 384ms
Response time 406
24-hour response time 343
7-day response time 384
30-day response time 564
1-year response time 406
99.79%All-time uptime 99.42%
24-hour uptime 98.55%
7-day uptime 99.79%
30-day uptime 99.95%
1-year uptime 99.42%
+| [exoportal](https://portal.exozy.me) | 🟩 Up | [exoportal.yml](https://github.com/exozyme/exozyme.github.io/commits/HEAD/history/exoportal.yml) |
Response time graph 340ms
Response time 380
24-hour response time 347
7-day response time 340
30-day response time 556
1-year response time 380
99.80%All-time uptime 96.10%
24-hour uptime 98.58%
7-day uptime 99.80%
30-day uptime 99.95%
1-year uptime 96.10%
+| [exoci](https://ci.exozy.me) | 🟩 Up | [exoci.yml](https://github.com/exozyme/exozyme.github.io/commits/HEAD/history/exoci.yml) |
Response time graph 257ms
Response time 298
24-hour response time 263
7-day response time 257
30-day response time 313
1-year response time 298
99.80%All-time uptime 96.12%
24-hour uptime 98.62%
7-day uptime 99.80%
30-day uptime 99.95%
1-year uptime 96.12%
+| [exoffice](https://office.exozy.me/browser/dist/welcome/welcome.html) | 🟩 Up | [exoffice.yml](https://github.com/exozyme/exozyme.github.io/commits/HEAD/history/exoffice.yml) |
Response time graph 266ms
Response time 267
24-hour response time 260
7-day response time 266
30-day response time 332
1-year response time 267
99.81%All-time uptime 86.99%
24-hour uptime 98.65%
7-day uptime 99.81%
30-day uptime 99.96%
1-year uptime 86.99%