diff --git a/README.md b/README.md index 12cbf127..697e1995 100644 --- a/README.md +++ b/README.md @@ -16,18 +16,18 @@ With [Upptime](https://upptime.js.org), you can get your own unlimited and free | URL | Status | History | Response Time | Uptime | | --- | ------ | ------- | ------------- | ------ | -| [exozyme](https://exozy.me) | 🟩 Up | [exozyme.yml](https://github.com/exozyme/exozyme.github.io/commits/HEAD/history/exozyme.yml) |
Response time graph 224ms
Response time 277
24-hour response time 171
7-day response time 224
30-day response time 210
1-year response time 277
99.41%All-time uptime 79.44%
24-hour uptime 100.00%
7-day uptime 99.41%
30-day uptime 99.52%
1-year uptime 79.44%
-| [exodesk](https://desk.exozy.me) | 🟩 Up | [exodesk.yml](https://github.com/exozyme/exozyme.github.io/commits/HEAD/history/exodesk.yml) |
Response time graph 217ms
Response time 282
24-hour response time 159
7-day response time 217
30-day response time 213
1-year response time 282
97.70%All-time uptime 79.58%
24-hour uptime 92.62%
7-day uptime 97.70%
30-day uptime 99.02%
1-year uptime 79.58%
-| [exocloud](https://cloud.exozy.me) | 🟩 Up | [exocloud.yml](https://github.com/exozyme/exozyme.github.io/commits/HEAD/history/exocloud.yml) |
Response time graph 430ms
Response time 594
24-hour response time 331
7-day response time 430
30-day response time 433
1-year response time 594
99.42%All-time uptime 79.58%
24-hour uptime 100.00%
7-day uptime 99.42%
30-day uptime 99.47%
1-year uptime 79.58%
-| [exochat](https://chat.exozy.me) | 🟩 Up | [exochat.yml](https://github.com/exozyme/exozyme.github.io/commits/HEAD/history/exochat.yml) |
Response time graph 386ms
Response time 413
24-hour response time 277
7-day response time 386
30-day response time 344
1-year response time 413
99.42%All-time uptime 79.46%
24-hour uptime 100.00%
7-day uptime 99.42%
30-day uptime 99.40%
1-year uptime 79.46%
-| [exogit](https://git.exozy.me) | 🟩 Up | [exogit.yml](https://github.com/exozyme/exozyme.github.io/commits/HEAD/history/exogit.yml) |
Response time graph 276ms
Response time 289
24-hour response time 204
7-day response time 276
30-day response time 257
1-year response time 289
99.42%All-time uptime 79.67%
24-hour uptime 100.00%
7-day uptime 99.42%
30-day uptime 99.47%
1-year uptime 79.67%
-| [exomedia](https://media.exozy.me) | 🟩 Up | [exomedia.yml](https://github.com/exozyme/exozyme.github.io/commits/HEAD/history/exomedia.yml) |
Response time graph 264ms
Response time 343
24-hour response time 233
7-day response time 264
30-day response time 261
1-year response time 343
98.94%All-time uptime 79.66%
24-hour uptime 100.00%
7-day uptime 98.94%
30-day uptime 99.36%
1-year uptime 79.66%
-| [exocial](https://social.exozy.me) | 🟩 Up | [exocial.yml](https://github.com/exozyme/exozyme.github.io/commits/HEAD/history/exocial.yml) |
Response time graph 371ms
Response time 466
24-hour response time 292
7-day response time 371
30-day response time 369
1-year response time 466
98.13%All-time uptime 79.63%
24-hour uptime 100.00%
7-day uptime 98.13%
30-day uptime 99.17%
1-year uptime 79.63%
-| [exotube](https://tube.exozy.me) | 🟩 Up | [exotube.yml](https://github.com/exozyme/exozyme.github.io/commits/HEAD/history/exotube.yml) |
Response time graph 266ms
Response time 293
24-hour response time 202
7-day response time 266
30-day response time 255
1-year response time 293
99.00%All-time uptime 79.46%
24-hour uptime 100.00%
7-day uptime 99.00%
30-day uptime 99.43%
1-year uptime 79.46%
-| [exohub](https://hub.exozy.me) | 🟩 Up | [exohub.yml](https://github.com/exozyme/exozyme.github.io/commits/HEAD/history/exohub.yml) |
Response time graph 351ms
Response time 352
24-hour response time 241
7-day response time 351
30-day response time 326
1-year response time 352
99.43%All-time uptime 99.58%
24-hour uptime 100.00%
7-day uptime 99.43%
30-day uptime 99.53%
1-year uptime 99.58%
-| [exoportal](https://portal.exozy.me) | 🟩 Up | [exoportal.yml](https://github.com/exozyme/exozyme.github.io/commits/HEAD/history/exoportal.yml) |
Response time graph 294ms
Response time 358
24-hour response time 198
7-day response time 294
30-day response time 298
1-year response time 358
99.43%All-time uptime 91.77%
24-hour uptime 100.00%
7-day uptime 99.43%
30-day uptime 99.53%
1-year uptime 91.77%
-| [exoci](https://ci.exozy.me) | 🟩 Up | [exoci.yml](https://github.com/exozyme/exozyme.github.io/commits/HEAD/history/exoci.yml) |
Response time graph 286ms
Response time 337
24-hour response time 205
7-day response time 286
30-day response time 355
1-year response time 337
99.43%All-time uptime 91.63%
24-hour uptime 100.00%
7-day uptime 99.43%
30-day uptime 99.53%
1-year uptime 91.63%
-| [exoffice](https://office.exozy.me/browser/dist/welcome/welcome.html) | 🟩 Up | [exoffice.yml](https://github.com/exozyme/exozyme.github.io/commits/HEAD/history/exoffice.yml) |
Response time graph 226ms
Response time 266
24-hour response time 161
7-day response time 226
30-day response time 236
1-year response time 266
99.43%All-time uptime 78.66%
24-hour uptime 100.00%
7-day uptime 99.43%
30-day uptime 98.06%
1-year uptime 78.66%
+| [exozyme](https://exozy.me) | 🟩 Up | [exozyme.yml](https://github.com/exozyme/exozyme.github.io/commits/HEAD/history/exozyme.yml) |
Response time graph 223ms
Response time 277
24-hour response time 241
7-day response time 223
30-day response time 210
1-year response time 277
99.41%All-time uptime 79.58%
24-hour uptime 100.00%
7-day uptime 99.41%
30-day uptime 99.52%
1-year uptime 79.58%
+| [exodesk](https://desk.exozy.me) | 🟩 Up | [exodesk.yml](https://github.com/exozyme/exozyme.github.io/commits/HEAD/history/exodesk.yml) |
Response time graph 217ms
Response time 282
24-hour response time 252
7-day response time 217
30-day response time 213
1-year response time 282
97.70%All-time uptime 79.73%
24-hour uptime 100.00%
7-day uptime 97.70%
30-day uptime 99.02%
1-year uptime 79.73%
+| [exocloud](https://cloud.exozy.me) | 🟩 Up | [exocloud.yml](https://github.com/exozyme/exozyme.github.io/commits/HEAD/history/exocloud.yml) |
Response time graph 426ms
Response time 593
24-hour response time 475
7-day response time 426
30-day response time 432
1-year response time 593
99.42%All-time uptime 79.72%
24-hour uptime 100.00%
7-day uptime 99.42%
30-day uptime 99.47%
1-year uptime 79.72%
+| [exochat](https://chat.exozy.me) | 🟩 Up | [exochat.yml](https://github.com/exozyme/exozyme.github.io/commits/HEAD/history/exochat.yml) |
Response time graph 375ms
Response time 413
24-hour response time 419
7-day response time 375
30-day response time 345
1-year response time 413
99.42%All-time uptime 79.60%
24-hour uptime 100.00%
7-day uptime 99.42%
30-day uptime 99.40%
1-year uptime 79.60%
+| [exogit](https://git.exozy.me) | 🟩 Up | [exogit.yml](https://github.com/exozyme/exozyme.github.io/commits/HEAD/history/exogit.yml) |
Response time graph 276ms
Response time 289
24-hour response time 302
7-day response time 276
30-day response time 257
1-year response time 289
99.42%All-time uptime 79.81%
24-hour uptime 100.00%
7-day uptime 99.42%
30-day uptime 99.47%
1-year uptime 79.81%
+| [exomedia](https://media.exozy.me) | 🟩 Up | [exomedia.yml](https://github.com/exozyme/exozyme.github.io/commits/HEAD/history/exomedia.yml) |
Response time graph 265ms
Response time 343
24-hour response time 330
7-day response time 265
30-day response time 261
1-year response time 343
98.94%All-time uptime 79.80%
24-hour uptime 100.00%
7-day uptime 98.94%
30-day uptime 99.36%
1-year uptime 79.80%
+| [exocial](https://social.exozy.me) | 🟩 Up | [exocial.yml](https://github.com/exozyme/exozyme.github.io/commits/HEAD/history/exocial.yml) |
Response time graph 369ms
Response time 466
24-hour response time 406
7-day response time 369
30-day response time 368
1-year response time 466
98.13%All-time uptime 79.77%
24-hour uptime 100.00%
7-day uptime 98.13%
30-day uptime 99.17%
1-year uptime 79.77%
+| [exotube](https://tube.exozy.me) | 🟩 Up | [exotube.yml](https://github.com/exozyme/exozyme.github.io/commits/HEAD/history/exotube.yml) |
Response time graph 264ms
Response time 293
24-hour response time 300
7-day response time 264
30-day response time 255
1-year response time 293
99.00%All-time uptime 79.60%
24-hour uptime 100.00%
7-day uptime 99.00%
30-day uptime 99.43%
1-year uptime 79.60%
+| [exohub](https://hub.exozy.me) | 🟩 Up | [exohub.yml](https://github.com/exozyme/exozyme.github.io/commits/HEAD/history/exohub.yml) |
Response time graph 358ms
Response time 354
24-hour response time 444
7-day response time 358
30-day response time 328
1-year response time 354
99.43%All-time uptime 99.59%
24-hour uptime 100.00%
7-day uptime 99.43%
30-day uptime 99.53%
1-year uptime 99.59%
+| [exoportal](https://portal.exozy.me) | 🟩 Up | [exoportal.yml](https://github.com/exozyme/exozyme.github.io/commits/HEAD/history/exoportal.yml) |
Response time graph 298ms
Response time 358
24-hour response time 364
7-day response time 298
30-day response time 299
1-year response time 358
99.43%All-time uptime 91.88%
24-hour uptime 100.00%
7-day uptime 99.43%
30-day uptime 99.53%
1-year uptime 91.88%
+| [exoci](https://ci.exozy.me) | 🟩 Up | [exoci.yml](https://github.com/exozyme/exozyme.github.io/commits/HEAD/history/exoci.yml) |
Response time graph 286ms
Response time 337
24-hour response time 325
7-day response time 286
30-day response time 355
1-year response time 337
99.43%All-time uptime 91.75%
24-hour uptime 100.00%
7-day uptime 99.43%
30-day uptime 99.53%
1-year uptime 91.75%
+| [exoffice](https://office.exozy.me/browser/dist/welcome/welcome.html) | 🟩 Up | [exoffice.yml](https://github.com/exozyme/exozyme.github.io/commits/HEAD/history/exoffice.yml) |
Response time graph 224ms
Response time 266
24-hour response time 244
7-day response time 224
30-day response time 237
1-year response time 266
99.43%All-time uptime 78.81%
24-hour uptime 100.00%
7-day uptime 99.43%
30-day uptime 99.37%
1-year uptime 78.81%